@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
### STS ###
### IntelliJ IDEA ###
### NetBeans ###
### VS Code ###
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#射阳 实有人口将有房屋号的数据根据户籍表数据清洗,并更新户主关系
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- 日志存放路径 -->
<property name="log.path" value="/home/project/mysql-oracle/log" />
<!-- 日志输出格式 -->
<property name="log.pattern" value="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{20} - [%method,%line] - %msg%n" />
<!-- 控制台输出 -->
<appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<!-- 系统日志输出 -->
<appender name="file_info" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<!-- 循环政策:基于时间创建日志文件 -->
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 日志文件名格式 -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
<!-- 过滤的级别 -->
<!-- 匹配时的操作:接收(记录) -->
<!-- 不匹配时的操作:拒绝(不记录) -->
<appender name="file_error" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<!-- 循环政策:基于时间创建日志文件 -->
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 日志文件名格式 -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
<!-- 过滤的级别 -->
<!-- 匹配时的操作:接收(记录) -->
<!-- 不匹配时的操作:拒绝(不记录) -->
<!-- 用户访问日志输出 -->
<appender name="sys-user" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 按天回滚 daily -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<!-- 系统模块日志级别控制 -->
<logger name="com.ruoyi" level="info" />
<!-- Spring日志级别控制 -->
<logger name="org.springframework" level="warn" />
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="console" />
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="file_info" />
<appender-ref ref="file_error" />
<logger name="sys-user" level="info">
<appender-ref ref="sys-user"/>
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maven2 Start Up Batch script
# Required ENV vars:
# ------------------
# JAVA_HOME - location of a JDK home dir
# Optional ENV vars
# -----------------
# M2_HOME - location of maven2's installed home dir
# MAVEN_OPTS - parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven
# e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
# set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
# MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading of mavenrc files
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -z "$MAVEN_SKIP_RC" ] ; then
if [ -f /etc/mavenrc ] ; then
. /etc/mavenrc
if [ -f "$HOME/.mavenrc" ] ; then
. "$HOME/.mavenrc"
# OS specific support. $var _must_ be set to either true or false.
case "`uname`" in
CYGWIN*) cygwin=true ;;
MINGW*) mingw=true;;
Darwin*) darwin=true
# Use /usr/libexec/java_home if available, otherwise fall back to /Library/Java/Home
# See
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
if [ -x "/usr/libexec/java_home" ]; then
export JAVA_HOME="`/usr/libexec/java_home`"
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/Home"
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -r /etc/gentoo-release ] ; then
JAVA_HOME=`java-config --jre-home`
if [ -z "$M2_HOME" ] ; then
## resolve links - $0 may be a link to maven's home
# need this for relative symlinks
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG="`dirname "$PRG"`/$link"
M2_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/..
# make it fully qualified
M2_HOME=`cd "$M2_HOME" && pwd`
cd "$saveddir"
# echo Using m2 at $M2_HOME
# For Cygwin, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
if $cygwin ; then
[ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
M2_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$M2_HOME"`
[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"`
[ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] &&
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH"`
# For Mingw, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
if $mingw ; then
[ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
M2_HOME="`(cd "$M2_HOME"; pwd)`"
[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
JAVA_HOME="`(cd "$JAVA_HOME"; pwd)`"
# TODO classpath?
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
javaExecutable="`which javac`"
if [ -n "$javaExecutable" ] && ! [ "`expr \"$javaExecutable\" : '\([^ ]*\)'`" = "no" ]; then
# readlink(1) is not available as standard on Solaris 10.
readLink=`which readlink`
if [ ! `expr "$readLink" : '\([^ ]*\)'` = "no" ]; then
if $darwin ; then
javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`"
javaExecutable="`cd \"$javaHome\" && pwd -P`/javac"
javaExecutable="`readlink -f \"$javaExecutable\"`"
javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`"
javaHome=`expr "$javaHome" : '\(.*\)/bin'`
export JAVA_HOME
if [ -z "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
JAVACMD="`which java`"
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
echo "Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly." >&2
echo " We cannot execute $JAVACMD" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
echo "Warning: JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set."
# traverses directory structure from process work directory to filesystem root
# first directory with .mvn subdirectory is considered project base directory
find_maven_basedir() {
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Path not specified to find_maven_basedir"
return 1
while [ "$wdir" != '/' ] ; do
if [ -d "$wdir"/.mvn ] ; then
# workaround for JBEAP-8937 (on Solaris 10/Sparc)
if [ -d "${wdir}" ]; then
wdir=`cd "$wdir/.."; pwd`
# end of workaround
echo "${basedir}"
# concatenates all lines of a file
concat_lines() {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "$(tr -s '\n' ' ' < "$1")"
BASE_DIR=`find_maven_basedir "$(pwd)"`
if [ -z "$BASE_DIR" ]; then
exit 1;
# Extension to allow automatically downloading the maven-wrapper.jar from Maven-central
# This allows using the maven wrapper in projects that prohibit checking in binary data.
if [ -r "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar" ]; then
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Found .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar"
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Couldn't find .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar, downloading it ..."
while IFS="=" read key value; do
case "$key" in (wrapperUrl) jarUrl="$value"; break ;;
done < "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/"
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Downloading from: $jarUrl"
if command -v wget > /dev/null; then
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Found wget ... using wget"
wget "$jarUrl" -O "$wrapperJarPath"
elif command -v curl > /dev/null; then
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Found curl ... using curl"
curl -o "$wrapperJarPath" "$jarUrl"
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo "Falling back to using Java to download"
if [ -e "$javaClass" ]; then
if [ ! -e "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.class" ]; then
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo " - Compiling ..."
# Compiling the Java class
("$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" "$javaClass")
if [ -e "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.class" ]; then
# Running the downloader
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
echo " - Running ..."
("$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -cp .mvn/wrapper MavenWrapperDownloader "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR")
# End of extension
if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
MAVEN_OPTS="$(concat_lines "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR/.mvn/jvm.config") $MAVEN_OPTS"
# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin; then
[ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
M2_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$M2_HOME"`
[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$JAVA_HOME"`
[ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] &&
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --windows "$CLASSPATH"`
exec "$JAVACMD" \
-classpath "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar" \
"-Dmaven.home=${M2_HOME}" "-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=${MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR}" \
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@REM or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@REM distributed with this work for additional information
@REM regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
@REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
@REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
@REM with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
@REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
@REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
@REM KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
@REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
@REM under the License.
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM Maven2 Start Up Batch script
@REM Required ENV vars:
@REM JAVA_HOME - location of a JDK home dir
@REM Optional ENV vars
@REM M2_HOME - location of maven2's installed home dir
@REM MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO - set to 'on' to enable the echoing of the batch commands
@REM MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE - set to 'on' to wait for a key stroke before ending
@REM MAVEN_OPTS - parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven
@REM e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
@REM set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
@REM MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading of mavenrc files
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM Begin all REM lines with '@' in case MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO is 'on'
@echo off
@REM set title of command window
title %0
@REM enable echoing my setting MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO to 'on'
@if "%MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO%" == "on" echo %MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO%
@REM set %HOME% to equivalent of $HOME
if "%HOME%" == "" (set "HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%")
@REM Execute a user defined script before this one
if not "%MAVEN_SKIP_RC%" == "" goto skipRcPre
@REM check for pre script, once with legacy .bat ending and once with .cmd ending
if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.bat" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.bat"
if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.cmd" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.cmd"
@REM To isolate internal variables from possible post scripts, we use another setlocal
if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto OkJHome
echo Error: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment. >&2
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the >&2
echo location of your Java installation. >&2
goto error
if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" goto init
echo Error: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory. >&2
echo JAVA_HOME = "%JAVA_HOME%" >&2
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the >&2
echo location of your Java installation. >&2
goto error
@REM Find the project base dir, i.e. the directory that contains the folder ".mvn".
@REM Fallback to current working directory if not found.
IF NOT "%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%"=="" goto endDetectBaseDir
IF EXIST "%WDIR%"\.mvn goto baseDirFound
cd ..
IF "%WDIR%"=="%CD%" goto baseDirNotFound
set WDIR=%CD%
goto findBaseDir
cd "%EXEC_DIR%"
goto endDetectBaseDir
cd "%EXEC_DIR%"
IF NOT EXIST "%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\jvm.config" goto endReadAdditionalConfig
@setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\jvm.config") do set JVM_CONFIG_MAVEN_PROPS=!JVM_CONFIG_MAVEN_PROPS! %%a
set WRAPPER_JAR="%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\wrapper\maven-wrapper.jar"
set WRAPPER_LAUNCHER=org.apache.maven.wrapper.MavenWrapperMain
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%A IN (%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\wrapper\ DO (
IF "%%A"=="wrapperUrl" SET DOWNLOAD_URL=%%B
@REM Extension to allow automatically downloading the maven-wrapper.jar from Maven-central
@REM This allows using the maven wrapper in projects that prohibit checking in binary data.
if exist %WRAPPER_JAR% (
echo Found %WRAPPER_JAR%
) else (
echo Couldn't find %WRAPPER_JAR%, downloading it ...
echo Downloading from: %DOWNLOAD_URL%
powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%DOWNLOAD_URL%', '%WRAPPER_JAR%')"
echo Finished downloading %WRAPPER_JAR%
@REM End of extension
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
@endlocal & set ERROR_CODE=%ERROR_CODE%
if not "%MAVEN_SKIP_RC%" == "" goto skipRcPost
@REM check for post script, once with legacy .bat ending and once with .cmd ending
if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.bat" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.bat"
if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.cmd" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.cmd"
@REM pause the script if MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE is set to 'on'
if "%MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE%" == "on" pause
if "%MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD%" == "on" exit %ERROR_CODE%
exit /B %ERROR_CODE%
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- <name>mysql-oracle-test</name>-->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId>-->
<!-- <scope>test</scope>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
<!-- hutool工具包 -->
<!--commons -->
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import lombok.Data;
* @TableName jcj_cjxx_view
@TableName(value = "jcj_cjxx_view")
public class JcjCjxxViewMysql implements Serializable {
@TableField(value = "CJBH")
private String CJBH;
@TableField(value = "JJBH")
private String JJBH;
@TableField(value = "JJDBH")
private String JJDBH;
@TableField(value = "PJDBH")
private String PJDBH;
@TableField(value = "FKLYH")
private String FKLYH;
@TableField(value = "CJLB")
private String CJLB;
@TableField(value = "CJSJ")
private String CJSJ;
@TableField(value = "DDXCSJ")
private String DDXCSJ;
@TableField(value = "CJXZQH")
private String CJXZQH;
@TableField(value = "CJJLX")
private String CJJLX;
@TableField(value = "CJMLPH")
private String CJMLPH;
@TableField(value = "CJMPHZ")
private String CJMPHZ;
@TableField(value = "CJXZ")
private String CJXZ;
@TableField(value = "SFCS")
private String SFCS;
@TableField(value = "FSYY")
private String FSYY;
@TableField(value = "TQQK")
private String TQQK;
@TableField(value = "JQSX")
private String JQSX;
@TableField(value = "CJR")
private String CJR;
@TableField(value = "CJRHZXS")
private String CJRHZXS;
@TableField(value = "CJRLXFS")
private String CJRLXFS;
@TableField(value = "SFXQ")
private String SFXQ;
@TableField(value = "SFSJSX")
private String SFSJSX;
@TableField(value = "SFSJXX")
private String SFSJXX;
@TableField(value = "CLJGNR")
private String CLJGNR;
@TableField(value = "BCCLJG")
private String BCCLJG;
@TableField(value = "SSXXQK")
private String SSXXQK;
