@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
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<select id="selectCjxxById" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from jcj_cjxx_view
where CJBH = #{CJBH} limit 1
<insert id="insertCjxx" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql" useGeneratedKeys="true"
insert into jcj_cjxx_view
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<if test="AJSLR != null and AJSLR != '' ">AJSLR,</if>
<if test="AJSLDW != null and AJSLDW != '' ">AJSLDW,</if>
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<if test="GLAJZT != null and GLAJZT != '' ">GLAJZT,</if>
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<if test="GIS_Y != null and GIS_Y != '' ">GIS_Y,</if>
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<if test="SPXGSJ != null and SPXGSJ != '' ">SPXGSJ,</if>
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<if test="XZB != null and XZB != '' ">XZB,</if>
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<if test="GXDW != null and GXDW != '' ">GXDW,</if>
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<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">CJXZQHMC,</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">CJJLXMC,</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">CJMPHZMC,</if>
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<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">FSYYMC,</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">TQQKMC,</if>
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<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">RYWKSJ,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
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<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">#{CJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">#{CJJLXMC},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">#{CJMPHZMC},</if>
<if test="SFCSMC != null and SFCSMC != '' ">#{SFCSMC},</if>
<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">#{FSYYMC},</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">#{TQQKMC},</if>
<if test="SFXQMC != null and SFXQMC != '' ">#{SFXQMC},</if>
<if test="CJJGMC != null and CJJGMC != '' ">#{CJJGMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLRMC != null and AJSLRMC != '' ">#{AJSLRMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLDWMC != null and AJSLDWMC != '' ">#{AJSLDWMC},</if>
<if test="GLAJZTMC != null and GLAJZTMC != '' ">#{GLAJZTMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">#{WS_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">#{WS_XGSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">#{WS_YXX},</if>
<if test="JQSXMC != null and JQSXMC != '' ">#{JQSXMC},</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">#{RYWKSJ},</if>
<update id="updateCjxxById" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql">
update jcj_cjxx_view
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="CJBH != null and CJBH != '' ">CJBH=#{CJBH},</if>
<if test="JJBH != null and JJBH != '' ">JJBH=#{JJBH},</if>
<if test="JJDBH != null and JJDBH != '' ">JJDBH=#{JJDBH},</if>
<if test="PJDBH != null and PJDBH != '' ">PJDBH=#{PJDBH},</if>
<if test="FKLYH != null and FKLYH != '' ">FKLYH=#{FKLYH},</if>
