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9 months ago
], function (t, e, a, i, r, n, o, s, f, u) {
'use strict';
function l(t) {
this.planes = n.defaultValue(t, []);
var h = [new a.Cartesian3(), new a.Cartesian3(), new a.Cartesian3()];
a.Cartesian3.clone(a.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, h[0]),
a.Cartesian3.clone(a.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, h[1]),
a.Cartesian3.clone(a.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, h[2]);
var p = new a.Cartesian3(),
d = new a.Cartesian3(),
c = new f.Plane(new a.Cartesian3(1, 0, 0), 0);
function m(t) {
(t = n.defaultValue(t, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)),
(this.left = t.left),
(this._left = void 0),
(this.right = t.right),
(this._right = void 0),
( =,
(this._top = void 0),
(this.bottom = t.bottom),
(this._bottom = void 0),
(this.near = n.defaultValue(t.near, 1)),
(this._near = this.near),
(this.far = n.defaultValue(t.far, 5e8)),
(this._far = this.far),
(this._cullingVolume = new l()),
(this._orthographicMatrix = new a.Matrix4());
function C(t) {
( === t._top &&
t.bottom === t._bottom &&
t.left === t._left &&
t.right === t._right &&
t.near === t._near &&
t.far === t._far) ||
((t._left = t.left),
(t._right = t.right),
(t._top =,
(t._bottom = t.bottom),
(t._near = t.near),
(t._far = t.far),
(t._orthographicMatrix = a.Matrix4.computeOrthographicOffCenter(
(l.fromBoundingSphere = function (t, e) {
n.defined(e) || (e = new l());
var i = h.length,
r = e.planes;
r.length = 2 * i;
for (var o =, s = t.radius, f = 0, u = 0; u < i; ++u) {
var c = h[u],
m = r[f],
C = r[f + 1];
n.defined(m) || (m = r[f] = new a.Cartesian4()),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[f + 1] = new a.Cartesian4()),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(c, -s, p),
a.Cartesian3.add(o, p, p),
(m.x = c.x),
(m.y = c.y),
(m.z = c.z),
(m.w =, p)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(c, s, p),
a.Cartesian3.add(o, p, p),
(C.x = -c.x),
(C.y = -c.y),
(C.z = -c.z),
(C.w =, d), p)),
(f += 2);
return e;
(l.prototype.computeVisibility = function (t) {
for (var a = this.planes, i = !1, r = 0, n = a.length; r < n; ++r) {
var o = t.intersectPlane(f.Plane.fromCartesian4(a[r], c));
if (o === e.Intersect.OUTSIDE) return e.Intersect.OUTSIDE;
o === e.Intersect.INTERSECTING && (i = !0);
return i ? e.Intersect.INTERSECTING : e.Intersect.INSIDE;
(l.prototype.computeVisibilityWithPlaneMask = function (t, a) {
if (a === l.MASK_OUTSIDE || a === l.MASK_INSIDE) return a;
for (var i = l.MASK_INSIDE, r = this.planes, n = 0, o = r.length; n < o; ++n) {
var s = n < 31 ? 1 << n : 0;
if (!(n < 31 && 0 == (a & s))) {
var u = t.intersectPlane(f.Plane.fromCartesian4(r[n], c));
if (u === e.Intersect.OUTSIDE) return l.MASK_OUTSIDE;
u === e.Intersect.INTERSECTING && (i |= s);
return i;
(l.MASK_OUTSIDE = 4294967295),
(l.MASK_INSIDE = 0),
(l.MASK_INDETERMINATE = 2147483647),
Object.defineProperties(m.prototype, {
projectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return C(this), this._orthographicMatrix;
var _ = new a.Cartesian3(),
y = new a.Cartesian3(),
v = new a.Cartesian3(),
g = new a.Cartesian3();
function w(t) {
(t = n.defaultValue(t, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)),
(this._offCenterFrustum = new m()),
(this.width = t.width),
(this._width = void 0),
(this.aspectRatio = t.aspectRatio),
(this._aspectRatio = void 0),
(this.near = n.defaultValue(t.near, 1)),