@TableField(value = "CJFKSJ")
private String CJFKSJ;
@TableField(value = "SPSJ")
private String SPSJ;
@TableField(value = "ZBLD")
private String ZBLD;
@TableField(value = "ZBLDXM")
private String ZBLDXM;
@TableField(value = "LDCLSJ")
private String LDCLSJ;
@TableField(value = "CJJG")
private String CJJG;
@TableField(value = "CJYSJSDW")
private String CJYSJSDW;
@TableField(value = "CJYSJSR")
private String CJYSJSR;
@TableField(value = "CJYSJSSJ")
private String CJYSJSSJ;
@TableField(value = "CDJL")
private String CDJL;
@TableField(value = "CDJDC")
private String CDJDC;
@TableField(value = "CDCZ")
private String CDCZ;
@TableField(value = "JJFNS")
private String JJFNS;
@TableField(value = "JJETS")
private String JJETS;
@TableField(value = "JJRZS")
private String JJRZS;
@TableField(value = "JZQZ")
private String JZQZ;
@TableField(value = "JZSY")
private String JZSY;
@TableField(value = "RYSSS")
private String RYSSS;
@TableField(value = "RYSWS")
private String RYSWS;
@TableField(value = "LZSCRS")
private String LZSCRS;
@TableField(value = "PHXXAJ")
private String PHXXAJ;
@TableField(value = "PHXSAJ")
private String PHXSAJ;
@TableField(value = "PHZAAJ")
private String PHZAAJ;
@TableField(value = "TPRF")
private String TPRF;
@TableField(value = "ZHZACY")
private String ZHZACY;
@TableField(value = "ZJJJSS")
private String ZJJJSS;
@TableField(value = "WHSS")
private String WHSS;
@TableField(value = "AJSLR")
private String AJSLR;
@TableField(value = "AJSLDW")
private String AJSLDW;
@TableField(value = "GLAJBH")
private String GLAJBH;
@TableField(value = "GLAJZT")
private String GLAJZT;
@TableField(value = "GIS_X")
private String GIS_X;
@TableField(value = "GIS_Y")
private String GIS_Y;
@TableField(value = "DJDW")
private String DJDW;
@TableField(value = "DJR")
private String DJR;
@TableField(value = "DJSJ")
private String DJSJ;
@TableField(value = "XGR")
private String XGR;
@TableField(value = "XGSJ")
private String XGSJ;
@TableField(value = "XGDW")
private String XGDW;
@TableField(value = "DJRXM")
private String DJRXM;
@TableField(value = "DJDWMC")
private String DJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "XGRXM")
private String XGRXM;
@TableField(value = "XGDWMC")
private String XGDWMC;
@TableField(value = "CJDW")
private String CJDW;
@TableField(value = "CJDWMC")
private String CJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "CJXXDD")
private String CJXXDD;
@TableField(value = "ZBLDDW")
private String ZBLDDW;
@TableField(value = "ZBLDDWMC")
private String ZBLDDWMC;
@TableField(value = "SPXGSJ")
private String SPXGSJ;
@TableField(value = "YZB")
private String YZB;
@TableField(value = "XZB")
private String XZB;
@TableField(value = "BZSJ")
private String BZSJ;
@TableField(value = "BZDW")
private String BZDW;
@TableField(value = "BZR")
private String BZR;
@TableField(value = "BZRXM")
private String BZRXM;
@TableField(value = "BZDWMC")
private String BZDWMC;
@TableField(value = "GXSJ")
private String GXSJ;
@TableField(value = "GXRXM")
private String GXRXM;
@TableField(value = "GXR")
private String GXR;
@TableField(value = "GXDWMC")
private String GXDWMC;
@TableField(value = "GXDW")
private String GXDW;
@TableField(value = "CJLBMC")
private String CJLBMC;
@TableField(value = "CJXZQHMC")
private String CJXZQHMC;
@TableField(value = "CJJLXMC")
private String CJJLXMC;
@TableField(value = "CJMPHZMC")
private String CJMPHZMC;
@TableField(value = "SFCSMC")
private String SFCSMC;
@TableField(value = "FSYYMC")
private String FSYYMC;
@TableField(value = "TQQKMC")
private String TQQKMC;
@TableField(value = "SFXQMC")
private String SFXQMC;
@TableField(value = "CJJGMC")
private String CJJGMC;
@TableField(value = "AJSLRMC")
private String AJSLRMC;
@TableField(value = "AJSLDWMC")
private String AJSLDWMC;
@TableField(value = "GLAJZTMC")
private String GLAJZTMC;
@TableField(value = "WS_RKSJ")
private String WS_RKSJ;
@TableField(value = "WS_XGSJ")
private String WS_XGSJ;
@TableField(value = "WS_YXX")
private String WS_YXX;
@TableField(value = "JQSXMC")
private String JQSXMC;
@TableField(value = "RYWKSJ")
private String RYWKSJ;
private String status;
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import lombok.Data;
* @TableName jcj_cjxx_view
public class JcjCjxxViewOracle implements Serializable {
private String CJBH;
private String JJBH;
private String JJDBH;
private String PJDBH;
private String FKLYH;
private String CJLB;
private String CJSJ;
private String DDXCSJ;
private String CJXZQH;
private String CJJLX;
private String CJMLPH;
private String CJMPHZ;
private String CJXZ;
private String SFCS;
private String FSYY;
private String TQQK;
private String JQSX;
private String CJR;
private String CJRHZXS;
private String CJRLXFS;
private String SFXQ;
private String SFSJSX;
private String SFSJXX;
private String CLJGNR;
private String BCCLJG;
private String SSXXQK;
private String CJFKSJ;
private String SPSJ;
private String ZBLD;
private String ZBLDXM;
private String LDCLSJ;
private String CJJG;
private String CJYSJSDW;
private String CJYSJSR;
private String CJYSJSSJ;
private String CDJL;
private String CDJDC;
private String CDCZ;
private String JJFNS;
private String JJETS;
private String JJRZS;
private String JZQZ;
private String JZSY;
private String RYSSS;
private String RYSWS;
private String LZSCRS;
private String PHXXAJ;
private String PHXSAJ;
private String PHZAAJ;
private String TPRF;
private String ZHZACY;
private String ZJJJSS;
private String WHSS;
private String AJSLR;
private String AJSLDW;
private String GLAJBH;
private String GLAJZT;
private String GIS_X;
private String GIS_Y;
private String DJDW;
private String DJR;
private String DJSJ;
private String XGR;
private String XGSJ;
private String XGDW;
private String DJRXM;
private String DJDWMC;
private String XGRXM;
private String XGDWMC;
private String CJDW;
private String CJDWMC;
private String CJXXDD;
private String ZBLDDW;
private String ZBLDDWMC;
private String SPXGSJ;
private byte[] YZB;
private byte[] XZB;
private String BZSJ;
private String BZDW;
private String BZR;
private String BZRXM;
private String BZDWMC;
private String GXSJ;
private String GXRXM;
private String GXR;
private String GXDWMC;
private String GXDW;
private String CJLBMC;
private String CJXZQHMC;
private String CJJLXMC;
private String CJMPHZMC;
private String SFCSMC;
private String FSYYMC;
private String TQQKMC;
private String SFXQMC;
private String CJJGMC;
private String AJSLRMC;
private String AJSLDWMC;
private String GLAJZTMC;
private String WS_RKSJ;
private String WS_XGSJ;
private String WS_YXX;
private String JQSXMC;
private String RYWKSJ;
@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import lombok.Data;
* @TableName jcj_jjxx_view
@TableName(value = "jcj_jjxx_view")
public class JcjJjxxViewMysql implements Serializable {
@TableField(value = "JJBH")
private String JJBH;
@TableField(value = "JJDBH")
private String JJDBH;
@TableField(value = "PJDBH")
private String PJDBH;
@TableField(value = "GLJJDBH")
private String GLJJDBH;
@TableField(value = "JJLYH")
private String JJLYH;
@TableField(value = "PJLYH")
private String PJLYH;
@TableField(value = "LDGBH")
private String LDGBH;
@TableField(value = "JJYXM")
private String JJYXM;
@TableField(value = "PJYXM")
private String PJYXM;
@TableField(value = "LHLBDM")
private String LHLBDM;
@TableField(value = "BJDHSJ")
private String BJDHSJ;
@TableField(value = "BJDH")
private String BJDH;
@TableField(value = "BJDHHM")
private String BJDHHM;
@TableField(value = "BJDHDZ")
private String BJDHDZ;
@TableField(value = "THSC")
private String THSC;
@TableField(value = "BJR")
private String BJR;
@TableField(value = "BJRXB")
private String BJRXB;
@TableField(value = "LXDH")
private String LXDH;
@TableField(value = "BJXS")
private String BJXS;
@TableField(value = "BJLX ")
private String BJLX;
@TableField(value = "SFDD")
private String SFDD;
@TableField(value = "BJNR")
private String BJNR;
@TableField(value = "BCJJNR")
private String BCJJNR;
@TableField(value = "SJCPH")
private String SJCPH;
@TableField(value = "CLLX")
private String CLLX;
@TableField(value = "SYQX")
private String SYQX;
@TableField(value = "CLQX")
private String CLQX;
@TableField(value = "HZDJ")
private String HZDJ;
@TableField(value = "SFZDDW")
private String SFZDDW;
@TableField(value = "ZDDWBM")
private String ZDDWBM;
@TableField(value = "JZLB")
private String JZLB;
@TableField(value = "JZJG")
private String JZJG;
@TableField(value = "QHCS")
private String QHCS;
@TableField(value = "BZWQK")
private String BZWQK;
@TableField(value = "BLQK")
private String BLQK;
@TableField(value = "SFBW")
private String SFBW;
@TableField(value = "RSWXZ")
private String RSWXZ;
@TableField(value = "YFWXWZ")
private String YFWXWZ;
@TableField(value = "YWBZXL")
private String YWBZXL;
@TableField(value = "YFTY")
private String YFTY;
@TableField(value = "YWBKRY")
private String YWBKRY;
@TableField(value = "GIS_X")
private String GIS_X;
@TableField(value = "GIS_Y")
private String GIS_Y;
@TableField(value = "SFZXXS")
private String SFZXXS;
@TableField(value = "BJTDYY")
private String BJTDYY;
@TableField(value = "PJSJ")
private String PJSJ;
@TableField(value = "BJCJYJ")
private String BJCJYJ;
@TableField(value = "EJDDSJ")
private String EJDDSJ;
@TableField(value = "EJJSSJ")
private String EJJSSJ;
@TableField(value = "EJXFSJ")
private String EJXFSJ;
@TableField(value = "EJJSR")
private String EJJSR;
@TableField(value = "EJJSRXM")
private String EJJSRXM;
@TableField(value = "EJJSDW")
private String EJJSDW;
@TableField(value = "EJJSDWMC")
private String EJJSDWMC;
@TableField(value = "SJDDSJ")
private String SJDDSJ;
@TableField(value = "SJJSSJ")
private String SJJSSJ;
@TableField(value = "SJJSR")
private String SJJSR;
@TableField(value = "SJJSRXM")
private String SJJSRXM;
@TableField(value = "SJJSD")
private String SJJSD;
@TableField(value = "SJJSDWMC")
private String SJJSDWMC;
@TableField(value = "CJBS")
private String CJBS;
@TableField(value = "DJDW")
private String DJDW;
@TableField(value = "DJR")
private String DJR;
@TableField(value = "DJSJ")
private String DJSJ;
@TableField(value = "XGR")
private String XGR;
@TableField(value = "XGSJ")
private String XGSJ;
@TableField(value = "XGDW")
private String XGDW;
@TableField(value = "DJRXM")
private String DJRXM;
@TableField(value = "DJDWMC")
private String DJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "XGRXM")
private String XGRXM;
@TableField(value = "XGDWMC")
private String XGDWMC;
@TableField(value = "JJRQSJ")
private String JJRQSJ;
@TableField(value = "JJDW")
private String JJDW;
@TableField(value = "JJDWMC")
private String JJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "JJR")
private String JJR;
@TableField(value = "JJRXM")
private String JJRXM;
@TableField(value = "YJDW")
private String YJDW;
@TableField(value = "YJSJ")
private String YJSJ;
@TableField(value = "YJSM")
private String YJSM;
@TableField(value = "YJR")
private String YJR;
@TableField(value = "JJXZQH")
private String JJXZQH;
@TableField(value = "JJGXDW")
private String JJGXDW;
@TableField(value = "FKYQ")
private String FKYQ;
@TableField(value = "SFYFDX")
private String SFYFDX;
@TableField(value = "JJDXNR")
private String JJDXNR;
@TableField(value = "JJDXSJ")
private String JJDXSJ;
@TableField(value = "SBSJ")
private String SBSJ;
@TableField(value = "SBNR")
private String SBNR;
@TableField(value = "CDCLBM")
private String CDCLBM;
@TableField(value = "JJLX")
private String JJLX;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJR")
private String ZDYJR;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJDW")
private String ZDYJDW;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJSJ")
private String ZDYJSJ;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJSM")
private String ZDYJSM;
@TableField(value = "SFBDDH")
private String SFBDDH;
@TableField(value = "SFPJ")
private String SFPJ;
@TableField(value = "SFFK")
private String SFFK;
@TableField(value = "BJRXBMC")
private String BJRXBMC;
@TableField(value = "BJXSMC")
private String BJXSMC;
@TableField(value = "BJLXMC")
private String BJLXMC;
@TableField(value = "CLLXMC")
private String CLLXMC;
@TableField(value = "HZDJMC")
private String HZDJMC;
@TableField(value = "SFZDDWMC")
private String SFZDDWMC;
@TableField(value = "JZLBMC")
private String JZLBMC;
@TableField(value = "JZJGMC")
private String JZJGMC;
@TableField(value = "QHCSMC")
private String QHCSMC;
@TableField(value = "YFWXWZMC")
private String YFWXWZMC;
@TableField(value = "YWBZXLMC")
private String YWBZXLMC;
@TableField(value = "YFTYMC")
private String YFTYMC;
@TableField(value = "YWBKRYMC")
private String YWBKRYMC;
@TableField(value = "SFZXXSMC")
private String SFZXXSMC;
@TableField(value = "SJJSDMC")
private String SJJSDMC;
@TableField(value = "CJBSMC")
private String CJBSMC;
@TableField(value = "YJDWMC")
private String YJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "JJXZQHMC")
private String JJXZQHMC;
@TableField(value = "JJGXDWMC")
private String JJGXDWMC;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJRXM")
private String ZDYJRXM;
@TableField(value = "ZDYJDWMC")
private String ZDYJDWMC;
@TableField(value = "SFBDDHMC")
private String SFBDDHMC;
@TableField(value = "SFPJMC")
private String SFPJMC;
@TableField(value = "SFFKMC")
private String SFFKMC;
@TableField(value = "LHLBDMMC")
private String LHLBDMMC;
@TableField(value = "WS_RKSJ")
private String WS_RKSJ;
@TableField(value = "WS_XGSJ")
private String WS_XGSJ;
@TableField(value = "WS_YXX")
private String WS_YXX;
@TableField(value = "RYWKSJ")
private String RYWKSJ;
@TableField(value = "JDZB")
private String JDZB;
@TableField(value = "WDZB")
private String WDZB;
@TableField(value = "STATUS")
private String STATUS;
@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import lombok.Data;
public class JcjJjxxViewOracle implements Serializable {
private String JJBH;
private String JJDBH;
private String PJDBH;
private String GLJJDBH;
private String JJLYH;
private String PJLYH;
private String LDGBH;
private String JJYXM;
private String PJYXM;
private String LHLBDM;
private String BJDHSJ;
private String BJDH;
private String BJDHHM;
private String BJDHDZ;
private String THSC;
private String BJR;
private String BJRXB;
private String LXDH;
private String BJXS;
private String BJLX;
private String SFDD;
private String BJNR;
private String BCJJNR;
private String SJCPH;
private String CLLX;
private String SYQX;
private String CLQX;
private String HZDJ;
private String SFZDDW;
private String ZDDWBM;
private String JZLB;
private String JZJG;
private String QHCS;
private String BZWQK;
private String BLQK;
private String SFBW;
private String RSWXZ;
private String YFWXWZ;
private String YWBZXL;
private String YFTY;
private String YWBKRY;
private String GIS_X;
private String GIS_Y;
private String SFZXXS;
private String BJTDYY;
private String PJSJ;
private String BJCJYJ;
private String EJDDSJ;
private String EJJSSJ;
private String EJXFSJ;
private String EJJSR;
private String EJJSRXM;
private String EJJSDW;
private String EJJSDWMC;
private String SJDDSJ;
private String SJJSSJ;
private String SJJSR;
private String SJJSRXM;
private String SJJSD;
private String SJJSDWMC;
private String CJBS;
private String DJDW;
private String DJR;
private String DJSJ;
private String XGR;