<if test="CJLB != null and CJLB != '' ">CJLB=#{CJLB},</if>
<if test="CJSJ != null and CJSJ != '' ">CJSJ=#{CJSJ},</if>
<if test="DDXCSJ != null and DDXCSJ != '' ">DDXCSJ=#{DDXCSJ},</if>
<if test="CJXZQH != null and CJXZQH != '' ">CJXZQH=#{CJXZQH},</if>
<if test="CJJLX != null and CJJLX != '' ">CJJLX=#{CJJLX},</if>
<if test="CJMLPH != null and CJMLPH != '' ">CJMLPH=#{CJMLPH},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZ != null and CJMPHZ != '' ">CJMPHZ=#{CJMPHZ},</if>
<if test="CJXZ != null and CJXZ != '' ">CJXZ=#{CJXZ},</if>
<if test="SFCS != null and SFCS != '' ">SFCS=#{SFCS},</if>
<if test="FSYY != null and FSYY != '' ">FSYY=#{FSYY},</if>
<if test="TQQK != null and TQQK != '' ">TQQK=#{TQQK},</if>
<if test="JQSX != null and JQSX != '' ">JQSX=#{JQSX},</if>
<if test="CJR != null and CJR != '' ">CJR=#{CJR},</if>
<if test="CJRHZXS != null and CJRHZXS != '' ">CJRHZXS=#{CJRHZXS},</if>
<if test="CJRLXFS != null and CJRLXFS != '' ">CJRLXFS=#{CJRLXFS},</if>
<if test="SFXQ != null and SFXQ != '' ">SFXQ=#{SFXQ},</if>
<if test="SFSJSX != null and SFSJSX != '' ">SFSJSX=#{SFSJSX},</if>
<if test="SFSJXX != null and SFSJXX != '' ">SFSJXX=#{SFSJXX},</if>
<if test="CLJGNR != null and CLJGNR != '' ">CLJGNR=#{CLJGNR},</if>
<if test="BCCLJG != null and BCCLJG != '' ">BCCLJG=#{BCCLJG},</if>
<if test="SSXXQK != null and SSXXQK != '' ">SSXXQK=#{SSXXQK},</if>
<if test="CJFKSJ != null and CJFKSJ != '' ">CJFKSJ=#{CJFKSJ},</if>
<if test="SPSJ != null and SPSJ != '' ">SPSJ=#{SPSJ},</if>
<if test="ZBLD != null and ZBLD != '' ">ZBLD=#{ZBLD},</if>
<if test="ZBLDXM != null and ZBLDXM != '' ">ZBLDXM=#{ZBLDXM},</if>
<if test="LDCLSJ != null and LDCLSJ != '' ">LDCLSJ=#{LDCLSJ},</if>
<if test="CJJG != null and CJJG != '' ">CJJG=#{CJJG},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSDW != null and CJYSJSDW != '' ">CJYSJSDW=#{CJYSJSDW},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSR != null and CJYSJSR != '' ">CJYSJSR=#{CJYSJSR},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSSJ != null and CJYSJSSJ != '' ">CJYSJSSJ=#{CJYSJSSJ},</if>
<if test="CDJL != null and CDJL != '' ">CDJL=#{CDJL},</if>
<if test="CDJDC != null and CDJDC != '' ">CDJDC=#{CDJDC},</if>
<if test="CDCZ != null and CDCZ != '' ">CDCZ=#{CDCZ},</if>
<if test="JJFNS != null and JJFNS != '' ">JJFNS=#{JJFNS},</if>
<if test="JJETS != null and JJETS != '' ">JJETS=#{JJETS},</if>
<if test="JJRZS != null and JJRZS != '' ">JJRZS=#{JJRZS},</if>
<if test="JZQZ != null and JZQZ != '' ">JZQZ=#{JZQZ},</if>
<if test="JZSY != null and JZSY != '' ">JZSY=#{JZSY},</if>
<if test="RYSSS != null and RYSSS != '' ">RYSSS=#{RYSSS},</if>
<if test="RYSWS != null and RYSWS != '' ">RYSWS=#{RYSWS},</if>
<if test="LZSCRS != null and LZSCRS != '' ">LZSCRS=#{LZSCRS},</if>
<if test="PHXXAJ != null and PHXXAJ != '' ">PHXXAJ=#{PHXXAJ},</if>
<if test="PHXSAJ != null and PHXSAJ != '' ">PHXSAJ=#{PHXSAJ},</if>
<if test="PHZAAJ != null and PHZAAJ != '' ">PHZAAJ=#{PHZAAJ},</if>
<if test="TPRF != null and TPRF != '' ">TPRF=#{TPRF},</if>
<if test="ZHZACY != null and ZHZACY != '' ">ZHZACY=#{ZHZACY},</if>
<if test="ZJJJSS != null and ZJJJSS != '' ">ZJJJSS=#{ZJJJSS},</if>
<if test="WHSS != null and WHSS != '' ">WHSS=#{WHSS},</if>
<if test="AJSLR != null and AJSLR != '' ">AJSLR=#{AJSLR},</if>
<if test="AJSLDW != null and AJSLDW != '' ">AJSLDW=#{AJSLDW},</if>