(this._near = this.near),
(this.far = n.defaultValue(t.far, 5e8)),
(this._far = this.far);
function x(t) {
var e = t._offCenterFrustum;
if (
t.width !== t._width ||
t.aspectRatio !== t._aspectRatio ||
t.near !== t._near ||
t.far !== t._far
) {
(t._aspectRatio = t.aspectRatio), (t._width = t.width), (t._near = t.near), (t._far = t.far);
var a = 1 / t.aspectRatio;
(e.right = 0.5 * t.width),
(e.left = -e.right),
( = a * e.right),
(e.bottom =,
(e.near = t.near),
(e.far = t.far);
function M(t) {
(t = n.defaultValue(t, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)),
(this.left = t.left),
(this._left = void 0),
(this.right = t.right),
(this._right = void 0),
( =,
(this._top = void 0),
(this.bottom = t.bottom),
(this._bottom = void 0),
(this.near = n.defaultValue(t.near, 1)),
(this._near = this.near),
(this.far = n.defaultValue(t.far, 5e8)),
(this._far = this.far),
(this._cullingVolume = new l()),
(this._perspectiveMatrix = new a.Matrix4()),
(this._infinitePerspective = new a.Matrix4());
function b(t) {
var e =,
i = t.bottom,
r = t.right,
n = t.left,
o = t.near,
s = t.far;
(e === t._top &&
i === t._bottom &&
n === t._left &&
r === t._right &&
o === t._near &&
s === t._far) ||
((t._left = n),
(t._right = r),
(t._top = e),
(t._bottom = i),
(t._near = o),
(t._far = s),
(t._perspectiveMatrix = a.Matrix4.computePerspectiveOffCenter(
(t._infinitePerspective = a.Matrix4.computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter(
(m.prototype.computeCullingVolume = function (t, e, i) {
var r = this._cullingVolume.planes,
o =,
s = this.bottom,
f = this.right,
u = this.left,
l = this.near,
h = this.far,
p = a.Cartesian3.cross(e, i, _);
a.Cartesian3.normalize(p, p);
var d = y;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, l, d), a.Cartesian3.add(t, d, d);
var c = v;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(p, u, c), a.Cartesian3.add(d, c, c);
var m = r[0];
return (
n.defined(m) || (m = r[0] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = p.x),
(m.y = p.y),
(m.z = p.z),
(m.w =, c)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(p, f, c),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, c, c),
(m = r[1]),
n.defined(m) || (m = r[1] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = -p.x),
(m.y = -p.y),
(m.z = -p.z),
(m.w =, g), c)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(i, s, c),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, c, c),
(m = r[2]),
n.defined(m) || (m = r[2] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = i.x),
(m.y = i.y),
(m.z = i.z),
(m.w =, c)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(i, o, c),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, c, c),
(m = r[3]),
n.defined(m) || (m = r[3] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = -i.x),
(m.y = -i.y),
(m.z = -i.z),
(m.w =, g), c)),
(m = r[4]),
n.defined(m) || (m = r[4] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = e.x),
(m.y = e.y),
(m.z = e.z),
(m.w =, d)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, h, c),
a.Cartesian3.add(t, c, c),
(m = r[5]),
n.defined(m) || (m = r[5] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(m.x = -e.x),
(m.y = -e.y),
(m.z = -e.z),
(m.w =, g), c)),
(m.prototype.getPixelDimensions = function (t, e, a, i, r) {
var n = (i * (this.right - this.left)) / t,
o = (i * ( - this.bottom)) / e;
return (r.x = n), (r.y = o), r;
(m.prototype.clone = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) || (t = new m()),