private String XGSJ;
private String XGDW;
private String DJRXM;
private String DJDWMC;
private String XGRXM;
private String XGDWMC;
private String JJRQSJ;
private String JJDW;
private String JJDWMC;
private String JJR;
private String JJRXM;
private String YJDW;
private String YJSJ;
private String YJSM;
private String YJR;
private String JJXZQH;
private String JJGXDW;
private String FKYQ;
private String SFYFDX;
private String JJDXNR;
private String JJDXSJ;
private String SBSJ;
private String SBNR;
private String CDCLBM;
private String JJLX;
private String ZDYJR;
private String ZDYJDW;
private String ZDYJSJ;
private String ZDYJSM;
private String SFBDDH;
private String SFPJ;
private String SFFK;
private String BJRXBMC;
private String BJXSMC;
private String BJLXMC;
private String CLLXMC;
private String HZDJMC;
private String SFZDDWMC;
private String JZLBMC;
private String JZJGMC;
private String QHCSMC;
private String YFWXWZMC;
private String YWBZXLMC;
private String YFTYMC;
private String YWBKRYMC;
private String SFZXXSMC;
private String SJJSDMC;
private String CJBSMC;
private String YJDWMC;
private String JJXZQHMC;
private String JJGXDWMC;
private String ZDYJRXM;
private String ZDYJDWMC;
private String SFBDDHMC;
private String SFPJMC;
private String SFFKMC;
private String LHLBDMMC;
private String WS_RKSJ;
private String WS_XGSJ;
private String WS_YXX;
private String RYWKSJ;
private String JDZB;
private String WDZB;
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
import lombok.Data;
* 接警信息表
* @TableName meta_alarm_info
@TableName(value ="meta_alarm_info")
public class MetaAlarmInfo implements Serializable {
* 主键
@TableId(type = IdType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String alarmCode;
* 接警人姓名
private String policeReceiverName;
* 接警单位
private String alarmResponseUnit;
* 接警时间
private String alarmResponseTime;
* 报警内容
private String alarmResponseContent;
* 报警类型名称
private String alarmResponseTypeName;
* 报警人姓名
private String informantName;
* 报警人联系方式
private String informantPhone;
* 报警时间
private String informantTime;
* 接警事发地址
private String alarmAddress;
* 经度
private BigDecimal longitude;
* 纬度
private BigDecimal latitude;
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
* 0:不活跃,1:活跃
private Integer isActive;
// @TableField(exist = false)
// private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import java.util.Date;
import lombok.Data;
* 处警信息表
* @TableName meta_handle_alarm_info
@TableName(value ="meta_handle_alarm_info")
public class MetaHandleAlarmInfo implements Serializable {
* 主键
@TableId(type = IdType.AUTO)
private Long id;
* 警情编码
private String alarmCode;
* 处警单位名称
private String handleAlarmUnit;
* 处警时间
private String handleAlarmTime;
* 处警简要警情
private String handleAlarmContent;
* 处警详细地点
private String handleAlarmAddress;
* 处警人姓名
private String handleAlarmUser;
* 处境人姓名和编码
private String handleAlarmUserCode;
* 处警结果
private String handleAlarmResult;
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
* 0:不活跃,1:活跃
private Integer isActive;
@TableField(exist = false)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Mapper
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
* @Entity com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxView
public interface JcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper extends BaseMapper<JcjCjxxViewMysql> {
public JcjCjxxViewMysql selectCjxxById(String id);
public int insertCjxx(JcjCjxxViewMysql bean);
public int updateCjxxById(JcjCjxxViewMysql bean);
JcjCjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj();
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewOracle;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Mapper
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
* @Entity com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxView
public interface JcjCjxxViewOracleMapper extends BaseMapper<JcjCjxxViewOracle> {
public int countCjxx();
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getCjxxList(Map map);
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String time);
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【jcj_jjxx_view】的数据库操作Mapper
* @createDate 2023-11-29 16:13:53
* @Entity com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxView
public interface JcjJjxxViewMysqlMapper {
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectJcjJxxByJJBH(String JJBH);
public int insertJjxx(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
public int updateJjxxByJJBH(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewOracle;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public interface JcjJjxxViewOracleMapper extends BaseMapper<JcjJjxxViewOracle> {
public int countJjxx();
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getJjxxList(Map map);
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String maxTime);
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
public interface JcjJxxViewMysqlMapper extends BaseMapper<JcjJjxxViewMysql> {
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectJcjJxxByJJBH(String JJBH);
public int insertJjxx(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
public int updateJjxxByJJBH(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj();
public int countJjxx();
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaAlarmInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【meta_alarm_info(接警信息表)】的数据库操作Mapper
* @createDate 2023-12-01 14:48:34
* @Entity com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaAlarmInfo
public interface MetaAlarmInfoMapper extends BaseMapper<MetaAlarmInfo> {
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaHandleAlarmInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【meta_handle_alarm_info(处警信息表)】的数据库操作Mapper
* @createDate 2023-12-01 19:02:18
* @Entity com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaHandleAlarmInfo
public interface MetaHandleAlarmInfoMapper extends BaseMapper<MetaHandleAlarmInfo> {
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.schedule;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.SchedulingConfigurer;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
public class ScheduleConfig implements SchedulingConfigurer {
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
public interface JcjCjxxViewMysqlService extends IService<JcjCjxxViewMysql> {
public JcjCjxxViewMysql selectCjxxById(String id);
public int insertCjxx(JcjCjxxViewMysql tjks);
public int updateCjxxById(JcjCjxxViewMysql tjks);
public JcjCjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj();
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewOracle;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
public interface JcjCjxxViewOracleService extends IService<JcjCjxxViewOracle> {
public int countCjxx();
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getCjxxList(Map map);
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String time);
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【jcj_jjxx_view】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-11-29 16:13:53
public interface JcjJjxxViewMysqlService extends IService<JcjJjxxViewMysql>{
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectJcjJxxByJJBH(String JJBH);
public int insertJjxx(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
public int updateJjxxByJJBH(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean);
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj();
public int countJjxx();
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewOracle;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【jcj_jjxx_view】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-11-29 16:13:53
public interface JcjJjxxViewOracleService extends IService<JcjJjxxViewOracle> {
public int countJjxx();
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getJjxxList(Map map);
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String maxTime);
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaAlarmInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【meta_alarm_info(接警信息表)】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-12-01 14:48:34
public interface MetaAlarmInfoService extends IService<MetaAlarmInfo> {
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaHandleAlarmInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【meta_handle_alarm_info(处警信息表)】的数据库操作Service
* @createDate 2023-12-01 19:02:18
public interface MetaHandleAlarmInfoService extends IService<MetaHandleAlarmInfo> {
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjCjxxViewMysqlService;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
public class JcjCjxxViewMysqlServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<JcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper, JcjCjxxViewMysql>
implements JcjCjxxViewMysqlService {
private final JcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper jcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper;
public JcjCjxxViewMysql selectCjxxById(String id) {
return jcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper.selectCjxxById(id);
public int insertCjxx(JcjCjxxViewMysql tjks) {
return jcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper.insertCjxx(tjks);
public int updateCjxxById(JcjCjxxViewMysql tjks) {
return jcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper.updateCjxxById(tjks);
public JcjCjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj() {
return jcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper.selectRecordOrderByRksj();
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewOracle;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjCjxxViewOracleMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjCjxxViewOracleService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【jcj_cjxx_view】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-11-29 09:28:09
public class JcjCjxxViewOracleServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<JcjCjxxViewOracleMapper, JcjCjxxViewOracle>
implements JcjCjxxViewOracleService {
private JcjCjxxViewOracleMapper oracleMapper;
public int countCjxx(){
return oracleMapper.countCjxx();
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getCjxxList(Map map) {
return oracleMapper.getCjxxList(map);
public List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String time) {
return oracleMapper.getRealTimeRecording(time);
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjJxxViewMysqlMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjJjxxViewMysqlService;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【jcj_jjxx_view】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-11-29 16:13:53
public class JcjJjxxViewMysqlServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<JcjJxxViewMysqlMapper,JcjJjxxViewMysql> implements JcjJjxxViewMysqlService {
private final JcjJxxViewMysqlMapper jcxxMapper;
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectJcjJxxByJJBH(String JJBH) {
return jcxxMapper.selectJcjJxxByJJBH(JJBH);
public int insertJjxx(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean) {
return jcxxMapper.insertJjxx(bean);
public int updateJjxxByJJBH(JcjJjxxViewMysql bean) {
return jcxxMapper.updateJjxxByJJBH(bean);
public JcjJjxxViewMysql selectRecordOrderByRksj() {
return jcxxMapper.selectRecordOrderByRksj();
public int countJjxx() {
return jcxxMapper.countJjxx();
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewOracle;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjJjxxViewOracleMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjJxxViewMysqlMapper;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjJjxxViewMysqlService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjJjxxViewOracleService;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【jcj_jjxx_view】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-11-29 16:13:53
public class JcjJjxxViewOracleServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<JcjJjxxViewOracleMapper, JcjJjxxViewOracle> implements JcjJjxxViewOracleService {
private final JcjJjxxViewOracleMapper oracleMapper;
public int countJjxx() {
return oracleMapper.countJjxx();
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getJjxxList(Map map) {
return oracleMapper.getJjxxList(map);
public List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> getRealTimeRecording(String maxTime) {
return oracleMapper.getRealTimeRecording(maxTime);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaAlarmInfo;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.MetaAlarmInfoService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.MetaAlarmInfoMapper;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* @author 10503
* @description 针对表【meta_alarm_info(接警信息表)】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-12-01 14:48:34
public class MetaAlarmInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<MetaAlarmInfoMapper, MetaAlarmInfo> implements MetaAlarmInfoService{
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.MetaHandleAlarmInfo;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.MetaHandleAlarmInfoService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.MetaHandleAlarmInfoMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* @author 28758
* @description 针对表【meta_handle_alarm_info(处警信息表)】的数据库操作Service实现
* @createDate 2023-12-01 19:02:18
public class MetaHandleAlarmInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<MetaHandleAlarmInfoMapper, MetaHandleAlarmInfo>
implements MetaHandleAlarmInfoService{
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.task;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewOracle;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjCjxxViewMysqlService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjCjxxViewOracleService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.ConfigParam;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.NumKit;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.StringKit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* 用户数据接入
public class JcjCjxxTask {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JcjCjxxTask.class);
private JcjCjxxViewMysqlService cjxxMysqlService;
private JcjCjxxViewOracleService cjxxOracleService;
final int oncesCounts = NumKit.checkInt(ConfigParam.oncesCounts) == 0 ? 1000 : NumKit.checkInt(ConfigParam.oncesCounts);
private boolean cjxxTag = false;
* 连云港 对接海康平台获取人员基础数据
* //
@Scheduled(initialDelay = 100, fixedDelay = 3000)
public void transcjxx() {
if (cjxxTag) {
if (!"true".equals(ConfigParam.cjxxSwitch)) {
try {
int countcjxx = cjxxOracleService.countCjxx();
||||"countcjxx:" + countcjxx);
if (countcjxx > 0) {
cjxxTag = true;
int count = countcjxx / oncesCounts;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(count);
ExecutorService cjxxPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50);
for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
Map cjxxMap = new HashMap();
cjxxMap.put("rowStart", i * oncesCounts);
cjxxMap.put("rowEnd", (i + 1) * oncesCounts);
cjxxPool.submit(() -> {
try {
List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> cjxxs = cjxxOracleService.getCjxxList(cjxxMap);
for (JcjCjxxViewOracle cjxx : cjxxs) {
JcjCjxxViewMysql sBean = new JcjCjxxViewMysql();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(cjxx, sBean);
