define([ './Matrix2-f2da41d4', './AxisAlignedBoundingBox-1feb0c48', './Transforms-7cd3197b', './when-229515d6', './RuntimeError-ffe03243', './TerrainEncoding-6355a4fe', './ComponentDatatype-17b06483', './OrientedBoundingBox-86debc5a', './WebMercatorProjection-d69cec15', './createTaskProcessorWorker', './combine-8ce3f24b', './AttributeCompression-0af3c035', './WebGLConstants-4e26b85a', './EllipsoidTangentPlane-b27cd2f7', './IntersectionTests-1b8a3cb9', './Plane-0421a8be', ], function (e, t, a, i, r, n, s, l, o, f, u, c, d, h, m, g) { 'use strict'; var p = Object.freeze({ NONE: 0, LERC: 1 }), x = {}; x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE = Object.freeze({ heightScale: 1, heightOffset: 0, elementsPerHeight: 1, stride: 1, elementMultiplier: 256, isBigEndian: !1, }); var w = new e.Cartesian3(), k = new e.Matrix4(), y = new e.Cartesian3(), I = new e.Cartesian3(); x.computeVertices = function (r) { var f, u, c, d, h = Math.cos, m = Math.sin, g = Math.sqrt, p = Math.atan, b = Math.exp, v = s.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO, U = s.CesiumMath.toRadians, T = r.heightmap, M = r.width, V = r.height, A = r.skirtHeight, B = A > 0, D = i.defaultValue(r.isGeographic, !0), S = i.defaultValue(r.ellipsoid, e.Ellipsoid.WGS84), P = 1 / S.maximumRadius, E = e.Rectangle.clone(r.nativeRectangle), C = e.Rectangle.clone(r.rectangle); i.defined(C) ? ((f = C.west), (u = C.south), (c = C.east), (d = C.north)) : D ? ((f = U(E.west)), (u = U(E.south)), (c = U(E.east)), (d = U(E.north))) : ((f = E.west * P), (u = v - 2 * p(b(-E.south * P))), (c = E.east * P), (d = v - 2 * p(b(-E.north * P)))); var F = r.relativeToCenter, N = i.defined(F); F = N ? F : e.Cartesian3.ZERO; var O = i.defaultValue(r.includeWebMercatorT, !1), R = i.defaultValue(r.exaggeration, 1), L = i.defaultValue(r.exaggerationRelativeHeight, 0), z = 1 !== R, H = i.defaultValue(r.structure, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE), _ = i.defaultValue(H.heightScale, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.heightScale), Y = i.defaultValue(H.heightOffset, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.heightOffset), W = i.defaultValue(H.elementsPerHeight, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.elementsPerHeight), X = i.defaultValue(H.stride, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.stride), Z = i.defaultValue(H.elementMultiplier, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.elementMultiplier), j = i.defaultValue(H.isBigEndian, x.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE.isBigEndian), G = e.Rectangle.computeWidth(E), q = e.Rectangle.computeHeight(E), Q = G / (M - 1), J = q / (V - 1); D || ((G *= P), (q *= P)); var K, $, ee = S.radiiSquared, te = ee.x, ae = ee.y, ie = ee.z, re = 65536, ne = -65536, se = a.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(F, S), le = e.