(t.left = this.left),
(t.right = this.right),
( =,
(t.bottom = this.bottom),
(t.near = this.near),
(t.far = this.far),
(t._left = void 0),
(t._right = void 0),
(t._top = void 0),
(t._bottom = void 0),
(t._near = void 0),
(t._far = void 0),
(m.prototype.equals = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) &&
t instanceof m &&
this.right === t.right &&
this.left === t.left && === &&
this.bottom === t.bottom &&
this.near === t.near &&
this.far === t.far
(m.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function (t, e, a) {
return (
t === this ||
(n.defined(t) &&
t instanceof m &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.right, t.right, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.left, t.left, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(,, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.bottom, t.bottom, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.near, t.near, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.far, t.far, e, a))
(w.packedLength = 4),
(w.pack = function (t, e, a) {
return (
(a = n.defaultValue(a, 0)),
(e[a++] = t.width),
(e[a++] = t.aspectRatio),
(e[a++] = t.near),
(e[a] = t.far),
(w.unpack = function (t, e, a) {
return (
(e = n.defaultValue(e, 0)),
n.defined(a) || (a = new w()),
(a.width = t[e++]),
(a.aspectRatio = t[e++]),
(a.near = t[e++]),
(a.far = t[e]),
Object.defineProperties(w.prototype, {
projectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return x(this), this._offCenterFrustum.projectionMatrix;
(w.prototype.computeCullingVolume = function (t, e, a) {
return x(this), this._offCenterFrustum.computeCullingVolume(t, e, a);
(w.prototype.getPixelDimensions = function (t, e, a, i, r) {
return x(this), this._offCenterFrustum.getPixelDimensions(t, e, a, i, r);
(w.prototype.clone = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) || (t = new w()),
(t.aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio),
(t.width = this.width),
(t.near = this.near),
(t.far = this.far),
(t._aspectRatio = void 0),
(t._width = void 0),
(t._near = void 0),
(t._far = void 0),
(w.prototype.equals = function (t) {
return (
!!(n.defined(t) && t instanceof w) &&
this.width === t.width &&
this.aspectRatio === t.aspectRatio &&
(w.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function (t, e, a) {
return (
!!(n.defined(t) && t instanceof w) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.width, t.width, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.aspectRatio, t.aspectRatio, e, a) &&
this._offCenterFrustum.equalsEpsilon(t._offCenterFrustum, e, a))
Object.defineProperties(M.prototype, {
projectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return b(this), this._perspectiveMatrix;
infiniteProjectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return b(this), this._infinitePerspective;
var F = new a.Cartesian3(),
V = new a.Cartesian3(),
E = new a.Cartesian3(),
O = new a.Cartesian3();
function P(t) {
(t = n.defaultValue(t, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)),
(this._offCenterFrustum = new M()),
(this.fov = t.fov),
(this._fov = void 0),
(this._fovy = void 0),
(this._sseDenominator = void 0),
(this.aspectRatio = t.aspectRatio),
(this._aspectRatio = void 0),
(this.near = n.defaultValue(t.near, 1)),
(this._near = this.near),
(this.far = n.defaultValue(t.far, 5e8)),
(this._far = this.far),
(this.xOffset = n.defaultValue(t.xOffset, 0)),