byte[] qrCode1 = cjxx.getXZB();
byte[] qrCode2 = cjxx.getYZB();
try {
String filePath = getFolderPath(ConfigParam.GyzhafPhotoPicPath) + cjxx.getCJBH() + "XZB" + StringKit.toString(UUID.randomUUID()).replaceAll("-", "") + ".jpg";
File file = FileUtil.writeBytes(qrCode1, filePath);
|||| + ",生成成功");
String filePath1 = getFolderPath(ConfigParam.GyzhafPhotoPicPath) + cjxx.getCJBH() + "YZB" + StringKit.toString(UUID.randomUUID()).replaceAll("-", "") + ".jpg";
File file1 = FileUtil.writeBytes(qrCode2, filePath1);
|||| + ",生成成功");
} catch (Exception e) {
|||| + ",文件生成失败");
JcjCjxxViewMysql checkcjxx = cjxxMysqlService.selectCjxxById(cjxx.getCJBH());
if (checkcjxx == null) {
||||"cjxx-" + cjxx.getCJBH() + ":插入成功");
} else {
||||"cjxx-" + cjxx.getCJBH() + ":更新成功");
} catch (Exception e) {
||||"cjxxs:" + e.getMessage());
||||"cjxxMap数据总量:" + countcjxx + "," + "当前处理下标:" + cjxxMap.get("rowStart") + "/" + cjxxMap.get("rowEnd"));
try {
// Wait for all threads to complete
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 关闭线程池
} catch (Exception e) {
private static String getFolderPath(String picpath) {
String floderPath;
Date date = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat simpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
String day = simpleDate.format(date);
floderPath = picpath + ConfigParam.seq + "cjxx" + ConfigParam.seq + day + ConfigParam.seq;
File fileFloderPath = new File(floderPath);
if (!fileFloderPath.exists()) {
return floderPath;
* 功能描述: 接入出警信息实时数据
* @param:
* @return:
* @auther: cyfeng
* @date: 2023/12/2 14:31
@Scheduled(initialDelay = 100, fixedDelay = 3000)
public void transcjxxNow() {
if (!"true".equals(ConfigParam.actualTimecjxxSwitch)) {
try {
//1 去mysql查出当前最大时间
JcjCjxxViewMysql cjxxViewMysql = cjxxMysqlService.selectRecordOrderByRksj();
//2 用得到的最大时间去oracle 查询大于这个时间的记录
List<JcjCjxxViewOracle> list = cjxxOracleService.getRealTimeRecording(cjxxViewMysql.getCJSJ());
//3 解析入库
for (JcjCjxxViewOracle cjxx : list) {
JcjCjxxViewMysql sBean = new JcjCjxxViewMysql();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(cjxx, sBean);
JcjCjxxViewMysql checkcjxx = cjxxMysqlService.selectCjxxById(cjxx.getJJBH());
if (checkcjxx == null) {
||||"cjxx-" + cjxx.getJJBH() + ":插入成功");
} else {
||||"cjxx-" + cjxx.getJJBH() + ":更新成功");
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.task;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewOracle;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjJjxxViewMysqlService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.service.JcjJjxxViewOracleService;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.ConfigParam;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.NumKit;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.StringKit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* 用户数据接入
public class JcjJjxxTask {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JcjJjxxTask.class);
private JcjJjxxViewMysqlService jcjJjxxViewMysqlService;
private JcjJjxxViewOracleService jcjJjxxViewOracleService;
final int oncesCounts = NumKit.checkInt(ConfigParam.oncesCounts) == 0 ? 1000 : NumKit.checkInt(ConfigParam.oncesCounts);
private boolean JjxxTag = false;
* 连云港 对接海康平台获取人员基础数据
* //
@Scheduled(initialDelay = 100, fixedDelay = 3000)
public void transJjxx() {
if (JjxxTag) {
if (!"true".equals(ConfigParam.JjxxSwitch)) {
try {
int countJjxx = jcjJjxxViewOracleService.countJjxx();
||||"countJjxx:" + countJjxx);
if (countJjxx > 0) {
JjxxTag = true;
int count = countJjxx / oncesCounts;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(count);
ExecutorService JjxxPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50);
for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
Map JjxxMap = new HashMap();
JjxxMap.put("rowStart", i * oncesCounts);
JjxxMap.put("rowEnd", (i + 1) * oncesCounts);
JjxxPool.submit(() -> {
try {
List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> Jjxxs = jcjJjxxViewOracleService.getJjxxList(JjxxMap);
for (JcjJjxxViewOracle Jjxx : Jjxxs) {
JcjJjxxViewMysql sBean = new JcjJjxxViewMysql();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(Jjxx, sBean);
JcjJjxxViewMysql checkJjxx = jcjJjxxViewMysqlService.selectJcjJxxByJJBH(Jjxx.getJJBH());
if (checkJjxx == null) {
||||"Jjxx-" + Jjxx.getJJBH() + ":插入成功");
} else {
||||"Jjxx-" + Jjxx.getJJBH() + ":更新成功");
} catch (Exception e) {
||||"Jjxxs:" + StringKit.getTrace(e));
||||"JjxxMap数据总量:" + countJjxx + "," + "当前处理下标:" + JjxxMap.get("rowStart") + "/" + JjxxMap.get("rowEnd"));
try {
// Wait for all threads to complete
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 关闭线程池
} catch (Exception e) {
@Scheduled(initialDelay = 100, fixedDelay = 3000)
public void transcjxxNow() {
try {
if (!"true".equals(ConfigParam.actualTimejjxxSwitch)) {
if (!"true".equals(ConfigParam.JjxxSwitch)) {
//1 去mysql查出当前最大时间
JcjJjxxViewMysql jcjJjxxViewMysql = jcjJjxxViewMysqlService.selectRecordOrderByRksj();
//2 用得到的最大时间去oracle 查询大于这个时间的记录
List<JcjJjxxViewOracle> list = jcjJjxxViewOracleService.getRealTimeRecording(jcjJjxxViewMysql.getWS_RKSJ());
//3 解析入库
for (JcjJjxxViewOracle Jjxx : list) {
JcjJjxxViewMysql sBean = new JcjJjxxViewMysql();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(Jjxx, sBean);
JcjJjxxViewMysql checkJjxx = jcjJjxxViewMysqlService.selectJcjJxxByJJBH(Jjxx.getJJBH());
if (checkJjxx == null) {
||||"Jjxx-" + Jjxx.getJJBH() + ":插入成功");
} else {
||||"Jjxx-" + Jjxx.getJJBH() + ":更新成功");
}catch (Exception e){
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class ConfigParam {
public static String seq = File.separator;
public static String sydzSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("sydzSwitch"));
public static String sydwSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("sydwSwitch"));
public static String oncesCounts = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("oncesCounts"));
public static String syfwSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("syfwSwitch"));
public static String syrkSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("syrkSwitch"));
public static String SwrySwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("SwrySwitch"));
public static String LgrySwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("LgrySwitch"));
public static String jksbSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("jksbSwitch"));
public static String cjxxSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("cjxxSwitch"));
public static String zdrySwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("zdrySwitch"));
public static String JjxxSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("JjxxSwitch"));
public static String cyrySwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("cyrySwitch"));
public static String GyzhafPhotoPicPath = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("GyzhafPhotoPicPath"));
public static String metaImpUserSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("metaImpUserSwitch"));
public static String metaHandleAlarmSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("metaHandleAlarmSwitch"));
public static String metaActualUnitUserInfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("metaActualUnitUserInfoSwitch"));
public static String metaActualUserInfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("metaActualUserInfoSwitch"));
//将数据洗进 --->业务表的开关----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static String NewNsydwSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("NewNsydwSwitch"));
public static String NewNalarminfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("NewNalarminfoSwitch"));
public static String actualTimecjxxSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("actualTimecjxxSwitch"));
public static String actualTimejjxxSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("actualTimejjxxSwitch"));
public static String RentalHouseSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("RentalHouseSwitch"));
public static String metaRealEstateInfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("metaRealEstateInfoSwitch"));
public static String DevopeDeviceSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("DevopeDeviceSwitch"));
public static String sydzToEstateInfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("sydzToEstateInfoSwitch"));
public static String syryToActualInfoSwitch = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("syryToActualInfoSwitch"));
public static String jwzUserInfoToActual = StringKit.toString(PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("jwzUserInfoToActual"));
public static String wshttpurl = PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("wshttpurl");
public static String wsDownloadPicPath = PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("wsDownloadPicPath");
public static String wsDownloadPicAreaStart = PropertiesUtil.queryPropertiesByKey("wsDownloadPicAreaStart");
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class IdcardUtil {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IdcardUtil.class);
// 从身份证号码中获取性别
public static String getGenderFromIDCard(String idCard) {
String gender = "";
try {
if (idCard.length() == 18) {
int genderCode = Integer.parseInt(idCard.substring(16, 17));
//1男 2女
gender = genderCode % 2 == 0 ? "2" : "1";
// gender = genderCode % 2 == 0 ? "女" : "男";
} catch (Exception e) {
|||| + ":提取性别失败");
return gender;
// 从身份证号码中获取生日
public static String getBirthdayFromIDCard(String idCard) {
String birthday = "";
if (idCard.length() == 18) {
String year = idCard.substring(6, 10);
String month = idCard.substring(10, 12);
String day = idCard.substring(12, 14);
birthday = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
return birthday;
* 将身份证中的生日转成date
* @param dateString
* @return
public static Date convertStringToDate(String dateString) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
try {
return sdf.parse(dateString);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class NumKit {
public NumKit() {
public static Double checkDouble(String num) {
try {
Double i = Double.valueOf(num);
return i;
} catch (Exception var3) {
return 0D;
public static Integer checkInt(String num) {
try {
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(num);
return i;
} catch (Exception var3) {
return 0;
public static Long checkLong(String num) {
try {
Long i = Long.valueOf(num);
return i;
} catch (Exception var3) {
return 0L;
public static BigDecimal checkBigDecimal(String num) {
try {
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(num);
return bd;
} catch (Exception var3) {
return null;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils;
import java.util.*;
* OrderedProperties
* @author Unmi
* @date 2012-12-07
public class OrderedProperties extends Properties {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4627607243846121965L;
private final LinkedHashSet<Object> keys = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
public Enumeration<Object> keys() {
return Collections.<Object>enumeration(keys);
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
return super.put(key, value);
public Set<Object> keySet() {
return keys;
public Set<String> stringPropertyNames() {
Set<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (Object key : this.keys) {
set.add((String) key);
return set;
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils;
import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
import com.squareup.okhttp.Request;
import com.squareup.okhttp.Response;
import com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class WsOkHttpUtils {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WsOkHttpUtils.class);
public static boolean wsImageDownload(String idcard, String toPath) {
String url = ConfigParam.wshttpurl + idcard;
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("User-Agent", "PostmanRuntime/7.15.2")
.addHeader("Accept", "*/*")
.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
.addHeader("Postman-Token", "7c9d31e5-31af-462b-a139-1d8e708f3754,66cb412d-20dd-42e2-930f-ea1f746d890d")
.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate")
.addHeader("Referer", url)
.addHeader("Connection", "keep-alive")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
try {
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// 获取响应体
ResponseBody responseBody = response.body();
long length = responseBody.contentLength();
if (0 == length) {
||||"pic length is null");
return false;
// 获取输入流
InputStream inputStream = responseBody.byteStream();
// 指定本地保存路径
// String localFilePath = "path/to/save/image.jpg";
// 使用输出流将输入流写入本地文件
try (OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(toPath)) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
||||"Image saved successfully!");
return true;
} else {
||||"Request failed with code: " + response.code());
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
* @author daifei
* @Description: AES对称加密工具类
* @date 2021年4月14日
public class AESTools {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AESTools.class);
private static final String KEY_ALGORITHM = "AES";
private static final String DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGORITHM = "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding";// 默认的加密算法
* AES 加密操作
* @param content 待加密内容
* @param password 加密密码
* @return 返回Base64转码后的加密数据
public static String encrypt(String content, String password) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
return "";
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGORITHM);// 创建密码器
byte[] byteContent = content.getBytes("utf-8");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(password));// 初始化为加密模式的密码器
byte[] result = cipher.doFinal(byteContent);// 加密
return Base64Tools.encodeToString(result);// 通过Base64转码返回
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("AES加密失败:" + content);
return "";
* AES 解密操作
* @param content
* @param password
* @return
public static String decrypt(String content, String password) {
try {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
return "";
// 实例化
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGORITHM);
// 使用密钥初始化,设置为解密模式
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(password));
// 执行操作
byte[] result = cipher.doFinal(Base64Tools.decodeFromString(content));
return new String(result, "utf-8");
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("AES解密失败:" + content);
return "";
* 生成加密秘钥
* @return
private static SecretKeySpec getSecretKey(final String password) {
try {
return new SecretKeySpec(password.getBytes("UTF-8"), KEY_ALGORITHM);// 转换为AES专用密钥
} catch (Exception ex) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(AESTools.class).error("", ex);
throw new RuntimeException("生成加密秘钥");
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
public class AesConstant {
public static final String AES_COMMON = "watu2022G409watu";
public static final String AES_PHONE = "phoneG409WaTuNj1";
public static final String AES_ID_CARD = "idCardG409WaTuNj";
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
public abstract class Base64Tools {
private static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* Base64-encode the given byte array.