<if test="GLAJBH != null and GLAJBH != '' ">GLAJBH=#{GLAJBH},</if>
<if test="GLAJZT != null and GLAJZT != '' ">GLAJZT=#{GLAJZT},</if>
<if test="GIS_X != null and GIS_X != '' ">GIS_X=#{GIS_X},</if>
<if test="GIS_Y != null and GIS_Y != '' ">GIS_Y=#{GIS_Y},</if>
<if test="DJDW != null and DJDW != '' ">DJDW=#{DJDW},</if>
<if test="DJR != null and DJR != '' ">DJR=#{DJR},</if>
<if test="DJSJ != null and DJSJ != '' ">DJSJ=#{DJSJ},</if>
<if test="XGR != null and XGR != '' ">XGR=#{XGR},</if>
<if test="XGSJ != null and XGSJ != '' ">XGSJ=#{XGSJ},</if>
<if test="XGDW != null and XGDW != '' ">XGDW=#{XGDW},</if>
<if test="DJRXM != null and DJRXM != '' ">DJRXM=#{DJRXM},</if>
<if test="DJDWMC != null and DJDWMC != '' ">DJDWMC=#{DJDWMC},</if>
<if test="XGRXM != null and XGRXM != '' ">XGRXM=#{XGRXM},</if>
<if test="XGDWMC != null and XGDWMC != '' ">XGDWMC=#{XGDWMC},</if>
<if test="CJDW != null and CJDW != '' ">CJDW=#{CJDW},</if>
<if test="CJDWMC != null and CJDWMC != '' ">CJDWMC=#{CJDWMC},</if>
<if test="CJXXDD != null and CJXXDD != '' ">CJXXDD=#{CJXXDD},</if>
<if test="ZBLDDW != null and ZBLDDW != '' ">ZBLDDW=#{ZBLDDW},</if>
<if test="ZBLDDWMC != null and ZBLDDWMC != '' ">ZBLDDWMC=#{ZBLDDWMC},</if>
<if test="SPXGSJ != null and SPXGSJ != '' ">SPXGSJ=#{SPXGSJ},</if>
<if test="YZB != null and YZB != '' ">YZB=#{YZB},</if>
<if test="XZB != null and XZB != '' ">XZB=#{XZB},</if>
<if test="BZSJ != null and BZSJ != '' ">BZSJ=#{BZSJ},</if>
<if test="BZDW != null and BZDW != '' ">BZDW=#{BZDW},</if>
<if test="BZR != null and BZR != '' ">BZR=#{BZR},</if>
<if test="BZRXM != null and BZRXM != '' ">BZRXM=#{BZRXM},</if>
<if test="BZDWMC != null and BZDWMC != '' ">BZDWMC=#{BZDWMC},</if>
<if test="GXSJ != null and GXSJ != '' ">GXSJ=#{GXSJ},</if>
<if test="GXRXM != null and GXRXM != '' ">GXRXM=#{GXRXM},</if>
<if test="GXR != null and GXR != '' ">GXR=#{GXR},</if>
<if test="GXDWMC != null and GXDWMC != '' ">GXDWMC=#{GXDWMC},</if>
<if test="GXDW != null and GXDW != '' ">GXDW=#{GXDW},</if>
<if test="CJLBMC != null and CJLBMC != '' ">CJLBMC=#{CJLBMC},</if>
<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">CJXZQHMC=#{CJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">CJJLXMC=#{CJJLXMC},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">CJMPHZMC=#{CJMPHZMC},</if>
<if test="SFCSMC != null and SFCSMC != '' ">SFCSMC=#{SFCSMC},</if>
<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">FSYYMC=#{FSYYMC},</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">TQQKMC=#{TQQKMC},</if>
<if test="SFXQMC != null and SFXQMC != '' ">SFXQMC=#{SFXQMC},</if>
<if test="CJJGMC != null and CJJGMC != '' ">CJJGMC=#{CJJGMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLRMC != null and AJSLRMC != '' ">AJSLRMC=#{AJSLRMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLDWMC != null and AJSLDWMC != '' ">AJSLDWMC=#{AJSLDWMC},</if>
<if test="GLAJZTMC != null and GLAJZTMC != '' ">GLAJZTMC=#{GLAJZTMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">WS_RKSJ=#{WS_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">WS_XGSJ=#{WS_XGSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">WS_YXX=#{WS_YXX},</if>
<if test="JQSXMC != null and JQSXMC != '' ">JQSXMC=#{JQSXMC},</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">RYWKSJ=#{RYWKSJ},</if>
where CJBH = #{CJBH}