(this._xOffset = this.xOffset),
(this.yOffset = n.defaultValue(t.yOffset, 0)),
(this._yOffset = this.yOffset);
function z(t) {
var e = t._offCenterFrustum;
(t.fov === t._fov &&
t.aspectRatio === t._aspectRatio &&
t.near === t._near &&
t.far === t._far &&
t.xOffset === t._xOffset &&
t.yOffset === t._yOffset) ||
((t._aspectRatio = t.aspectRatio),
(t._fov = t.fov),
(t._fovy = t.aspectRatio <= 1 ? t.fov : 2 * Math.atan(Math.tan(0.5 * t.fov) / t.aspectRatio)),
(t._near = t.near),
(t._far = t.far),
(t._sseDenominator = 2 * Math.tan(0.5 * t._fovy)),
(t._xOffset = t.xOffset),
(t._yOffset = t.yOffset),
( = t.near * Math.tan(0.5 * t._fovy)),
(e.bottom =,
(e.right = t.aspectRatio *,
(e.left = -e.right),
(e.near = t.near),
(e.far = t.far),
(e.right += t.xOffset),
(e.left += t.xOffset),
( += t.yOffset),
(e.bottom += t.yOffset));
(M.prototype.computeCullingVolume = function (t, e, i) {
var r = this._cullingVolume.planes,
o =,
s = this.bottom,
f = this.right,
u = this.left,
l = this.near,
h = this.far,
p = a.Cartesian3.cross(e, i, F),
d = V;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, l, d), a.Cartesian3.add(t, d, d);
var c = E;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, h, c), a.Cartesian3.add(t, c, c);
var m = O;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(p, u, m),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.subtract(m, t, m),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(m, m),
a.Cartesian3.cross(m, i, m),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(m, m);
var C = r[0];
return (
n.defined(C) || (C = r[0] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = m.x),
(C.y = m.y),
(C.z = m.z),
(C.w =, t)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(p, f, m),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.subtract(m, t, m),
a.Cartesian3.cross(i, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(m, m),
(C = r[1]),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[1] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = m.x),
(C.y = m.y),
(C.z = m.z),
(C.w =, t)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(i, s, m),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.subtract(m, t, m),
a.Cartesian3.cross(p, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(m, m),
(C = r[2]),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[2] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = m.x),
(C.y = m.y),
(C.z = m.z),
(C.w =, t)),
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(i, o, m),
a.Cartesian3.add(d, m, m),
a.Cartesian3.subtract(m, t, m),
a.Cartesian3.cross(m, p, m),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(m, m),
(C = r[3]),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[3] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = m.x),
(C.y = m.y),
(C.z = m.z),
(C.w =, t)),
(C = r[4]),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[4] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = e.x),
(C.y = e.y),
(C.z = e.z),
(C.w =, d)),
a.Cartesian3.negate(e, m),
(C = r[5]),
n.defined(C) || (C = r[5] = new a.Cartesian4()),
(C.x = m.x),
(C.y = m.y),
(C.z = m.z),
(C.w =, c)),
(M.prototype.getPixelDimensions = function (t, e, a, i, r) {
var n = 1 / this.near,
o = * n,
s = (2 * i * a * o) / e,
f = (2 * i * a * (o = this.right * n)) / t;
return (r.x = f), (r.y = s), r;
(M.prototype.clone = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) || (t = new M()),
(t.right = this.right),