* @param src the original byte array
* @return the encoded byte array
public static byte[] encode(byte[] src) {
if (src.length == 0) {
return src;
return Base64.getEncoder().encode(src);
* Base64-decode the given byte array.
* @param src the encoded byte array
* @return the original byte array
public static byte[] decode(byte[] src) {
if (src.length == 0) {
return src;
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(src);
* Base64-encode the given byte array using the RFC 4648
* "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet".
* @param src the original byte array
* @return the encoded byte array
* @since 4.2.4
public static byte[] encodeUrlSafe(byte[] src) {
if (src.length == 0) {
return src;
return Base64.getUrlEncoder().encode(src);
* Base64-decode the given byte array using the RFC 4648
* "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet".
* @param src the encoded byte array
* @return the original byte array
* @since 4.2.4
public static byte[] decodeUrlSafe(byte[] src) {
if (src.length == 0) {
return src;
return Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(src);
* Base64-encode the given byte array to a String.
* @param src the original byte array (may be {@code null})
* @return the encoded byte array as a UTF-8 String
public static String encodeToString(byte[] src) {
if (src.length == 0) {
return "";
return new String(encode(src), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
* Base64-decode the given byte array from an UTF-8 String.
* @param src the encoded UTF-8 String
* @return the original byte array
public static byte[] decodeFromString(String src) {
if (src.isEmpty()) {
return new byte[0];
return decode(src.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET));
* Base64-encode the given byte array to a String using the RFC 4648
* "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet".
* @param src the original byte array
* @return the encoded byte array as a UTF-8 String
public static String encodeToUrlSafeString(byte[] src) {
return new String(encodeUrlSafe(src), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
* Base64-decode the given byte array from an UTF-8 String using the RFC 4648
* "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet".
* @param src the encoded UTF-8 String
* @return the original byte array
public static byte[] decodeFromUrlSafeString(String src) {
return decodeUrlSafe(src.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET));
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
public class SignatureTools {
private static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* sha256WithRsa 加签
* @param content 待签名的字符串
* @param priKeyBase64 base64编码的私钥
* @return base64编码的签名
public static String rsa256Sign(String content, String priKeyBase64) {
byte[] signed = sign(SignAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA, content.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET), Base64Tools.decodeFromString(priKeyBase64));
return Base64Tools.encodeToString(signed);
* sha256WithRsa 验签
* @param content 待验签的字符串
* @param pubKeyBase64 base64编码的公钥
* @param signBase64 base64编码签名
* @return 签名是否正确
public static boolean rsa256Verify(String content, String pubKeyBase64, String signBase64) {
return verify(SignAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA, content.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET), Base64Tools.decodeFromString(signBase64),
public static byte[] sign(SignAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] content, byte[] key) {
try {
PrivateKey priKey = generatePrivateKey(algorithm, key);
|||| signature =;
byte[] signed = signature.sign();
return signed;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static boolean verify(SignAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] content, byte[] sign, byte[] key) {
try {
|||| signature =;
PublicKey publicKey = generatePublicKey(algorithm, key);
return signature.verify(sign);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static PrivateKey generatePrivateKey(SignAlgorithm algorithmType, byte[] key)
throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return generatePrivateKey(algorithmType, new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(key));
public static PrivateKey generatePrivateKey(SignAlgorithm algorithmType, KeySpec keySpec)
throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithmType.getType()).generatePrivate(keySpec);
public static PublicKey generatePublicKey(SignAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] key)
throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return generatePublicKey(algorithm, new X509EncodedKeySpec(key));
public static PublicKey generatePublicKey(SignAlgorithm algorithm, KeySpec keySpec)
throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm.getType()).generatePublic(keySpec);
@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
package com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.util;
import com.ssf.mysqloracletest.utils.StringKit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DictUtil {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DictUtil.class);
* 与户主关系字典转换
* @return
public static int convertRelation(String value) {
value = StringKit.toString(value);
int result = 8;
//1 本人
if ("01".equals(value)) {
result = 0;
//2 户主
else if ("02".equals(value)) {
result = 0;
//3 小集体户户主
else if ("03".equals(value)) {
result = 0;
//10 配偶
else if ("10".equals(value)) {
result = 1;
//11 夫
else if ("11".equals(value)) {
result = 1;
//12 妻
else if ("12".equals(value)) {
result = 1;
//20 子
else if ("20".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//21 独生子
else if ("21".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//22 长子
else if ("22".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//23 次子
else if ("23".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//24 三子
else if ("24".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//25 四子
else if ("25".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//26 五子
else if ("26".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//27 养子或继子
else if ("27".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//28 女婿
else if ("28".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//29 其它儿子
else if ("28".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//30 女
else if ("30".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//31 独生女
else if ("31".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//32 长女
else if ("32".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//33 二女
else if ("33".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//34 三女
else if ("34".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//35 四女
else if ("35".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//36 五女
else if ("36".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//37 养女
else if ("37".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//38 儿媳
else if ("38".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//39 其它女儿
else if ("39".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//40 孙子,孙女或外孙子,外孙女
else if ("40".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//41 孙子
else if ("41".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//42 孙女
else if ("42".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//43 外孙子
else if ("43".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//44 外孙女
else if ("44".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//45 孙媳妇或外孙媳妇
else if ("45".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//46 孙女婿或外孙女婿
else if ("46".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//47 曾孙子或曾外孙子
else if ("47".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//48 曾孙女或曾外孙女
else if ("48".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//49 其他孙子,孙女或外孙子
else if ("49".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//50 父母
else if ("50".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//51 父亲
else if ("51".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//52 母亲
else if ("52".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//53 公公
else if ("53".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//54 婆婆
else if ("54".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//55 岳父
else if ("55".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//56 岳母
else if ("56".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//57 继父或养父
else if ("57".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//58 继母或养母
else if ("58".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//59 其它父母关系
else if ("59".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//60 祖父母或外祖父母
else if ("60".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//61 祖父
else if ("61".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//62 祖母
else if ("62".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//63 外祖父
else if ("63".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//64 外祖母
else if ("64".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//65 配偶的祖父母或外祖父母
else if ("65".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//66 曾祖父
else if ("66".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//67 曾祖母
else if ("67".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//68 配偶的曾祖父母
else if ("68".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//69 其它祖父母或外祖父母关系
else if ("69".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//70 兄弟姐妹
else if ("70".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//71 兄
else if ("71".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//72 嫂
else if ("72".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//73 弟
else if ("73".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//74 弟媳
else if ("74".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//75 姐姐
else if ("75".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//76 姐夫
else if ("76".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//77 妹妹
else if ("77".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//78 妹夫
else if ("78".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//79 其它兄弟姐妹
else if ("79".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
} else {
result = 8;
return result;
// 81 伯父
// 82 伯母
// 83 叔父
// 84 婶母
// 85 舅父
// 86 舅母
// 87 姨父
// 88 姨母
// 89 姑父
// 90 姑母
// 91 堂兄弟,堂姐妹
// 92 表兄弟,表姐妹
// 93 侄子
// 94 侄女
// 95 外甥
// 96 外甥女
// 97 其他亲属
// 98 保姆
// 99 非亲属
public static int convertRelationJwzUserInfo(String value) {
value = StringKit.toString(value);
int result = 99;
//1 本人
if ("01".equals(value)) {
result = 99;
//2 户主
else if ("02".equals(value)) {
result = 1;
//3 小集体户户主
else if ("03".equals(value)) {
result = 1;
//10 配偶
else if ("10".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//11 夫
else if ("11".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//12 妻
else if ("12".equals(value)) {
result = 2;
//20 子
else if ("20".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//21 独生子
else if ("21".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//22 长子
else if ("22".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//23 次子
else if ("23".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//24 三子
else if ("24".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//25 四子
else if ("25".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//26 五子
else if ("26".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//27 养子或继子
else if ("27".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//29 其它儿子
else if ("28".equals(value)) {
result = 3;
//30 女
else if ("30".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//31 独生女
else if ("31".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//32 长女
else if ("32".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//33 二女
else if ("33".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//34 三女
else if ("34".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//35 四女
else if ("35".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//36 五女
else if ("36".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//37 养女
else if ("37".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//39 其它女儿
else if ("39".equals(value)) {
result = 4;
//40 孙子,孙女或外孙子,外孙女
else if ("40".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//41 孙子
else if ("41".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//42 孙女
else if ("42".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//43 外孙子
else if ("43".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//44 外孙女
else if ("44".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//47 曾孙子或曾外孙子
else if ("47".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//48 曾孙女或曾外孙女
else if ("48".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//49 其他孙子,孙女或外孙子
else if ("49".equals(value)) {
result = 5;
//50 父母
else if ("50".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//51 父亲
else if ("51".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//52 母亲
else if ("52".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//57 继父或养父
else if ("57".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//58 继母或养母
else if ("58".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//59 其它父母关系
else if ("59".equals(value)) {
result = 6;
//60 祖父母或外祖父母
else if ("60".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//61 祖父
else if ("61".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//62 祖母
else if ("62".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//63 外祖父
else if ("63".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//64 外祖母
else if ("64".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//65 配偶的祖父母或外祖父母
else if ("65".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//66 曾祖父
else if ("66".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//67 曾祖母
else if ("67".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//68 配偶的曾祖父母
else if ("68".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//69 其它祖父母或外祖父母关系
else if ("69".equals(value)) {
result = 7;
//70 兄弟姐妹
else if ("70".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//71 兄
else if ("71".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//73 弟
else if ("73".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//75 姐姐
else if ("75".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//76 姐夫
else if ("76".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//77 妹妹
else if ("77".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//78 妹夫
else if ("78".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
//79 其它兄弟姐妹
else if ("79".equals(value)) {
result = 8;
} else {
result = 99;
return result;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
port: 1204
connection-timeout: 60000
primary: mysql #设置默认的数据源或者数据源组,默认值即为master
strict: false #设置严格模式,默认false不启动. 启动后再为匹配到指定数据源时候回抛出异常,不启动会使用默认数据源.
