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208 lines
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9 months ago
], function (e, t, r, n, a, o) {
'use strict';
var i;
function u(e, t) {
for (
var n = e.num_points(),
a = e.num_faces(),
o = new i.DracoInt32Array(),
u = 3 * a,
s = r.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(n, u),
d = 0,
f = 0;
f < a;
t.GetFaceFromMesh(e, f, o),
(s[d + 0] = o.GetValue(0)),
(s[d + 1] = o.GetValue(1)),
(s[d + 2] = o.GetValue(2)),
(d += 3);
return i.destroy(o), { typedArray: s, numberOfIndices: u };
function s(r, n, a) {
var o,
u = r.num_points(),
s = a.num_components(),
d = new i.AttributeQuantizationTransform();
if (d.InitFromAttribute(a)) {
for (var f = new Array(s), c = 0; c < s; ++c) f[c] = d.min_value(c);
o = {
quantizationBits: d.quantization_bits(),
minValues: f,
range: d.range(),
octEncoded: !1,
(d = new i.AttributeOctahedronTransform()).InitFromAttribute(a) &&
(o = { quantizationBits: d.quantization_bits(), octEncoded: !0 }),
var y,
A = u * s;
y = t.defined(o)
? (function (e, t, r, n, a) {
var o, u;
n.quantizationBits <= 8
? ((u = new i.DracoUInt8Array()),
(o = new Uint8Array(a)),
t.GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints(e, r, u))
: ((u = new i.DracoUInt16Array()),
(o = new Uint16Array(a)),
t.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints(e, r, u));
for (var s = 0; s < a; ++s) o[s] = u.GetValue(s);
return i.destroy(u), o;
})(r, n, a, o, A)
: (function (e, t, r, n) {
var a, o;
switch (r.data_type()) {
case 1:
case 11:
(o = new i.DracoInt8Array()),
(a = new Int8Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 2:
(o = new i.DracoUInt8Array()),
(a = new Uint8Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 3:
(o = new i.DracoInt16Array()),
(a = new Int16Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 4:
(o = new i.DracoUInt16Array()),
(a = new Uint16Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 5:
case 7:
(o = new i.DracoInt32Array()),
(a = new Int32Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 6:
case 8:
(o = new i.DracoUInt32Array()),
(a = new Uint32Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints(e, r, o);
case 9:
case 10:
(o = new i.DracoFloat32Array()),
(a = new Float32Array(n)),
t.GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints(e, r, o);
for (var u = 0; u < n; ++u) a[u] = o.GetValue(u);
return i.destroy(o), a;
})(r, n, a, A);
var b = e.ComponentDatatype.fromTypedArray(y);
return {
array: y,
data: {
componentsPerAttribute: s,
componentDatatype: b,
byteOffset: a.byte_offset(),
byteStride: e.ComponentDatatype.getSizeInBytes(b) * s,
normalized: a.normalized(),
quantization: o,
function d(e) {
return t.defined(e.bufferView)
? (function (e) {
var r = new i.Decoder(),
o = e.compressedAttributes;
if (
(t.defined(o.COLOR_1) || a.push('COLOR'),
t.defined(o.TEXCOORD_1) || a.push('TEX_COORD'),
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) r.SkipAttributeTransform(i[a[d]]);
var f = e.bufferView,
c = new i.DecoderBuffer();
if ((c.Init(e.array, f.byteLength), r.GetEncodedGeometryType(c) !== i.TRIANGULAR_MESH))
throw new n.RuntimeError('Unsupported draco mesh geometry type.');
var y = new i.Mesh(),
A = r.DecodeBufferToMesh(c, y);
if (!A.ok() || 0 === y.ptr)
throw new n.RuntimeError('Error decoding draco mesh geometry: ' + A.error_msg());
var b = {};
for (var l in o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
var m,
w = l;
if (
('TEXCOORD_0' === l && (w = 'TEX_COORD'),
'COLOR_0' === l && (w = 'COLOR'),
) {
var I = r.GetAttributeId(y, i[w]);
m = r.GetAttribute(y, I);
} else {
var p = o[l];
m = r.GetAttributeByUniqueId(y, p);
b[l] = s(y, r, m);
var O = { indexArray: u(y, r), attributeData: b };
return i.destroy(y), i.destroy(r), O;
: (function (e) {
var t = new i.Decoder();
e.dequantizeInShader &&
(t.SkipAttributeTransform(i.POSITION), t.SkipAttributeTransform(i.NORMAL));
var r = new i.DecoderBuffer();
if ((r.Init(e.buffer, e.buffer.length), t.GetEncodedGeometryType(r) !== i.POINT_CLOUD))
throw new n.RuntimeError('Draco geometry type must be POINT_CLOUD.');
var a = new i.PointCloud(),
o = t.DecodeBufferToPointCloud(r, a);
if (!o.ok() || 0 === a.ptr)
throw new n.RuntimeError('Error decoding draco point cloud: ' + o.error_msg());
var u = {},
d =;
for (var f in d)
if (d.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
var c;
if ('POSITION' === f || 'NORMAL' === f) {
var y = t.GetAttributeId(a, i[f]);
c = t.GetAttribute(a, y);
} else {
var A = d[f];
c = t.GetAttributeByUniqueId(a, A);
u[f] = s(a, t, c);
return i.destroy(a), i.destroy(t), u;
function f(e) {
(i = e), (self.onmessage = a(d)), self.postMessage(!0);
return function (e) {
var r =;
if (t.defined(r))
return require([r.modulePath], function (e) {
? (t.defined(e) || (e = self.DracoDecoderModule),
e(r).then(function (e) {
: f(e());