(t.left = this.left),
( =,
(t.bottom = this.bottom),
(t.near = this.near),
(t.far = this.far),
(t._left = void 0),
(t._right = void 0),
(t._top = void 0),
(t._bottom = void 0),
(t._near = void 0),
(t._far = void 0),
(M.prototype.equals = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) &&
t instanceof M &&
this.right === t.right &&
this.left === t.left && === &&
this.bottom === t.bottom &&
this.near === t.near &&
this.far === t.far
(M.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function (t, e, a) {
return (
t === this ||
(n.defined(t) &&
t instanceof M &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.right, t.right, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.left, t.left, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(,, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.bottom, t.bottom, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.near, t.near, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.far, t.far, e, a))
(P.packedLength = 6),
(P.pack = function (t, e, a) {
return (
(a = n.defaultValue(a, 0)),
(e[a++] = t.fov),
(e[a++] = t.aspectRatio),
(e[a++] = t.near),
(e[a++] = t.far),
(e[a++] = t.xOffset),
(e[a] = t.yOffset),
(P.unpack = function (t, e, a) {
return (
(e = n.defaultValue(e, 0)),
n.defined(a) || (a = new P()),
(a.fov = t[e++]),
(a.aspectRatio = t[e++]),
(a.near = t[e++]),
(a.far = t[e++]),
(a.xOffset = t[e++]),
(a.yOffset = t[e]),
Object.defineProperties(P.prototype, {
projectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return z(this), this._offCenterFrustum.projectionMatrix;
infiniteProjectionMatrix: {
get: function () {
return z(this), this._offCenterFrustum.infiniteProjectionMatrix;
fovy: {
get: function () {
return z(this), this._fovy;
sseDenominator: {
get: function () {
return z(this), this._sseDenominator;
(P.prototype.computeCullingVolume = function (t, e, a) {
return z(this), this._offCenterFrustum.computeCullingVolume(t, e, a);
(P.prototype.getPixelDimensions = function (t, e, a, i, r) {
return z(this), this._offCenterFrustum.getPixelDimensions(t, e, a, i, r);
(P.prototype.clone = function (t) {
return (
n.defined(t) || (t = new P()),
(t.aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio),
(t.fov = this.fov),
(t.near = this.near),
(t.far = this.far),
(t._aspectRatio = void 0),
(t._fov = void 0),
(t._near = void 0),
(t._far = void 0),
(P.prototype.equals = function (t) {
return (
!!(n.defined(t) && t instanceof P) &&
this.fov === t.fov &&
this.aspectRatio === t.aspectRatio &&
(P.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function (t, e, a) {
return (
!!(n.defined(t) && t instanceof P) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.fov, t.fov, e, a) &&
r.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(this.aspectRatio, t.aspectRatio, e, a) &&
this._offCenterFrustum.equalsEpsilon(t._offCenterFrustum, e, a))
function R(t) {
var i,
o = t.frustum,
s = t.orientation,
f = t.origin,
l = n.defaultValue(t.vertexFormat, u.VertexFormat.DEFAULT),
h = n.defaultValue(t._drawNearPlane, !0);
o instanceof P
? ((i = 0), (r = P.packedLength))
: o instanceof w && ((i = 1), (r = w.packedLength)),
(this._frustumType = i),
(this._frustum = o.clone()),
(this._origin = a.Cartesian3.clone(f)),
(this._orientation = e.Quaternion.clone(s)),
(this._drawNearPlane = h),
(this._vertexFormat = l),
(this._workerName = 'createFrustumGeometry'),
(this.packedLength =
2 +
r +
a.Cartesian3.packedLength +