url: jdbc:mysql://
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
username: root
password: '!QAZ1qaz'
url: jdbc:mysql://
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
username: root
password: '!QAZ1qaz'
max-pool-size: 100
min-idle: 5
connection-timeout: 60000
log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
- classpath:mapper/*.xml
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
mapper-locations: mybatis/**/*Mapper.xml
typeAliasesPackage: com.ssf.mysqloracletest.**.domain
root: info
com.ssf.mysqloracletest: debug
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- 日志存放路径 -->
<property name="log.path" value="/home/project/dataCompareYpt/log" />
<!-- 日志输出格式 -->
<property name="log.pattern" value="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{20} - [%method,%line] - %msg%n" />
<!-- 控制台输出 -->
<appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<!-- 系统日志输出 -->
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<!-- 循环政策:基于时间创建日志文件 -->
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 日志文件名格式 -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
<!-- 过滤的级别 -->
<!-- 匹配时的操作:接收(记录) -->
<!-- 不匹配时的操作:拒绝(不记录) -->
<appender name="file_error" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<!-- 循环政策:基于时间创建日志文件 -->
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 日志文件名格式 -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
<!-- 过滤的级别 -->
<!-- 匹配时的操作:接收(记录) -->
<!-- 不匹配时的操作:拒绝(不记录) -->
<!-- 用户访问日志输出 -->
<appender name="sys-user" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- 按天回滚 daily -->
<!-- 日志最大的历史 60天 -->
<!-- 系统模块日志级别控制 -->
<logger name="com.ruoyi" level="info" />
<!-- Spring日志级别控制 -->
<logger name="org.springframework" level="warn" />
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="console" />
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="file_info" />
<appender-ref ref="file_error" />
<logger name="sys-user" level="info">
<appender-ref ref="sys-user"/>
@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.mapper.JcjCjxxViewMysqlMapper">
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql">
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<result property="status" column="status" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<select id="selectCjxxById" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from jcj_cjxx_view
where CJBH = #{CJBH} limit 1
<insert id="insertCjxx" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql" useGeneratedKeys="true"
insert into jcj_cjxx_view
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="CJBH != null and CJBH != '' ">CJBH,</if>
<if test="JJBH != null and JJBH != '' ">JJBH,</if>
<if test="JJDBH != null and JJDBH != '' ">JJDBH,</if>
<if test="PJDBH != null and PJDBH != '' ">PJDBH,</if>
<if test="FKLYH != null and FKLYH != '' ">FKLYH,</if>
<if test="CJLB != null and CJLB != '' ">CJLB,</if>
<if test="CJSJ != null and CJSJ != '' ">CJSJ,</if>
<if test="DDXCSJ != null and DDXCSJ != '' ">DDXCSJ,</if>
<if test="CJXZQH != null and CJXZQH != '' ">CJXZQH,</if>
<if test="CJJLX != null and CJJLX != '' ">CJJLX,</if>
<if test="CJMLPH != null and CJMLPH != '' ">CJMLPH,</if>
<if test="CJMPHZ != null and CJMPHZ != '' ">CJMPHZ,</if>
<if test="CJXZ != null and CJXZ != '' ">CJXZ,</if>
<if test="SFCS != null and SFCS != '' ">SFCS,</if>
<if test="FSYY != null and FSYY != '' ">FSYY,</if>
<if test="TQQK != null and TQQK != '' ">TQQK,</if>
<if test="JQSX != null and JQSX != '' ">JQSX,</if>
<if test="CJR != null and CJR != '' ">CJR,</if>
<if test="CJRHZXS != null and CJRHZXS != '' ">CJRHZXS,</if>
<if test="CJRLXFS != null and CJRLXFS != '' ">CJRLXFS,</if>
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<if test="SFSJSX != null and SFSJSX != '' ">SFSJSX,</if>
<if test="SFSJXX != null and SFSJXX != '' ">SFSJXX,</if>
<if test="CLJGNR != null and CLJGNR != '' ">CLJGNR,</if>
<if test="BCCLJG != null and BCCLJG != '' ">BCCLJG,</if>
<if test="SSXXQK != null and SSXXQK != '' ">SSXXQK,</if>
<if test="CJFKSJ != null and CJFKSJ != '' ">CJFKSJ,</if>
<if test="SPSJ != null and SPSJ != '' ">SPSJ,</if>
<if test="ZBLD != null and ZBLD != '' ">ZBLD,</if>
<if test="ZBLDXM != null and ZBLDXM != '' ">ZBLDXM,</if>
<if test="LDCLSJ != null and LDCLSJ != '' ">LDCLSJ,</if>
<if test="CJJG != null and CJJG != '' ">CJJG,</if>
<if test="CJYSJSDW != null and CJYSJSDW != '' ">CJYSJSDW,</if>
<if test="CJYSJSR != null and CJYSJSR != '' ">CJYSJSR,</if>
<if test="CJYSJSSJ != null and CJYSJSSJ != '' ">CJYSJSSJ,</if>
<if test="CDJL != null and CDJL != '' ">CDJL,</if>
<if test="CDJDC != null and CDJDC != '' ">CDJDC,</if>
<if test="CDCZ != null and CDCZ != '' ">CDCZ,</if>
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<if test="JJETS != null and JJETS != '' ">JJETS,</if>
<if test="JJRZS != null and JJRZS != '' ">JJRZS,</if>
<if test="JZQZ != null and JZQZ != '' ">JZQZ,</if>
<if test="JZSY != null and JZSY != '' ">JZSY,</if>
<if test="RYSSS != null and RYSSS != '' ">RYSSS,</if>
<if test="RYSWS != null and RYSWS != '' ">RYSWS,</if>
<if test="LZSCRS != null and LZSCRS != '' ">LZSCRS,</if>
<if test="PHXXAJ != null and PHXXAJ != '' ">PHXXAJ,</if>
<if test="PHXSAJ != null and PHXSAJ != '' ">PHXSAJ,</if>
<if test="PHZAAJ != null and PHZAAJ != '' ">PHZAAJ,</if>
<if test="TPRF != null and TPRF != '' ">TPRF,</if>
<if test="ZHZACY != null and ZHZACY != '' ">ZHZACY,</if>
<if test="ZJJJSS != null and ZJJJSS != '' ">ZJJJSS,</if>
<if test="WHSS != null and WHSS != '' ">WHSS,</if>
<if test="AJSLR != null and AJSLR != '' ">AJSLR,</if>
<if test="AJSLDW != null and AJSLDW != '' ">AJSLDW,</if>
<if test="GLAJBH != null and GLAJBH != '' ">GLAJBH,</if>
<if test="GLAJZT != null and GLAJZT != '' ">GLAJZT,</if>
<if test="GIS_X != null and GIS_X != '' ">GIS_X,</if>
<if test="GIS_Y != null and GIS_Y != '' ">GIS_Y,</if>
<if test="DJDW != null and DJDW != '' ">DJDW,</if>
<if test="DJR != null and DJR != '' ">DJR,</if>
<if test="DJSJ != null and DJSJ != '' ">DJSJ,</if>
<if test="XGR != null and XGR != '' ">XGR,</if>
<if test="XGSJ != null and XGSJ != '' ">XGSJ,</if>
<if test="XGDW != null and XGDW != '' ">XGDW,</if>
<if test="DJRXM != null and DJRXM != '' ">DJRXM,</if>
<if test="DJDWMC != null and DJDWMC != '' ">DJDWMC,</if>
<if test="XGRXM != null and XGRXM != '' ">XGRXM,</if>
<if test="XGDWMC != null and XGDWMC != '' ">XGDWMC,</if>
<if test="CJDW != null and CJDW != '' ">CJDW,</if>
<if test="CJDWMC != null and CJDWMC != '' ">CJDWMC,</if>
<if test="CJXXDD != null and CJXXDD != '' ">CJXXDD,</if>
<if test="ZBLDDW != null and ZBLDDW != '' ">ZBLDDW,</if>
<if test="ZBLDDWMC != null and ZBLDDWMC != '' ">ZBLDDWMC,</if>
<if test="SPXGSJ != null and SPXGSJ != '' ">SPXGSJ,</if>
<if test="YZB != null and YZB != '' ">YZB,</if>
<if test="XZB != null and XZB != '' ">XZB,</if>
<if test="BZSJ != null and BZSJ != '' ">BZSJ,</if>
<if test="BZDW != null and BZDW != '' ">BZDW,</if>
<if test="BZR != null and BZR != '' ">BZR,</if>
<if test="BZRXM != null and BZRXM != '' ">BZRXM,</if>
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<if test="GXSJ != null and GXSJ != '' ">GXSJ,</if>
<if test="GXRXM != null and GXRXM != '' ">GXRXM,</if>
<if test="GXR != null and GXR != '' ">GXR,</if>
<if test="GXDWMC != null and GXDWMC != '' ">GXDWMC,</if>
<if test="GXDW != null and GXDW != '' ">GXDW,</if>
<if test="CJLBMC != null and CJLBMC != '' ">CJLBMC,</if>
<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">CJXZQHMC,</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">CJJLXMC,</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">CJMPHZMC,</if>
<if test="SFCSMC != null and SFCSMC != '' ">SFCSMC,</if>
<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">FSYYMC,</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">TQQKMC,</if>
<if test="SFXQMC != null and SFXQMC != '' ">SFXQMC,</if>
<if test="CJJGMC != null and CJJGMC != '' ">CJJGMC,</if>
<if test="AJSLRMC != null and AJSLRMC != '' ">AJSLRMC,</if>
<if test="AJSLDWMC != null and AJSLDWMC != '' ">AJSLDWMC,</if>
<if test="GLAJZTMC != null and GLAJZTMC != '' ">GLAJZTMC,</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">WS_RKSJ,</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">WS_XGSJ,</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">WS_YXX,</if>
<if test="JQSXMC != null and JQSXMC != '' ">JQSXMC,</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">RYWKSJ,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="CJBH != null and CJBH != '' ">#{CJBH},</if>
<if test="JJBH != null and JJBH != '' ">#{JJBH},</if>
<if test="JJDBH != null and JJDBH != '' ">#{JJDBH},</if>
<if test="PJDBH != null and PJDBH != '' ">#{PJDBH},</if>
<if test="FKLYH != null and FKLYH != '' ">#{FKLYH},</if>
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<if test="DDXCSJ != null and DDXCSJ != '' ">#{DDXCSJ},</if>
<if test="CJXZQH != null and CJXZQH != '' ">#{CJXZQH},</if>
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<if test="CJYSJSR != null and CJYSJSR != '' ">#{CJYSJSR},</if>
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<if test="JZQZ != null and JZQZ != '' ">#{JZQZ},</if>
<if test="JZSY != null and JZSY != '' ">#{JZSY},</if>
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<if test="RYSWS != null and RYSWS != '' ">#{RYSWS},</if>
<if test="LZSCRS != null and LZSCRS != '' ">#{LZSCRS},</if>
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<if test="GLAJZT != null and GLAJZT != '' ">#{GLAJZT},</if>
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<if test="BZDWMC != null and BZDWMC != '' ">#{BZDWMC},</if>
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<if test="GXRXM != null and GXRXM != '' ">#{GXRXM},</if>
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<if test="GXDW != null and GXDW != '' ">#{GXDW},</if>
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<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">#{CJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">#{CJJLXMC},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">#{CJMPHZMC},</if>
<if test="SFCSMC != null and SFCSMC != '' ">#{SFCSMC},</if>
<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">#{FSYYMC},</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">#{TQQKMC},</if>
<if test="SFXQMC != null and SFXQMC != '' ">#{SFXQMC},</if>