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(se, k); O && ((K = o.WebMercatorProjection.geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle(u)), ($ = 1 / (o.WebMercatorProjection.geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle(d) - K))); var oe = y; (oe.x = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), (oe.y = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), (oe.z = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); var fe = I; (fe.x = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), (fe.y = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), (fe.z = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); var ue = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, ce = M * V, de = ce + (A > 0 ? 2 * M + 2 * V : 0), he = new Array(de), me = new Array(de), ge = new Array(de), pe = O ? new Array(de) : [], xe = z ? new Array(de) : [], we = 0, ke = V, ye = 0, Ie = M; B && (--we, ++ke, --ye, ++Ie); for (var be = 1e-5, ve = we; ve < ke; ++ve) { var Ue = ve; Ue < 0 && (Ue = 0), Ue >= V && (Ue = V - 1); var Te = E.north - J * Ue, Me = ((Te = D ? U(Te) : v - 2 * p(b(-Te * P))) - u) / (d - u); Me = s.CesiumMath.clamp(Me, 0, 1); var Ve = ve === we, Ae = ve === ke - 1; A > 0 && (Ve ? (Te += be * q) : Ae && (Te -= be * q)); var Be, De = h(Te), Se = m(Te), Pe = ie * Se; O && (Be = (o.WebMercatorProjection.geodeticLatitudeToMercatorAngle(Te) - K) * $); for (var Ee = ye; Ee < Ie; ++Ee) { var Ce = Ee; Ce < 0 && (Ce = 0), Ce >= M && (Ce = M - 1); var Fe, Ne, Oe = Ue * (M * X) + Ce * X; if (1 === W) Fe = T[Oe]; else if (((Fe = 0), j)) for (Ne = 0; Ne < W; ++Ne) Fe = Fe * Z + T[Oe + Ne]; else for (Ne = W - 1; Ne >= 0; --Ne) Fe = Fe * Z + T[Oe + Ne]; (Fe = Fe * _ + Y), (ne = Math.max(ne, Fe)), (re = Math.min(re, Fe)); var Re = E.west + Q * Ce; D ? (Re = U(Re)) : (Re *= P); var Le = (Re - f) / (c - f); Le = s.CesiumMath.clamp(Le, 0, 1); var ze = Ue * M + Ce; if (A > 0) { var He = Ee === ye, _e = Ee === Ie - 1, Ye = Ve || Ae || He || _e; if ((Ve || Ae) && (He || _e)) continue; Ye && ((Fe -= A), He ? ((ze = ce + (V - Ue - 1)), (Re -= be * G)) : Ae ? (ze = ce + V + (M - Ce - 1)) : _e ? ((ze = ce + V + M + Ue), (Re += be * G)) : Ve && (ze = ce + V + M + V + Ce)); } var We = De * h(Re), Xe = De * m(Re), Ze = te * We, je = ae * Xe, Ge = 1 / g(Ze * We + je * Xe + Pe * Se), qe = Ze * Ge, Qe = je * Ge, Je = Pe * Ge, Ke = new e.Cartesian3(); (Ke.x = qe + We * Fe), (Ke.y = Qe + Xe * Fe), (Ke.z = Je + Se * Fe), e.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(le, Ke, w), e.Cartesian3.minimumByComponent(w, oe, oe), e.Cartesian3.maximumByComponent(w, fe, fe), (ue = Math.min(ue, Fe)), (he[ze] = Ke), (ge[ze] = new e.Cartesian2(Le, Me)), (me[ze] = Fe), O && (pe[ze] = Be), z && (xe[ze] = S.geodeticSurfaceNormal(Ke)); } } var $e, et, tt = a.BoundingSphere.fromPoints(he); (i.defined(C) && ($e = l.OrientedBoundingBox.fromRectangle(C, re, ne, S)), N) && (et = new n.EllipsoidalOccluder(S).computeHorizonCullingPointPossiblyUnderEllipsoid( F, he, re )); for ( var at = new t.AxisAlignedBoundingBox(oe, fe, F), it = new n.TerrainEncoding(F, at, ue, ne, se, !1, O, z, R, L), rt = new Float32Array(de * it.stride), nt = 0, st = 0; st < de; ++st ) nt = it.encode(rt, nt, he[st], ge[st], me[st], void 0, pe[st], xe[st]); return { vertices: rt, maximumHeight: ne, minimumHeight: re, encoding: it, boundingSphere3D: tt, orientedBoundingBox: $e, occludeePointInScaledSpace: et, }; }; var b = i.createCommonjsModule(function (e) { /* Copyright 2015-2018 Esri. