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9 months ago
], function (t, e, n, i, h) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e, n, h) {
(this.x = i.defaultValue(t, 0)),
(this.y = i.defaultValue(e, 0)),
(this.width = i.defaultValue(n, 0)),
(this.height = i.defaultValue(h, 0));
(r.packedLength = 4),
(r.pack = function (t, e, n) {
return (
(n = i.defaultValue(n, 0)),
(e[n++] = t.x),
(e[n++] = t.y),
(e[n++] = t.width),
(e[n] = t.height),
(r.unpack = function (t, e, n) {
return (
(e = i.defaultValue(e, 0)),
i.defined(n) || (n = new r()),
(n.x = t[e++]),
(n.y = t[e++]),
(n.width = t[e++]),
(n.height = t[e]),
(r.fromPoints = function (t, e) {
if ((i.defined(e) || (e = new r()), !i.defined(t) || 0 === t.length))
return (e.x = 0), (e.y = 0), (e.width = 0), (e.height = 0), e;
for (var n = t.length, h = t[0].x, a = t[0].y, d = t[0].x, u = t[0].y, f = 1; f < n; f++) {
var o = t[f],
c = o.x,
x = o.y;
(h = Math.min(c, h)), (d = Math.max(c, d)), (a = Math.min(x, a)), (u = Math.max(x, u));
return (e.x = h), (e.y = a), (e.width = d - h), (e.height = u - a), e;
var a = new h.GeographicProjection(),
d = new e.Cartographic(),
u = new e.Cartographic();
(r.fromRectangle = function (t, n, h) {
if ((i.defined(h) || (h = new r()), !i.defined(t)))
return (h.x = 0), (h.y = 0), (h.width = 0), (h.height = 0), h;
var f = (n = i.defaultValue(n, a)).project(e.Rectangle.southwest(t, d)),
o = n.project(e.Rectangle.northeast(t, u));
return (
e.Cartesian2.subtract(o, f, o), (h.x = f.x), (h.y = f.y), (h.width = o.x), (h.height = o.y), h
(r.clone = function (t, e) {
if (i.defined(t))
return i.defined(e)
? ((e.x = t.x), (e.y = t.y), (e.width = t.width), (e.height = t.height), e)
: new r(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height);
(r.union = function (t, e, n) {
i.defined(n) || (n = new r());
var h = Math.min(t.x, e.x),
a = Math.min(t.y, e.y),
d = Math.max(t.x + t.width, e.x + e.width),
u = Math.max(t.y + t.height, e.y + e.height);
return (n.x = h), (n.y = a), (n.width = d - h), (n.height = u - a), n;
(r.expand = function (t, e, n) {
n = r.clone(t, n);
var i = e.x - n.x,
h = e.y - n.y;
return (
i > n.width ? (n.width = i) : i < 0 && ((n.width -= i), (n.x = e.x)),
h > n.height ? (n.height = h) : h < 0 && ((n.height -= h), (n.y = e.y)),
(r.intersect = function (t, e) {
var n = t.x,
i = t.y,
r = e.x,
a = e.y;
return n > r + e.width || n + t.width < r || i + t.height < a || i > a + e.height
? h.Intersect.OUTSIDE
: h.Intersect.INTERSECTING;
(r.equals = function (t, e) {
return (
t === e ||
(i.defined(t) &&
i.defined(e) &&
t.x === e.x &&
t.y === e.y &&
t.width === e.width &&
t.height === e.height)
(r.prototype.clone = function (t) {
return r.clone(this, t);
(r.prototype.intersect = function (t) {
return r.intersect(this, t);
(r.prototype.equals = function (t) {
return r.equals(this, t);
(t.BoundingRectangle = r);