<if test="CJJGMC != null and CJJGMC != '' ">#{CJJGMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLRMC != null and AJSLRMC != '' ">#{AJSLRMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLDWMC != null and AJSLDWMC != '' ">#{AJSLDWMC},</if>
<if test="GLAJZTMC != null and GLAJZTMC != '' ">#{GLAJZTMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">#{WS_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">#{WS_XGSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">#{WS_YXX},</if>
<if test="JQSXMC != null and JQSXMC != '' ">#{JQSXMC},</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">#{RYWKSJ},</if>
<update id="updateCjxxById" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjCjxxViewMysql">
update jcj_cjxx_view
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="CJBH != null and CJBH != '' ">CJBH=#{CJBH},</if>
<if test="JJBH != null and JJBH != '' ">JJBH=#{JJBH},</if>
<if test="JJDBH != null and JJDBH != '' ">JJDBH=#{JJDBH},</if>
<if test="PJDBH != null and PJDBH != '' ">PJDBH=#{PJDBH},</if>
<if test="FKLYH != null and FKLYH != '' ">FKLYH=#{FKLYH},</if>
<if test="CJLB != null and CJLB != '' ">CJLB=#{CJLB},</if>
<if test="CJSJ != null and CJSJ != '' ">CJSJ=#{CJSJ},</if>
<if test="DDXCSJ != null and DDXCSJ != '' ">DDXCSJ=#{DDXCSJ},</if>
<if test="CJXZQH != null and CJXZQH != '' ">CJXZQH=#{CJXZQH},</if>
<if test="CJJLX != null and CJJLX != '' ">CJJLX=#{CJJLX},</if>
<if test="CJMLPH != null and CJMLPH != '' ">CJMLPH=#{CJMLPH},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZ != null and CJMPHZ != '' ">CJMPHZ=#{CJMPHZ},</if>
<if test="CJXZ != null and CJXZ != '' ">CJXZ=#{CJXZ},</if>
<if test="SFCS != null and SFCS != '' ">SFCS=#{SFCS},</if>
<if test="FSYY != null and FSYY != '' ">FSYY=#{FSYY},</if>
<if test="TQQK != null and TQQK != '' ">TQQK=#{TQQK},</if>
<if test="JQSX != null and JQSX != '' ">JQSX=#{JQSX},</if>
<if test="CJR != null and CJR != '' ">CJR=#{CJR},</if>
<if test="CJRHZXS != null and CJRHZXS != '' ">CJRHZXS=#{CJRHZXS},</if>
<if test="CJRLXFS != null and CJRLXFS != '' ">CJRLXFS=#{CJRLXFS},</if>
<if test="SFXQ != null and SFXQ != '' ">SFXQ=#{SFXQ},</if>
<if test="SFSJSX != null and SFSJSX != '' ">SFSJSX=#{SFSJSX},</if>
<if test="SFSJXX != null and SFSJXX != '' ">SFSJXX=#{SFSJXX},</if>
<if test="CLJGNR != null and CLJGNR != '' ">CLJGNR=#{CLJGNR},</if>
<if test="BCCLJG != null and BCCLJG != '' ">BCCLJG=#{BCCLJG},</if>
<if test="SSXXQK != null and SSXXQK != '' ">SSXXQK=#{SSXXQK},</if>
<if test="CJFKSJ != null and CJFKSJ != '' ">CJFKSJ=#{CJFKSJ},</if>
<if test="SPSJ != null and SPSJ != '' ">SPSJ=#{SPSJ},</if>
<if test="ZBLD != null and ZBLD != '' ">ZBLD=#{ZBLD},</if>
<if test="ZBLDXM != null and ZBLDXM != '' ">ZBLDXM=#{ZBLDXM},</if>
<if test="LDCLSJ != null and LDCLSJ != '' ">LDCLSJ=#{LDCLSJ},</if>
<if test="CJJG != null and CJJG != '' ">CJJG=#{CJJG},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSDW != null and CJYSJSDW != '' ">CJYSJSDW=#{CJYSJSDW},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSR != null and CJYSJSR != '' ">CJYSJSR=#{CJYSJSR},</if>
<if test="CJYSJSSJ != null and CJYSJSSJ != '' ">CJYSJSSJ=#{CJYSJSSJ},</if>
<if test="CDJL != null and CDJL != '' ">CDJL=#{CDJL},</if>
<if test="CDJDC != null and CDJDC != '' ">CDJDC=#{CDJDC},</if>
<if test="CDCZ != null and CDCZ != '' ">CDCZ=#{CDCZ},</if>
<if test="JJFNS != null and JJFNS != '' ">JJFNS=#{JJFNS},</if>
<if test="JJETS != null and JJETS != '' ">JJETS=#{JJETS},</if>
<if test="JJRZS != null and JJRZS != '' ">JJRZS=#{JJRZS},</if>
<if test="JZQZ != null and JZQZ != '' ">JZQZ=#{JZQZ},</if>
<if test="JZSY != null and JZSY != '' ">JZSY=#{JZSY},</if>
<if test="RYSSS != null and RYSSS != '' ">RYSSS=#{RYSSS},</if>
<if test="RYSWS != null and RYSWS != '' ">RYSWS=#{RYSWS},</if>
<if test="LZSCRS != null and LZSCRS != '' ">LZSCRS=#{LZSCRS},</if>
<if test="PHXXAJ != null and PHXXAJ != '' ">PHXXAJ=#{PHXXAJ},</if>
<if test="PHXSAJ != null and PHXSAJ != '' ">PHXSAJ=#{PHXSAJ},</if>
<if test="PHZAAJ != null and PHZAAJ != '' ">PHZAAJ=#{PHZAAJ},</if>
<if test="TPRF != null and TPRF != '' ">TPRF=#{TPRF},</if>
<if test="ZHZACY != null and ZHZACY != '' ">ZHZACY=#{ZHZACY},</if>
<if test="ZJJJSS != null and ZJJJSS != '' ">ZJJJSS=#{ZJJJSS},</if>
<if test="WHSS != null and WHSS != '' ">WHSS=#{WHSS},</if>
<if test="AJSLR != null and AJSLR != '' ">AJSLR=#{AJSLR},</if>
<if test="AJSLDW != null and AJSLDW != '' ">AJSLDW=#{AJSLDW},</if>
<if test="GLAJBH != null and GLAJBH != '' ">GLAJBH=#{GLAJBH},</if>
<if test="GLAJZT != null and GLAJZT != '' ">GLAJZT=#{GLAJZT},</if>
<if test="GIS_X != null and GIS_X != '' ">GIS_X=#{GIS_X},</if>
<if test="GIS_Y != null and GIS_Y != '' ">GIS_Y=#{GIS_Y},</if>
<if test="DJDW != null and DJDW != '' ">DJDW=#{DJDW},</if>
<if test="DJR != null and DJR != '' ">DJR=#{DJR},</if>
<if test="DJSJ != null and DJSJ != '' ">DJSJ=#{DJSJ},</if>
<if test="XGR != null and XGR != '' ">XGR=#{XGR},</if>
<if test="XGSJ != null and XGSJ != '' ">XGSJ=#{XGSJ},</if>
<if test="XGDW != null and XGDW != '' ">XGDW=#{XGDW},</if>
<if test="DJRXM != null and DJRXM != '' ">DJRXM=#{DJRXM},</if>
<if test="DJDWMC != null and DJDWMC != '' ">DJDWMC=#{DJDWMC},</if>
<if test="XGRXM != null and XGRXM != '' ">XGRXM=#{XGRXM},</if>
<if test="XGDWMC != null and XGDWMC != '' ">XGDWMC=#{XGDWMC},</if>
<if test="CJDW != null and CJDW != '' ">CJDW=#{CJDW},</if>
<if test="CJDWMC != null and CJDWMC != '' ">CJDWMC=#{CJDWMC},</if>
<if test="CJXXDD != null and CJXXDD != '' ">CJXXDD=#{CJXXDD},</if>
<if test="ZBLDDW != null and ZBLDDW != '' ">ZBLDDW=#{ZBLDDW},</if>
<if test="ZBLDDWMC != null and ZBLDDWMC != '' ">ZBLDDWMC=#{ZBLDDWMC},</if>
<if test="SPXGSJ != null and SPXGSJ != '' ">SPXGSJ=#{SPXGSJ},</if>
<if test="YZB != null and YZB != '' ">YZB=#{YZB},</if>
<if test="XZB != null and XZB != '' ">XZB=#{XZB},</if>
<if test="BZSJ != null and BZSJ != '' ">BZSJ=#{BZSJ},</if>
<if test="BZDW != null and BZDW != '' ">BZDW=#{BZDW},</if>
<if test="BZR != null and BZR != '' ">BZR=#{BZR},</if>
<if test="BZRXM != null and BZRXM != '' ">BZRXM=#{BZRXM},</if>
<if test="BZDWMC != null and BZDWMC != '' ">BZDWMC=#{BZDWMC},</if>
<if test="GXSJ != null and GXSJ != '' ">GXSJ=#{GXSJ},</if>
<if test="GXRXM != null and GXRXM != '' ">GXRXM=#{GXRXM},</if>
<if test="GXR != null and GXR != '' ">GXR=#{GXR},</if>
<if test="GXDWMC != null and GXDWMC != '' ">GXDWMC=#{GXDWMC},</if>
<if test="GXDW != null and GXDW != '' ">GXDW=#{GXDW},</if>
<if test="CJLBMC != null and CJLBMC != '' ">CJLBMC=#{CJLBMC},</if>
<if test="CJXZQHMC != null and CJXZQHMC != '' ">CJXZQHMC=#{CJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="CJJLXMC != null and CJJLXMC != '' ">CJJLXMC=#{CJJLXMC},</if>
<if test="CJMPHZMC != null and CJMPHZMC != '' ">CJMPHZMC=#{CJMPHZMC},</if>
<if test="SFCSMC != null and SFCSMC != '' ">SFCSMC=#{SFCSMC},</if>
<if test="FSYYMC != null and FSYYMC != '' ">FSYYMC=#{FSYYMC},</if>
<if test="TQQKMC != null and TQQKMC != '' ">TQQKMC=#{TQQKMC},</if>
<if test="SFXQMC != null and SFXQMC != '' ">SFXQMC=#{SFXQMC},</if>
<if test="CJJGMC != null and CJJGMC != '' ">CJJGMC=#{CJJGMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLRMC != null and AJSLRMC != '' ">AJSLRMC=#{AJSLRMC},</if>
<if test="AJSLDWMC != null and AJSLDWMC != '' ">AJSLDWMC=#{AJSLDWMC},</if>
<if test="GLAJZTMC != null and GLAJZTMC != '' ">GLAJZTMC=#{GLAJZTMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">WS_RKSJ=#{WS_RKSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">WS_XGSJ=#{WS_XGSJ},</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">WS_YXX=#{WS_YXX},</if>
<if test="JQSXMC != null and JQSXMC != '' ">JQSXMC=#{JQSXMC},</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">RYWKSJ=#{RYWKSJ},</if>
<if test="status != null and status != '' ">status=#{status},</if>
where JJBH = #{JJBH}
<select id="selectRecordOrderByRksj" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select *
from jcj_cjxx_view order by ws_rksj desc limit 1;
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
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select count(*)
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WHERE t2.rn <![CDATA[ >= ]]> ${rowStart}
<select id="getRealTimeRecording" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
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<select id="selectJcjJxxByJJBH" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select *
from jcj_jjxx_view
where JJBH = #{JJBH}
limit 1
<insert id="insertJjxx" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql" useGeneratedKeys="true"
insert into jcj_jjxx_view
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
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<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
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<if test="ZDYJDW != null and ZDYJDW != '' ">#{ZDYJDW },</if>
<if test="ZDYJSJ != null and ZDYJSJ != '' ">#{ZDYJSJ },</if>
<if test="ZDYJSM != null and ZDYJSM != '' ">#{ZDYJSM },</if>
<if test="SFBDDH != null and SFBDDH != '' ">#{SFBDDH },</if>
<if test="SFPJ != null and SFPJ != '' ">#{SFPJ },</if>
<if test="SFFK != null and SFFK != '' ">#{SFFK },</if>
<if test="BJRXBMC != null and BJRXBMC != '' ">#{BJRXBMC },</if>
<if test="BJXSMC != null and BJXSMC != '' ">#{BJXSMC },</if>
<if test="BJLXMC != null and BJLXMC != '' ">#{BJLXMC },</if>
<if test="CLLXMC != null and CLLXMC != '' ">#{CLLXMC },</if>
<if test="HZDJMC != null and HZDJMC != '' ">#{HZDJMC },</if>
<if test="SFZDDWMC != null and SFZDDWMC != '' ">#{SFZDDWMC},</if>
<if test="JZLBMC != null and JZLBMC != '' ">#{JZLBMC },</if>
<if test="JZJGMC != null and JZJGMC != '' ">#{JZJGMC },</if>
<if test="QHCSMC != null and QHCSMC != '' ">#{QHCSMC },</if>
<if test="YFWXWZMC != null and YFWXWZMC != '' ">#{YFWXWZMC},</if>
<if test="YWBZXLMC != null and YWBZXLMC != '' ">#{YWBZXLMC},</if>
<if test="YFTYMC != null and YFTYMC != '' ">#{YFTYMC },</if>
<if test="YWBKRYMC != null and YWBKRYMC != '' ">#{YWBKRYMC},</if>
<if test="SFZXXSMC != null and SFZXXSMC != '' ">#{SFZXXSMC},</if>
<if test="SJJSDMC != null and SJJSDMC != '' ">#{SJJSDMC },</if>
<if test="CJBSMC != null and CJBSMC != '' ">#{CJBSMC },</if>
<if test="YJDWMC != null and YJDWMC != '' ">#{YJDWMC },</if>
<if test="JJXZQHMC != null and JJXZQHMC != '' ">#{JJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="JJGXDWMC != null and JJGXDWMC != '' ">#{JJGXDWMC},</if>