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at @preserve */ !(function () { var t, a, i, r, n, s, l, o, f, u, c, d, h, m, g, p, x = ((t = { defaultNoDataValue: -34027999387901484e22, decode: function (e, s) { var l = (s = s || {}).encodedMaskData || null === s.encodedMaskData, o = n(e, s.inputOffset || 0, l), f = null !== s.noDataValue ? s.noDataValue : t.defaultNoDataValue, u = a(o, s.pixelType || Float32Array, s.encodedMaskData, f, s.returnMask), c = { width: o.width, height: o.height, pixelData: u.resultPixels, minValue: u.minValue, maxValue: o.pixels.maxValue, noDataValue: f, }; return ( u.resultMask && (c.maskData = u.resultMask), s.returnEncodedMask && o.mask && (c.encodedMaskData = o.mask.bitset ? o.mask.bitset : null), s.returnFileInfo && ((c.fileInfo = i(o)), s.computeUsedBitDepths && (c.fileInfo.bitDepths = r(o))), c ); }, }), (a = function (e, t, a, i, r) { var n, l, o, f = 0, u = e.pixels.numBlocksX, c = e.pixels.numBlocksY, d = Math.floor(e.width / u), h = Math.floor(e.height / c), m = 2 * e.maxZError, g = Number.MAX_VALUE; (a = a || (e.mask ? e.mask.bitset : null)), (l = new t(e.width * e.height)), r && a && (o = new Uint8Array(e.width * e.height)); for (var p, x, w = new Float32Array(d * h), k = 0; k <= c; k++) { var y = k !== c ? h : e.height % c; if (0 !== y) for (var I = 0; I <= u; I++) { var b = I !== u ? d : e.width % u; if (0 !== b) { var v, U, T, M, V = k * e.width * h + I * d, A = e.width - b, B = e.pixels.blocks[f]; if ( (B.encoding < 2 ? (0 === B.encoding ? (v = B.rawData) : (s( B.stuffedData, B.bitsPerPixel, B.numValidPixels, B.offset, m, w, e.pixels.maxValue ), (v = w)), (U = 0)) : (T = 2 === B.encoding ? 0 : B.offset), a) ) for (x = 0; x < y; x++) { for (7 & V && ((M = a[V >> 3]), (M <<= 7 & V)), p = 0; p < b; p++) 7 & V || (M = a[V >> 3]), 128 & M ? (o && (o[V] = 1), (g = g > (n = B.encoding < 2 ? v[U++] : T) ? n : g), (l[V++] = n)) : (o && (o[V] = 0), (l[V++] = i)), (M <<= 1); V += A; } else if (B.encoding < 2) for (x = 0; x < y; x++) { for (p = 0; p < b; p++) (g = g > (n = v[U++]) ? n : g), (l[V++] = n); V += A; } else for (g = g > T ? T : g, x = 0; x < y; x++) { for (p = 0; p < b; p++) l[V++] = T; V += A; } if (1 === B.encoding && U !== B.numValidPixels) throw 'Block and Mask do not match'; f++; } } } return { resultPixels: l, resultMask: o, minValue: g }; }), (i = function (e) { return { fileIdentifierString: e.fileIdentifierString, fileVersion: e.fileVersion, imageType: e.imageType, height: e.height, width: e.width, maxZError: e.maxZError, eofOffset: e.eofOffset, mask: e.mask ? { numBlocksX: e.mask.numBlocksX, numBlocksY: e.mask.numBlocksY, numBytes: e.mask.numBytes, maxValue: e.mask.maxValue, } : null, pixels: { numBlocksX: e.pixels.numBlocksX, numBlocksY: e.pixels.numBlocksY, numBytes: e.pixels.numBytes, maxValue: e.pixels.maxValue, noDataValue: e.noDataValue, }, }; }), (r = function (e) { for (var t = e.pixels.numBlocksX * e.pixels.numBlocksY, a = {}, i = 0; i < t; i++) { var r = e.pixels.blocks[i]; 0 === r.encoding ? (a.float32 = !0) : 1 === r.encoding ? (a[r.bitsPerPixel] = !0) : (a[0] = !0); } return Object.keys(a); }), (n = function (e, t, a) { var i = {}, r = new Uint8Array(e, t, 10); if ( ((i.fileIdentifierString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r)), 'CntZImage' !