e.Quaternion.packedLength +
R.pack = function (t, i, r) {
r = n.defaultValue(r, 0);
var o = t._frustumType,
s = t._frustum;
return (
(i[r++] = o),
0 === o ? (P.pack(s, i, r), (r += P.packedLength)) : (w.pack(s, i, r), (r += w.packedLength)),
a.Cartesian3.pack(t._origin, i, r),
(r += a.Cartesian3.packedLength),
e.Quaternion.pack(t._orientation, i, r),
(r += e.Quaternion.packedLength),
u.VertexFormat.pack(t._vertexFormat, i, r),
(i[(r += u.VertexFormat.packedLength)] = t._drawNearPlane ? 1 : 0),
var S = new P(),
T = new w(),
k = new e.Quaternion(),
A = new a.Cartesian3(),
D = new u.VertexFormat();
function I(t, e, a, i, r, o, s, f) {
for (var u = (t / 3) * 2, l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
n.defined(e) && ((e[t] = o.x), (e[t + 1] = o.y), (e[t + 2] = o.z)),
n.defined(a) && ((a[t] = s.x), (a[t + 1] = s.y), (a[t + 2] = s.z)),
n.defined(i) && ((i[t] = f.x), (i[t + 1] = f.y), (i[t + 2] = f.z)),
(t += 3);
(r[u] = 0),
(r[u + 1] = 0),
(r[u + 2] = 1),
(r[u + 3] = 0),
(r[u + 4] = 1),
(r[u + 5] = 1),
(r[u + 6] = 0),
(r[u + 7] = 1);
R.unpack = function (t, i, r) {
i = n.defaultValue(i, 0);
var o,
s = t[i++];
0 === s
? ((o = P.unpack(t, i, S)), (i += P.packedLength))
: ((o = w.unpack(t, i, T)), (i += w.packedLength));
var f = a.Cartesian3.unpack(t, i, A);
i += a.Cartesian3.packedLength;
var l = e.Quaternion.unpack(t, i, k);
i += e.Quaternion.packedLength;
var h = u.VertexFormat.unpack(t, i, D),
p = 1 === t[(i += u.VertexFormat.packedLength)];
if (!n.defined(r))
return new R({ frustum: o, origin: f, orientation: l, vertexFormat: h, _drawNearPlane: p });
var d = s === r._frustumType ? r._frustum : void 0;
return (
(r._frustum = o.clone(d)),
(r._frustumType = s),
(r._origin = a.Cartesian3.clone(f, r._origin)),
(r._orientation = e.Quaternion.clone(l, r._orientation)),
(r._vertexFormat = u.VertexFormat.clone(h, r._vertexFormat)),
(r._drawNearPlane = p),
var q = new a.Matrix3(),
B = new a.Matrix4(),
L = new a.Matrix4(),
N = new a.Cartesian3(),
G = new a.Cartesian3(),
j = new a.Cartesian3(),
U = new a.Cartesian3(),
Q = new a.Cartesian3(),
K = new a.Cartesian3(),
Y = new Array(3),
J = new Array(4);
(J[0] = new a.Cartesian4(-1, -1, 1, 1)),
(J[1] = new a.Cartesian4(1, -1, 1, 1)),
(J[2] = new a.Cartesian4(1, 1, 1, 1)),
(J[3] = new a.Cartesian4(-1, 1, 1, 1));
for (var W = new Array(4), X = 0; X < 4; ++X) W[X] = new a.Cartesian4();
(R._computeNearFarPlanes = function (t, e, i, r, o, s, f, u) {
var l = a.Matrix3.fromQuaternion(e, q),
h = n.defaultValue(s, N),
p = n.defaultValue(f, G),
d = n.defaultValue(u, j);
(h = a.Matrix3.getColumn(l, 0, h)),
(p = a.Matrix3.getColumn(l, 1, p)),
(d = a.Matrix3.getColumn(l, 2, d)),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(h, h),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(p, p),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(d, d),
a.Cartesian3.negate(h, h);
var c,
C = a.Matrix4.computeView(t, d, p, h, B);
if (0 === i) {
var _ = r.projectionMatrix,
y = a.Matrix4.multiply(_, C, L);
m = a.Matrix4.inverse(y, L);
} else c = a.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(C, L);
? ((Y[0] = r.near), (Y[1] = r.far))
: ((Y[0] = 0), (Y[1] = r.near), (Y[2] = r.far));
for (var v = 0; v < 2; ++v)
for (var g = 0; g < 4; ++g) {
var w = a.Cartesian4.clone(J[g], W[g]);
if (n.defined(m)) {
var x = 1 / (w = a.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(m, w, w)).w;
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(w, x, w),