<if test="ZDYJRXM != null and ZDYJRXM != '' ">#{ZDYJRXM },</if>
<if test="ZDYJDWMC != null and ZDYJDWMC != '' ">#{ZDYJDWMC},</if>
<if test="SFBDDHMC != null and SFBDDHMC != '' ">#{SFBDDHMC},</if>
<if test="SFPJMC != null and SFPJMC != '' ">#{SFPJMC },</if>
<if test="SFFKMC != null and SFFKMC != '' ">#{SFFKMC },</if>
<if test="LHLBDMMC != null and LHLBDMMC != '' ">#{LHLBDMMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">#{WS_RKSJ },</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">#{WS_XGSJ },</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">#{WS_YXX },</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">#{RYWKSJ },</if>
<if test="JDZB != null and JDZB != '' ">#{JDZB },</if>
<if test="WDZB != null and WDZB != '' ">#{WDZB },</if>
<if test="STATUS != null and STATUS != '' ">#{STATUS },</if>
<update id="updateJjxxByJJBH" parameterType="com.ssf.mysqloracletest.domain.JcjJjxxViewMysql">
update jcj_jjxx_view
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="JJBH != null and JJBH != '' ">JJBH =#{JJBH },</if>
<if test="JJDBH != null and JJDBH != '' ">JJDBH =#{JJDBH },</if>
<if test="PJDBH != null and PJDBH != '' ">PJDBH =#{PJDBH },</if>
<if test="GLJJDBH != null and GLJJDBH != '' ">GLJJDBH =#{GLJJDBH },</if>
<if test="JJLYH != null and JJLYH != '' ">JJLYH =#{JJLYH },</if>
<if test="PJLYH != null and PJLYH != '' ">PJLYH =#{PJLYH },</if>
<if test="LDGBH != null and LDGBH != '' ">LDGBH =#{LDGBH },</if>
<if test="JJYXM != null and JJYXM != '' ">JJYXM =#{JJYXM },</if>
<if test="PJYXM != null and PJYXM != '' ">PJYXM =#{PJYXM },</if>
<if test="LHLBDM != null and LHLBDM != '' ">LHLBDM =#{LHLBDM },</if>
<if test="BJDHSJ != null and BJDHSJ != '' ">BJDHSJ =#{BJDHSJ },</if>
<if test="BJDH != null and BJDH != '' ">BJDH =#{BJDH },</if>
<if test="BJDHHM != null and BJDHHM != '' ">BJDHHM =#{BJDHHM },</if>
<if test="BJDHDZ != null and BJDHDZ != '' ">BJDHDZ =#{BJDHDZ },</if>
<if test="THSC != null and THSC != '' ">THSC =#{THSC },</if>
<if test="BJR != null and BJR != '' ">BJR =#{BJR },</if>
<if test="BJRXB != null and BJRXB != '' ">BJRXB =#{BJRXB },</if>
<if test="LXDH != null and LXDH != '' ">LXDH =#{LXDH },</if>
<if test="BJXS != null and BJXS != '' ">BJXS =#{BJXS },</if>
<if test="BJLX != null and BJLX != '' ">BJLX =#{BJLX },</if>
<if test="SFDD != null and SFDD != '' ">SFDD =#{SFDD },</if>
<if test="BJNR != null and BJNR != '' ">BJNR =#{BJNR },</if>
<if test="BCJJNR != null and BCJJNR != '' ">BCJJNR =#{BCJJNR },</if>
<if test="SJCPH != null and SJCPH != '' ">SJCPH =#{SJCPH },</if>
<if test="CLLX != null and CLLX != '' ">CLLX =#{CLLX },</if>
<if test="SYQX != null and SYQX != '' ">SYQX =#{SYQX },</if>
<if test="CLQX != null and CLQX != '' ">CLQX =#{CLQX },</if>
<if test="HZDJ != null and HZDJ != '' ">HZDJ =#{HZDJ },</if>
<if test="SFZDDW != null and SFZDDW != '' ">SFZDDW =#{SFZDDW },</if>
<if test="ZDDWBM != null and ZDDWBM != '' ">ZDDWBM =#{ZDDWBM },</if>
<if test="JZLB != null and JZLB != '' ">JZLB =#{JZLB },</if>
<if test="JZJG != null and JZJG != '' ">JZJG =#{JZJG },</if>
<if test="QHCS != null and QHCS != '' ">QHCS =#{QHCS },</if>
<if test="BZWQK != null and BZWQK != '' ">BZWQK =#{BZWQK },</if>
<if test="BLQK != null and BLQK != '' ">BLQK =#{BLQK },</if>
<if test="SFBW != null and SFBW != '' ">SFBW =#{SFBW },</if>
<if test="RSWXZ != null and RSWXZ != '' ">RSWXZ =#{RSWXZ },</if>
<if test="YFWXWZ != null and YFWXWZ != '' ">YFWXWZ =#{YFWXWZ },</if>
<if test="YWBZXL != null and YWBZXL != '' ">YWBZXL =#{YWBZXL },</if>
<if test="YFTY != null and YFTY != '' ">YFTY =#{YFTY },</if>
<if test="YWBKRY != null and YWBKRY != '' ">YWBKRY =#{YWBKRY },</if>
<if test="GIS_X != null and GIS_X != '' ">GIS_X =#{GIS_X },</if>
<if test="GIS_Y != null and GIS_Y != '' ">GIS_Y =#{GIS_Y },</if>
<if test="SFZXXS != null and SFZXXS != '' ">SFZXXS =#{SFZXXS },</if>
<if test="BJTDYY != null and BJTDYY != '' ">BJTDYY =#{BJTDYY },</if>
<if test="PJSJ != null and PJSJ != '' ">PJSJ =#{PJSJ },</if>
<if test="BJCJYJ != null and BJCJYJ != '' ">BJCJYJ =#{BJCJYJ },</if>
<if test="EJDDSJ != null and EJDDSJ != '' ">EJDDSJ =#{EJDDSJ },</if>
<if test="EJJSSJ != null and EJJSSJ != '' ">EJJSSJ =#{EJJSSJ },</if>
<if test="EJXFSJ != null and EJXFSJ != '' ">EJXFSJ =#{EJXFSJ },</if>
<if test="EJJSR != null and EJJSR != '' ">EJJSR =#{EJJSR },</if>
<if test="EJJSRXM != null and EJJSRXM != '' ">EJJSRXM =#{EJJSRXM },</if>
<if test="EJJSDW != null and EJJSDW != '' ">EJJSDW =#{EJJSDW },</if>
<if test="EJJSDWMC != null and EJJSDWMC != '' ">EJJSDWMC=#{EJJSDWMC},</if>
<if test="SJDDSJ != null and SJDDSJ != '' ">SJDDSJ =#{SJDDSJ },</if>
<if test="SJJSSJ != null and SJJSSJ != '' ">SJJSSJ =#{SJJSSJ },</if>
<if test="SJJSR != null and SJJSR != '' ">SJJSR =#{SJJSR },</if>
<if test="SJJSRXM != null and SJJSRXM != '' ">SJJSRXM =#{SJJSRXM },</if>
<if test="SJJSD != null and SJJSD != '' ">SJJSD =#{SJJSD },</if>
<if test="SJJSDWMC != null and SJJSDWMC != '' ">SJJSDWMC=#{SJJSDWMC},</if>
<if test="CJBS != null and CJBS != '' ">CJBS =#{CJBS },</if>
<if test="DJDW != null and DJDW != '' ">DJDW =#{DJDW },</if>
<if test="DJR != null and DJR != '' ">DJR =#{DJR },</if>
<if test="DJSJ != null and DJSJ != '' ">DJSJ =#{DJSJ },</if>
<if test="XGR != null and XGR != '' ">XGR =#{XGR },</if>
<if test="XGSJ != null and XGSJ != '' ">XGSJ =#{XGSJ },</if>
<if test="XGDW != null and XGDW != '' ">XGDW =#{XGDW },</if>
<if test="DJRXM != null and DJRXM != '' ">DJRXM =#{DJRXM },</if>
<if test="DJDWMC != null and DJDWMC != '' ">DJDWMC =#{DJDWMC },</if>
<if test="XGRXM != null and XGRXM != '' ">XGRXM =#{XGRXM },</if>
<if test="XGDWMC != null and XGDWMC != '' ">XGDWMC =#{XGDWMC },</if>
<if test="JJRQSJ != null and JJRQSJ != '' ">JJRQSJ =#{JJRQSJ },</if>
<if test="JJDW != null and JJDW != '' ">JJDW =#{JJDW },</if>
<if test="JJDWMC != null and JJDWMC != '' ">JJDWMC =#{JJDWMC },</if>
<if test="JJR != null and JJR != '' ">JJR =#{JJR },</if>
<if test="JJRXM != null and JJRXM != '' ">JJRXM =#{JJRXM },</if>
<if test="YJDW != null and YJDW != '' ">YJDW =#{YJDW },</if>
<if test="YJSJ != null and YJSJ != '' ">YJSJ =#{YJSJ },</if>
<if test="YJSM != null and YJSM != '' ">YJSM =#{YJSM },</if>
<if test="YJR != null and YJR != '' ">YJR =#{YJR },</if>
<if test="JJXZQH != null and JJXZQH != '' ">JJXZQH =#{JJXZQH },</if>
<if test="JJGXDW != null and JJGXDW != '' ">JJGXDW =#{JJGXDW },</if>
<if test="FKYQ != null and FKYQ != '' ">FKYQ =#{FKYQ },</if>
<if test="SFYFDX != null and SFYFDX != '' ">SFYFDX =#{SFYFDX },</if>
<if test="JJDXNR != null and JJDXNR != '' ">JJDXNR =#{JJDXNR },</if>
<if test="JJDXSJ != null and JJDXSJ != '' ">JJDXSJ =#{JJDXSJ },</if>
<if test="SBSJ != null and SBSJ != '' ">SBSJ =#{SBSJ },</if>
<if test="SBNR != null and SBNR != '' ">SBNR =#{SBNR },</if>
<if test="CDCLBM != null and CDCLBM != '' ">CDCLBM =#{CDCLBM },</if>
<if test="JJLX != null and JJLX != '' ">JJLX =#{JJLX },</if>
<if test="ZDYJR != null and ZDYJR != '' ">ZDYJR =#{ZDYJR },</if>
<if test="ZDYJDW != null and ZDYJDW != '' ">ZDYJDW =#{ZDYJDW },</if>
<if test="ZDYJSJ != null and ZDYJSJ != '' ">ZDYJSJ =#{ZDYJSJ },</if>
<if test="ZDYJSM != null and ZDYJSM != '' ">ZDYJSM =#{ZDYJSM },</if>
<if test="SFBDDH != null and SFBDDH != '' ">SFBDDH =#{SFBDDH },</if>
<if test="SFPJ != null and SFPJ != '' ">SFPJ =#{SFPJ },</if>
<if test="SFFK != null and SFFK != '' ">SFFK =#{SFFK },</if>
<if test="BJRXBMC != null and BJRXBMC != '' ">BJRXBMC =#{BJRXBMC },</if>
<if test="BJXSMC != null and BJXSMC != '' ">BJXSMC =#{BJXSMC },</if>
<if test="BJLXMC != null and BJLXMC != '' ">BJLXMC =#{BJLXMC },</if>
<if test="CLLXMC != null and CLLXMC != '' ">CLLXMC =#{CLLXMC },</if>
<if test="HZDJMC != null and HZDJMC != '' ">HZDJMC =#{HZDJMC },</if>
<if test="SFZDDWMC != null and SFZDDWMC != '' ">SFZDDWMC=#{SFZDDWMC},</if>
<if test="JZLBMC != null and JZLBMC != '' ">JZLBMC =#{JZLBMC },</if>
<if test="JZJGMC != null and JZJGMC != '' ">JZJGMC =#{JZJGMC },</if>
<if test="QHCSMC != null and QHCSMC != '' ">QHCSMC =#{QHCSMC },</if>
<if test="YFWXWZMC != null and YFWXWZMC != '' ">YFWXWZMC=#{YFWXWZMC},</if>
<if test="YWBZXLMC != null and YWBZXLMC != '' ">YWBZXLMC=#{YWBZXLMC},</if>
<if test="YFTYMC != null and YFTYMC != '' ">YFTYMC =#{YFTYMC },</if>
<if test="YWBKRYMC != null and YWBKRYMC != '' ">YWBKRYMC=#{YWBKRYMC},</if>
<if test="SFZXXSMC != null and SFZXXSMC != '' ">SFZXXSMC=#{SFZXXSMC},</if>
<if test="SJJSDMC != null and SJJSDMC != '' ">SJJSDMC =#{SJJSDMC },</if>
<if test="CJBSMC != null and CJBSMC != '' ">CJBSMC =#{CJBSMC },</if>
<if test="YJDWMC != null and YJDWMC != '' ">YJDWMC =#{YJDWMC },</if>
<if test="JJXZQHMC != null and JJXZQHMC != '' ">JJXZQHMC=#{JJXZQHMC},</if>
<if test="JJGXDWMC != null and JJGXDWMC != '' ">JJGXDWMC=#{JJGXDWMC},</if>
<if test="ZDYJRXM != null and ZDYJRXM != '' ">ZDYJRXM =#{ZDYJRXM },</if>
<if test="ZDYJDWMC != null and ZDYJDWMC != '' ">ZDYJDWMC=#{ZDYJDWMC},</if>
<if test="SFBDDHMC != null and SFBDDHMC != '' ">SFBDDHMC=#{SFBDDHMC},</if>
<if test="SFPJMC != null and SFPJMC != '' ">SFPJMC =#{SFPJMC },</if>
<if test="SFFKMC != null and SFFKMC != '' ">SFFKMC =#{SFFKMC },</if>
<if test="LHLBDMMC != null and LHLBDMMC != '' ">LHLBDMMC=#{LHLBDMMC},</if>
<if test="WS_RKSJ != null and WS_RKSJ != '' ">WS_RKSJ =#{WS_RKSJ },</if>
<if test="WS_XGSJ != null and WS_XGSJ != '' ">WS_XGSJ =#{WS_XGSJ },</if>
<if test="WS_YXX != null and WS_YXX != '' ">WS_YXX =#{WS_YXX },</if>
<if test="RYWKSJ != null and RYWKSJ != '' ">RYWKSJ =#{RYWKSJ },</if>
<if test="JDZB != null and JDZB != '' ">JDZB =#{JDZB },</if>
<if test="WDZB != null and WDZB != '' ">WDZB =#{WDZB },</if>
<if test="STATUS != null and STATUS != '' ">STATUS =#{STATUS },</if>
where JJBH = #{JJBH}
<select id="selectRecordOrderByRksj" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select *
from jcj_jjxx_view order by ws_rksj desc limit 1;
<select id="countJjxx" resultType="int">
select count(*)
from jcj_jjxx_view limit 1
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
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select count(*)
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<select id="getJjxxList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="JjxxResultMap">
WHERE t2.rn <![CDATA[ >= ]]> ${rowStart}
<select id="getRealTimeRecording" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="JjxxResultMap">
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