== i.fileIdentifierString.trim()) ) throw 'Unexpected file identifier string: ' + i.fileIdentifierString; t += 10; var n = new DataView(e, t, 24); if ( ((i.fileVersion = n.getInt32(0, !0)), (i.imageType = n.getInt32(4, !0)), (i.height = n.getUint32(8, !0)), (i.width = n.getUint32(12, !0)), (i.maxZError = n.getFloat64(16, !0)), (t += 24), !a) ) if ( ((n = new DataView(e, t, 16)), (i.mask = {}), (i.mask.numBlocksY = n.getUint32(0, !0)), (i.mask.numBlocksX = n.getUint32(4, !0)), (i.mask.numBytes = n.getUint32(8, !0)), (i.mask.maxValue = n.getFloat32(12, !0)), (t += 16), i.mask.numBytes > 0) ) { var s = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil((i.width * i.height) / 8)), l = (n = new DataView(e, t, i.mask.numBytes)).getInt16(0, !0), o = 2, f = 0; do { if (l > 0) for (; l--; ) s[f++] = n.getUint8(o++); else { var u = n.getUint8(o++); for (l = -l; l--; ) s[f++] = u; } (l = n.getInt16(o, !0)), (o += 2); } while (o < i.mask.numBytes); if (-32768 !== l || f < s.length) throw 'Unexpected end of mask RLE encoding'; (i.mask.bitset = s), (t += i.mask.numBytes); } else 0 == (i.mask.numBytes | i.mask.numBlocksY | i.mask.maxValue) && (i.mask.bitset = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil((i.width * i.height) / 8))); (n = new DataView(e, t, 16)), (i.pixels = {}), (i.pixels.numBlocksY = n.getUint32(0, !0)), (i.pixels.numBlocksX = n.getUint32(4, !0)), (i.pixels.numBytes = n.getUint32(8, !0)), (i.pixels.maxValue = n.getFloat32(12, !0)), (t += 16); var c = i.pixels.numBlocksX, d = i.pixels.numBlocksY, h = c + (i.width % c > 0 ? 1 : 0), m = d + (i.height % d > 0 ? 1 : 0); i.pixels.blocks = new Array(h * m); for (var g = 0, p = 0; p < m; p++) for (var x = 0; x < h; x++) { var w = 0, k = e.byteLength - t; n = new DataView(e, t, Math.min(10, k)); var y = {}; i.pixels.blocks[g++] = y; var I = n.getUint8(0); if ((w++, (y.encoding = 63 & I), y.encoding > 3)) throw 'Invalid block encoding (' + y.encoding + ')'; if (2 !== y.encoding) { if (0 !== I && 2 !== I) { if (((I >>= 6), (y.offsetType = I), 2 === I)) (y.offset = n.getInt8(1)), w++; else if (1 === I) (y.offset = n.getInt16(1, !0)), (w += 2); else { if (0 !== I) throw 'Invalid block offset type'; (y.offset = n.getFloat32(1, !0)), (w += 4); } if (1 === y.encoding) if ( ((I = n.getUint8(w)), w++, (y.bitsPerPixel = 63 & I), (I >>= 6), (y.numValidPixelsType = I), 2 === I) ) (y.numValidPixels = n.getUint8(w)), w++; else if (1 === I) (y.numValidPixels = n.getUint16(w, !0)), (w += 2); else { if (0 !== I) throw 'Invalid valid pixel count type'; (y.numValidPixels = n.getUint32(w, !0)), (w += 4); } } var b; if (((t += w), 3 !== y.encoding)) if (0 === y.encoding) { var v = (i.pixels.numBytes - 1) / 4; if (v !