@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
<result property="CDC_JYM" column="CDC_JYM" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result property="YSBZK_RKSJ" column="YSBZK_RKSJ" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result property="YSBZK_GXSJ" column="YSBZK_GXSJ" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result property="STATUS" column="STATUS" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<select id="selectVSySydwByZJLID" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
@ -41,29 +42,31 @@
insert into v_sy_sydw
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test=" ZJLID != null and ZJLID != '' "> ZJLID ,</if>
<if test=" YSXTJRZJ != null and YSXTJRZJ != '' "> YSXTJRZJ ,</if>
<if test=" XXSC_PDBZ != null and XXSC_PDBZ != '' "> XXSC_PDBZ ,</if>
<if test=" ID != null and ID != '' "> ID ,</if>
<if test=" DWMC != null and DWMC != '' "> DWMC ,</if>
<if test=" DZ != null and DZ != '' "> DZ ,</if>
<if test=" LXDH != null and LXDH != '' "> LXDH ,</if>
<if test=" FJBM != null and FJBM != '' "> FJBM ,</if>
<if test=" FJMC != null and FJMC != '' "> FJMC ,</if>
<if test=" PCSBM != null and PCSBM != '' "> PCSBM ,</if>
<if test=" PCSMC != null and PCSMC != '' "> PCSMC ,</if>
<if test=" JWQBM != null and JWQBM != '' "> JWQBM ,</if>
<if test=" JWQMC != null and JWQMC != '' "> JWQMC ,</if>
<if test=" SZQY != null and SZQY != '' "> SZQY ,</if>
<if test=" DWZT != null and DWZT != '' "> DWZT ,</if>
<if test=" X != null and X != '' "> X ,</if>
<if test=" Y != null and Y != '' "> Y ,</if>
<if test=" DWLXMC != null and DWLXMC != '' "> DWLXMC ,</if>
<if test=" FRZJHM != null and FRZJHM != '' "> FRZJHM ,</if>
<if test=" FRXM != null and FRXM != '' "> FRXM ,</if>
<if test=" CDC_JYM != null and CDC_JYM != '' "> CDC_JYM ,</if>
<if test=" YSBZK_RKSJ != null and YSBZK_RKSJ != '' "> YSBZK_RKSJ,</if>
<if test=" YSBZK_GXSJ != null and YSBZK_GXSJ != '' "> YSBZK_GXSJ,</if>
<if test=" ZJLID != null and ZJLID != '' ">ZJLID ,</if>
<if test=" YSXTJRZJ != null and YSXTJRZJ != '' ">YSXTJRZJ ,</if>
<if test=" XXSC_PDBZ != null and XXSC_PDBZ != '' ">XXSC_PDBZ ,</if>
<if test=" ID != null and ID != '' ">ID ,</if>
<if test=" DWMC != null and DWMC != '' ">DWMC ,</if>
<if test=" DZ != null and DZ != '' ">DZ ,</if>
<if test=" LXDH != null and LXDH != '' ">LXDH ,</if>
<if test=" FJBM != null and FJBM != '' ">FJBM ,</if>
<if test=" FJMC != null and FJMC != '' ">FJMC ,</if>
<if test=" PCSBM != null and PCSBM != '' ">PCSBM ,</if>
<if test=" PCSMC != null and PCSMC != '' ">PCSMC ,</if>
<if test=" JWQBM != null and JWQBM != '' ">JWQBM ,</if>
<if test=" JWQMC != null and JWQMC != '' ">JWQMC ,</if>
<if test=" SZQY != null and SZQY != '' ">SZQY ,</if>
<if test=" DWZT != null and DWZT != '' ">DWZT ,</if>
<if test=" X != null and X != '' ">X ,</if>
<if test=" Y != null and Y != '' ">Y ,</if>
<if test=" DWLXMC != null and DWLXMC != '' ">DWLXMC ,</if>
<if test=" FRZJHM != null and FRZJHM != '' ">FRZJHM ,</if>
<if test=" FRXM != null and FRXM != '' ">FRXM ,</if>
<if test=" CDC_JYM != null and CDC_JYM != '' ">CDC_JYM ,</if>
<if test=" YSBZK_RKSJ != null and YSBZK_RKSJ != '' ">YSBZK_RKSJ,</if>
<if test=" YSBZK_GXSJ != null and YSBZK_GXSJ != '' ">YSBZK_GXSJ,</if>
<if test=" STATUS != null and STATUS != '' ">STATUS,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="ZJLID != null and ZJLID != '' ">#{ZJLID },</if>
@ -89,6 +92,7 @@
<if test="CDC_JYM != null and CDC_JYM != '' ">#{CDC_JYM },</if>
<if test="YSBZK_RKSJ != null and YSBZK_RKSJ != '' ">#{YSBZK_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="YSBZK_GXSJ != null and YSBZK_GXSJ != '' ">#{YSBZK_GXSJ},</if>
<if test="STATUS != null and STATUS != '' ">#{STATUS},</if>
@ -118,8 +122,13 @@
<if test="CDC_JYM != null and CDC_JYM != '' ">CDC_JYM = #{CDC_JYM },</if>
<if test="YSBZK_RKSJ != null and YSBZK_RKSJ != '' ">YSBZK_RKSJ = #{YSBZK_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="YSBZK_GXSJ != null and YSBZK_GXSJ != '' ">YSBZK_GXSJ = #{YSBZK_GXSJ},</if>
<if test="STATUS != null and STATUS != '' ">STATUS = #{STATUS},</if>
where ZJLID = #{ZJLID}
<select id="countSydw" resultType="int">
select count(*)
from v_sy_sydw limit 1