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9 months ago
], function (e, i, n, a, t, r, o, l, s, p, d, u, c, y, g, h, f, m, b, v, E) {
'use strict';
function P(n) {
var a = (n = e.defaultValue(n, e.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).polylinePositions,
t = n.shapePositions;
(this._positions = a),
(this._shape = t),
(this._ellipsoid = i.Ellipsoid.clone(e.defaultValue(n.ellipsoid, i.Ellipsoid.WGS84))),
(this._cornerType = e.defaultValue(n.cornerType, o.CornerType.ROUNDED)),
(this._granularity = e.defaultValue(n.granularity, r.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE)),
(this._workerName = 'createPolylineVolumeOutlineGeometry');
var l = 1 + a.length * i.Cartesian3.packedLength;
(l += 1 + t.length * i.Cartesian2.packedLength),
(this.packedLength = l + i.Ellipsoid.packedLength + 2);
P.pack = function (n, a, t) {
var r;
t = e.defaultValue(t, 0);
var o = n._positions,
l = o.length;
for (a[t++] = l, r = 0; r < l; ++r, t += i.Cartesian3.packedLength)
i.Cartesian3.pack(o[r], a, t);
var s = n._shape;
for (l = s.length, a[t++] = l, r = 0; r < l; ++r, t += i.Cartesian2.packedLength)
i.Cartesian2.pack(s[r], a, t);
return (
i.Ellipsoid.pack(n._ellipsoid, a, t),
(t += i.Ellipsoid.packedLength),
(a[t++] = n._cornerType),
(a[t] = n._granularity),
var _ = i.Ellipsoid.clone(i.Ellipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE),
k = {
polylinePositions: void 0,
shapePositions: void 0,
ellipsoid: _,
height: void 0,
cornerType: void 0,
granularity: void 0,
P.unpack = function (n, a, t) {
var r;
a = e.defaultValue(a, 0);
var o = n[a++],
l = new Array(o);
for (r = 0; r < o; ++r, a += i.Cartesian3.packedLength) l[r] = i.Cartesian3.unpack(n, a);
o = n[a++];
var s = new Array(o);
for (r = 0; r < o; ++r, a += i.Cartesian2.packedLength) s[r] = i.Cartesian2.unpack(n, a);
var p = i.Ellipsoid.unpack(n, a, _);
a += i.Ellipsoid.packedLength;
var d = n[a++],
u = n[a];
return e.defined(t)
? ((t._positions = l),
(t._shape = s),
(t._ellipsoid = i.Ellipsoid.clone(p, t._ellipsoid)),
(t._cornerType = d),
(t._granularity = u),
: ((k.polylinePositions = l),
(k.shapePositions = s),
(k.cornerType = d),
(k.granularity = u),
new P(k));
var C = new a.BoundingRectangle();
return (
(P.createGeometry = function (e) {
var l = e._positions,
c = n.arrayRemoveDuplicates(l, i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon),
y = e._shape;
if (
((y = o.PolylineVolumeGeometryLibrary.removeDuplicatesFromShape(y)),
!(c.length < 2 || y.length < 3))
) {
u.PolygonPipeline.computeWindingOrder2D(y) === u.WindingOrder.CLOCKWISE && y.reverse();
var g = a.BoundingRectangle.fromPoints(y, C);
return (function (e, i) {
var n = new p.GeometryAttributes();
n.position = new s.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: r.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: e,
var a,
l = i.length,
u = n.position.values.length / 3,
c = e.length / 3 / l,
y = d.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(u, 2 * l * (c + 1)),
g = 0,
h = (a = 0) * l;
for (o = 0; o < l - 1; o++) (y[g++] = o + h), (y[g++] = o + h + 1);
for (y[g++] = l - 1 + h, y[g++] = h, h = (a = c - 1) * l, o = 0; o < l - 1; o++)
(y[g++] = o + h), (y[g++] = o + h + 1);
for (y[g++] = l - 1 + h, y[g++] = h, a = 0; a < c - 1; a++) {
var f = l * a,
m = f + l;
for (o = 0; o < l; o++) (y[g++] = o + f), (y[g++] = o + m);
return new s.Geometry({
attributes: n,
indices: d.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(u, y),
boundingSphere: t.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(e),
primitiveType: s.PrimitiveType.LINES,
})(o.PolylineVolumeGeometryLibrary.computePositions(c, y, g, e, !1), y);
function (n, a) {
return (
e.defined(a) && (n = P.unpack(n, a)),
(n._ellipsoid = i.Ellipsoid.clone(n._ellipsoid)),