== Math.floor(v)) throw 'uncompressed block has invalid length'; (b = new ArrayBuffer(4 * v)), new Uint8Array(b).set(new Uint8Array(e, t, 4 * v)); var U = new Float32Array(b); (y.rawData = U), (t += 4 * v); } else if (1 === y.encoding) { var T = Math.ceil((y.numValidPixels * y.bitsPerPixel) / 8), M = Math.ceil(T / 4); (b = new ArrayBuffer(4 * M)), new Uint8Array(b).set(new Uint8Array(e, t, T)), (y.stuffedData = new Uint32Array(b)), (t += T); } } else t++; } return (i.eofOffset = t), i; }), (s = function (e, t, a, i, r, n, s) { var l, o, f, u = (1 << t) - 1, c = 0, d = 0, h = Math.ceil((s - i) / r), m = 4 * e.length - Math.ceil((t * a) / 8); for (e[e.length - 1] <<= 8 * m, l = 0; l < a; l++) { if ((0 === d && ((f = e[c++]), (d = 32)), d >= t)) (o = (f >>> (d - t)) & u), (d -= t); else { var g = t - d; (o = ((f & u) << g) & u), (o += (f = e[c++]) >>> (d = 32 - g)); } n[l] = o < h ? i + o * r : s; } return n; }), t), w = ((l = function (e, t, a, i, r, n, s, l) { var o, f, u, c, d, h = (1 << a) - 1, m = 0, g = 0, p = 4 * e.length - Math.ceil((a * i) / 8); if (((e[e.length - 1] <<= 8 * p), r)) for (o = 0; o < i; o++) 0 === g && ((u = e[m++]), (g = 32)), g >= a ? ((f = (u >>> (g - a)) & h), (g -= a)) : ((f = ((u & h) << (c = a - g)) & h), (f += (u = e[m++]) >>> (g = 32 - c))), (t[o] = r[f]); else for (d = Math.ceil((l - n) / s), o = 0; o < i; o++) 0 === g && ((u = e[m++]), (g = 32)), g >= a ? ((f = (u >>> (g - a)) & h), (g -= a)) : ((f = ((u & h) << (c = a - g)) & h), (f += (u = e[m++]) >>> (g = 32 - c))), (t[o] = f < d ? n + f * s : l); }), (o = function (e, t, a, i, r, n) { var s, l = (1 << t) - 1, o = 0, f = 0, u = 0, c = 0, d = 0, h = [], m = 4 * e.length - Math.ceil((t * a) / 8); e[e.length - 1] <<= 8 * m; var g = Math.ceil((n - i) / r); for (f = 0; f < a; f++) 0 === c && ((s = e[o++]), (c = 32)), c >= t ? ((d = (s >>> (c - t)) & l), (c -= t)) : ((d = ((s & l) << (u = t - c)) & l), (d += (s = e[o++]) >>> (c = 32 - u))), (h[f] = d < g ? i + d * r : n); return h.unshift(i), h; }), (f = function (e, t, a, i, r, n, s, l) { var o, f, u, c, d = (1 << a) - 1, h = 0, m = 0, g = 0; if (r) for (o = 0; o < i; o++) 0 === m && ((u = e[h++]), (m = 32), (g = 0)), m >= a ? ((f = (u >>> g) & d), (m -= a), (g += a)) : ((f = (u >>> g) & d), (m = 32 - (c = a - m)), (f |= ((u = e[h++]) & ((1 << c) - 1)) << (a - c)), (g = c)), (t[o] = r[f]); else { var p = Math.ceil((l - n) / s); for (o = 0; o < i; o++) 0 === m && ((u = e[h++]), (m = 32), (g = 0)), m >= a ? ((f = (u >>> g) & d), (m -= a), (g += a)) : ((f = (u >>> g) & d), (m = 32 - (c = a - m)), (f |= ((u = e[h++]) & ((1 << c) - 1)) << (a - c)), (g = c)), (t[o] = f < p ? n + f * s : l); } return t; }), (u = function (e, t, a, i, r, n) { var s, l = (1 << t) - 1, o = 0, f = 0, u = 0, c = 0, d = 0, h = 0, m = [], g = Math.ceil((n - i) / r); for (f = 0; f < a; f++) 0 === c && ((s = e[o++]), (c = 32), (h = 0)), c >= t ? ((d = (s >>> h) & l), (c -= t), (h += t)) : ((d = (s >>> h) & l), (c = 32 - (u = t - c)), (d |= ((s = e[o++]) & ((1 << u) - 1)) << (t - u)), (h = u)), (m[f] = d < g ? i + d * r : n); return m.unshift(i), m; }), (c = function (e, t, a, i) { var r, n, s, l, o = (1 << a) - 1, f = 0, u = 0, c = 4 * e.length - Math.ceil((a * i) / 8); for (e[e.length - 1] <<= 8 * c, r = 0; r < i; r++) 0 === u && ((s = e[f++]), (u = 32)), u >= a ? ((n = (s >>> (u - a)) & o), (u -= a)) : ((n = ((s & o) << (l = a - u)) & o), (n += (s = e[f++]) >>> (u = 32 - l))), (t[r] = n); return t; }), (d = function (e, t, a, i) { var r, n, s, l, o = (1 << a) - 1, f = 0, u = 0, c = 0; for (r = 0; r < i; r++) 0 === u && ((s = e[f++]), (u = 32), (c = 0)), u >= a ? ((n = (s >>> c) & o), (u -= a), (c += a)) : ((n = (s >>> c) & o), (u = 32 - (l = a - u)), (n |= ((s = e[f++]) & ((1 << l) - 1)) << (a - l)), (c = l)), (t[r] = n); return t; }), (h = { HUFFMAN_LUT_BITS_MAX: 12, computeChecksumFletcher32: function (e) { for (var t = 65535, a = 65535, i = e.length, r = Math.floor(i / 2), n = 0; r; ) { var s = r >= 359 ? 359 : r; r -= s; do { (t += e[n++] << 8), (a += t += e[n++]); } while (--s); (t = (65535 & t) + (t >>> 16)), (a = (65535 & a) + (a >>> 16)); } return ( 1 & i && (a += t += e[n] << 8), (((a = (65535 & a) + (a >>> 16)) << 16) | (t = (65535 & t) + (t >>> 16))) >>> 0 ); }, readHeaderInfo: function (e, t) { var a = t.ptr, i = new Uint8Array(e, a, 6), r = {}; if ( ((r.fileIdentifierString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, i)), 0 !== r.fileIdentifierString.lastIndexOf('Lerc2', 0)) ) throw ( 'Unexpected file identifier string (expect Lerc2 ): ' + r.fileIdentifierString ); a += 6; var n, s = new DataView(e, a, 8), l = s.getInt32(0, !0); if ( ((r.fileVersion = l), (a += 4), l >= 3 && ((r.checksum = s.getUint32(4, !0)), (a += 4)), (s = new DataView(e, a, 12)), (r.height = s.getUint32(0, !0)), (r.width = s.getUint32(4, !0)), (a += 8), l >= 4 ? ((r.numDims = s.getUint32(8, !0)), (a += 4)) : (r.numDims = 1), (s = new DataView(e, a, 40)), (r.numValidPixel = s.getUint32(0, !0)), (r.microBlockSize = s.getInt32(4, !0)), (r.blobSize = s.getInt32(8, !0)), (r.imageType = s.getInt32(12, !0)), (r.maxZError = s.getFloat64(16, !0)), (r.zMin = s.getFloat64(24, !0)), (r.zMax = s.getFloat64(32, !0)), (a += 40), (t.headerInfo = r), (t.ptr = a), l >= 3 && ((n = l >= 4 ? 52 : 48), this.computeChecksumFletcher32(new Uint8Array(e, a - n, r.blobSize - 14)) !== r.checksum)) ) throw 'Checksum failed.'; return !0; }, checkMinMaxRanges: function (e, t) { var a = t.headerInfo, i = this.getDataTypeArray(a.imageType), r = a.numDims * this.getDataTypeSize(a.imageType), n = this.readSubArray(e, t.ptr, i, r), s = this.readSubArray(e, t.ptr + r, i, r); t.ptr += 2 * r; var l, o = !0; for (l = 0; l < a.numDims; l++) if (n[l] !== s[l]) { o = !1; break; } return (a.minValues = n), (a.maxValues = s), o; }, readSubArray: function (e, t, a, i) { var r; if (a === Uint8Array) r = new Uint8Array(e, t, i); else { var n = new ArrayBuffer(i); new Uint8Array(n).set(new Uint8Array(e, t, i)), (r = new a(n)); } return r; }, readMask: function (e, t) { var a, i, r = t.ptr, n = t.headerInfo, s = n.width * n.height, l = n.numValidPixel, o = new DataView(e, r, 4), f = {}; if ( ((f.numBytes = o.getUint32(0, !0)), (r += 4), (0 === l || s === l) && 0 !