a.Cartesian3.subtract(w, t, w),
a.Cartesian3.normalize(w, w);
var M =, w);
a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(w, Y[v] / M, w), a.Cartesian3.add(w, t, w);
} else {
n.defined(r._offCenterFrustum) && (r = r._offCenterFrustum);
var b = Y[v],
F = Y[v + 1];
(w.x = 0.5 * (w.x * (r.right - r.left) + r.left + r.right)),
(w.y = 0.5 * (w.y * ( - r.bottom) + r.bottom +,
(w.z = 0.5 * (w.z * (b - F) - b - F)),
(w.w = 1),
a.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(c, w, w);
(o[12 * v + 3 * g] = w.x), (o[12 * v + 3 * g + 1] = w.y), (o[12 * v + 3 * g + 2] = w.z);
(R.createGeometry = function (t) {
var i = t._frustumType,
f = t._frustum,
u = t._origin,
l = t._orientation,
h = t._drawNearPlane,
p = t._vertexFormat,
d = h ? 6 : 5,
c = new Float64Array(72);
R._computeNearFarPlanes(u, l, i, f, c);
var m = 24;
(c[m] = c[12]),
(c[m + 1] = c[13]),
(c[m + 2] = c[14]),
(c[m + 3] = c[0]),
(c[m + 4] = c[1]),
(c[m + 5] = c[2]),
(c[m + 6] = c[9]),
(c[m + 7] = c[10]),
(c[m + 8] = c[11]),
(c[m + 9] = c[21]),
(c[m + 10] = c[22]),
(c[m + 11] = c[23]),
(c[(m += 12)] = c[15]),
(c[m + 1] = c[16]),
(c[m + 2] = c[17]),
(c[m + 3] = c[3]),
(c[m + 4] = c[4]),
(c[m + 5] = c[5]),
(c[m + 6] = c[0]),
(c[m + 7] = c[1]),
(c[m + 8] = c[2]),
(c[m + 9] = c[12]),
(c[m + 10] = c[13]),
(c[m + 11] = c[14]),
(c[(m += 12)] = c[3]),
(c[m + 1] = c[4]),
(c[m + 2] = c[5]),
(c[m + 3] = c[15]),
(c[m + 4] = c[16]),
(c[m + 5] = c[17]),
(c[m + 6] = c[18]),
(c[m + 7] = c[19]),
(c[m + 8] = c[20]),
(c[m + 9] = c[6]),
(c[m + 10] = c[7]),
(c[m + 11] = c[8]),
(c[(m += 12)] = c[6]),
(c[m + 1] = c[7]),
(c[m + 2] = c[8]),
(c[m + 3] = c[18]),
(c[m + 4] = c[19]),
(c[m + 5] = c[20]),
(c[m + 6] = c[21]),
(c[m + 7] = c[22]),
(c[m + 8] = c[23]),
(c[m + 9] = c[9]),
(c[m + 10] = c[10]),
(c[m + 11] = c[11]),
h || (c = c.subarray(12));
var C = new s.GeometryAttributes({
position: new o.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: c,
if (
n.defined(p.normal) ||
n.defined(p.tangent) ||
n.defined(p.bitangent) ||
) {
var _ = n.defined(p.normal) ? new Float32Array(12 * d) : void 0,
y = n.defined(p.tangent) ? new Float32Array(12 * d) : void 0,
v = n.defined(p.bitangent) ? new Float32Array(12 * d) : void 0,
g = n.defined( ? new Float32Array(8 * d) : void 0,
w = N,
x = G,
M = j,
b = a.Cartesian3.negate(w, U),
F = a.Cartesian3.negate(x, Q),
V = a.Cartesian3.negate(M, K);
(m = 0),
h && (I(m, _, y, v, g, V, w, x), (m += 12)),
I(m, _, y, v, g, M, b, x),
I((m += 12), _, y, v, g, b, V, x),
I((m += 12), _, y, v, g, F, V, b),
I((m += 12), _, y, v, g, w, M, x),
I((m += 12), _, y, v, g, x, M, b),
n.defined(_) &&
(C.normal = new o.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: _,
n.defined(y) &&
(C.tangent = new o.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: y,
n.defined(v) &&
(C.bitangent = new o.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: v,
n.defined(g) &&
( = new o.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 2,
values: g,
for (var E = new Uint16Array(6 * d), O = 0; O < d; ++O) {
var P = 6 * O,
z = 4 * O;
(E[P] = z),
(E[P + 1] = z + 1),
(E[P + 2] = z + 2),
(E[P + 3] = z),
(E[P + 4] = z + 2),
(E[P + 5] = z + 3);
return new o.Geometry({
attributes: C,
indices: E,
primitiveType: o.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingSphere: e.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(c),
(t.FrustumGeometry = R),
(t.OrthographicFrustum = w),
(t.PerspectiveFrustum = P);