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9 months ago
], function (t, n, a, r, e, o) {
'use strict';
var s = Math.cos,
i = Math.sin,
g = Math.sqrt,
u = {
computePosition: function (t, n, r, e, o, u, h) {
var c = n.radiiSquared,
C = t.nwCorner,
l = t.boundingRectangle,
d = C.latitude - t.granYCos * e + o * t.granXSin,
S = s(d),
w = i(d),
M = c.z * w,
m = C.longitude + e * t.granYSin + o * t.granXCos,
X = S * s(m),
Y = S * i(m),
f = c.x * X,
p = c.y * Y,
v = g(f * X + p * Y + M * w);
if (((u.x = f / v), (u.y = p / v), (u.z = M / v), r)) {
var x = t.stNwCorner;
? ((d = x.latitude - t.stGranYCos * e + o * t.stGranXSin),
(m = x.longitude + e * t.stGranYSin + o * t.stGranXCos),
(h.x = (m - t.stWest) * t.lonScalar),
(h.y = (d - t.stSouth) * t.latScalar))
: ((h.x = (m - l.west) * t.lonScalar), (h.y = (d - l.south) * t.latScalar));
h = new n.Matrix2(),
c = new n.Cartesian3(),
C = new n.Cartographic(),
l = new n.Cartesian3(),
d = new e.GeographicProjection();
function S(t, a, r, e, o, s, i) {
var g = Math.cos(a),
u = e * g,
C = r * g,
S = Math.sin(a),
w = e * S,
M = r * S;
(c = d.project(t, c)), (c = n.Cartesian3.subtract(c, l, c));
var m = n.Matrix2.fromRotation(a, h);
(c = n.Matrix2.multiplyByVector(m, c, c)), (c = n.Cartesian3.add(c, l, c)), (s -= 1), (i -= 1);
var X = (t = d.unproject(c, t)).latitude,
Y = X + s * M,
f = X - u * i,
p = X - u * i + s * M,
v = Math.max(X, Y, f, p),
x = Math.min(X, Y, f, p),
R = t.longitude,
G = R + s * C,
y = R + i * w,
O = R + i * w + s * C;
return {
north: v,
south: x,
east: Math.max(R, G, y, O),
west: Math.min(R, G, y, O),
granYCos: u,
granYSin: w,
granXCos: C,
granXSin: M,
nwCorner: t,
(u.computeOptions = function (t, a, r, e, s, i, g) {
var u,
m = t.east,
X = t.west,
Y = t.north,
f = t.south,
p = !1,
v = !1;
Y === o.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO && (p = !0), f === -o.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO && (v = !0);
var x = Y - f;
(c = (M = X > m ? o.CesiumMath.TWO_PI - X + m : m - X) / ((u = Math.ceil(M / a) + 1) - 1)),
(w = x / ((h = Math.ceil(x / a) + 1) - 1));
var R = n.Rectangle.northwest(t, i),
G =, C);
(0 === r && 0 === e) ||
(G.longitude < R.longitude && (G.longitude += o.CesiumMath.TWO_PI), (l = d.project(G, l)));
var y = w,
O = c,
b = n.Rectangle.clone(t, s),
P = {
granYCos: y,
granYSin: 0,
granXCos: O,
granXSin: 0,
nwCorner: R,
boundingRectangle: b,
width: u,
height: h,
northCap: p,
southCap: v,
if (0 !== r) {
var W = S(R, r, c, w, 0, u, h);
(Y = W.north),
(f = W.south),
(m = W.east),
(X = W.west),
(P.granYCos = W.granYCos),
(P.granYSin = W.granYSin),
(P.granXCos = W.granXCos),
(P.granXSin = W.granXSin),
(b.north = Y),
(b.south = f),
(b.east = m),
(b.west = X);
if (0 !== e) {
r -= e;
var _ = n.Rectangle.northwest(b, g),
T = S(_, r, c, w, 0, u, h);
(P.stGranYCos = T.granYCos),
(P.stGranXCos = T.granXCos),
(P.stGranYSin = T.granYSin),
(P.stGranXSin = T.granXSin),
(P.stNwCorner = _),
(P.stWest = T.west),
(P.stSouth = T.south);
return P;
(t.RectangleGeometryLibrary = u);