== f.numBytes) ) throw 'invalid mask'; if (0 === l) (a = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(s / 8))), (f.bitset = a), (i = new Uint8Array(s)), (t.pixels.resultMask = i), (r += f.numBytes); else if (f.numBytes > 0) { a = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(s / 8)); var u = (o = new DataView(e, r, f.numBytes)).getInt16(0, !0), c = 2, d = 0, h = 0; do { if (u > 0) for (; u--; ) a[d++] = o.getUint8(c++); else for (h = o.getUint8(c++), u = -u; u--; ) a[d++] = h; (u = o.getInt16(c, !0)), (c += 2); } while (c < f.numBytes); if (-32768 !== u || d < a.length) throw 'Unexpected end of mask RLE encoding'; i = new Uint8Array(s); var m = 0, g = 0; for (g = 0; g < s; g++) 7 & g ? ((m = a[g >> 3]), (m <<= 7 & g)) : (m = a[g >> 3]), 128 & m && (i[g] = 1); (t.pixels.resultMask = i), (f.bitset = a), (r += f.numBytes); } return (t.ptr = r), (t.mask = f), !0; }, readDataOneSweep: function (e, t, a) { var i, r = t.ptr, n = t.headerInfo, s = n.numDims, l = n.width * n.height, o = n.imageType, f = n.numValidPixel * h.getDataTypeSize(o) * s, u = t.pixels.resultMask; if (a === Uint8Array) i = new Uint8Array(e, r, f); else { var c = new ArrayBuffer(f); new Uint8Array(c).set(new Uint8Array(e, r, f)), (i = new a(c)); } if (i.length === l * s) t.pixels.resultPixels = i; else { t.pixels.resultPixels = new a(l * s); var d = 0, m = 0, g = 0, p = 0; if (s > 1) for (g = 0; g < s; g++) for (p = g * l, m = 0; m < l; m++) u[m] && (t.pixels.resultPixels[p + m] = i[d++]); else for (m = 0; m < l; m++) u[m] && (t.pixels.resultPixels[m] = i[d++]); } return (r += f), (t.ptr = r), !0; }, readHuffmanTree: function (e, t) { var a = this.HUFFMAN_LUT_BITS_MAX, i = new DataView(e, t.ptr, 16); if (((t.ptr += 16), i.getInt32(0, !0) < 2)) throw 'unsupported Huffman version'; var r = i.getInt32(4, !0), n = i.getInt32(8, !0), s = i.getInt32(12, !0); if (n >= s) return !1; var l = new Uint32Array(s - n); h.decodeBits(e, t, l); var o, f, u, c, d = []; for (o = n; o < s; o++) d[(f = o - (o < r ? 0 : r))] = { first: l[o - n], second: null }; var g = e.byteLength - t.ptr, p = Math.ceil(g / 4), x = new ArrayBuffer(4 * p); new Uint8Array(x).set(new Uint8Array(e, t.ptr, g)); var w, k = new Uint32Array(x), y = 0, I = 0; for (w = k[0], o = n; o < s; o++) (c = d[(f = o - (o < r ? 0 : r))].first) > 0 && ((d[f].second = (w << y) >>> (32 - c)), 32 - y >= c ? 32 === (y += c) && ((y = 0), (w = k[++I])) : ((y += c - 32), (w = k[++I]), (d[f].second |= w >>> (32 - y)))); var b = 0, v = 0, U = new m(); for (o = 0; o < d.length; o++) void 0 !== d[o] && (b = Math.max(b, d[o].first)); (v = b >= a ? a : b), b >= 30 && console.log('WARning, large NUM LUT BITS IS ' + b); var T, M, V, A, B, D = []; for (o = n; o < s; o++) if ((c = d[(f = o - (o < r ? 0 : r))].first) > 0) if (((T = [c, f]), c <= v)) for (M = d[f].second << (v - c), V = 1 << (v - c), u = 0; u < V; u++) D[M | u] = T; else for (M = d[f].second, B = U, A = c - 1; A >= 0; A--) (M >>> A) & 1 ? (B.right || (B.right = new m()), (B = B.right)) : (B.left || (B.left = new m()), (B = B.left)), 0 !== A || B.val || (B.val = T[1]); return { decodeLut: D, numBitsLUTQick: v, numBitsLUT: b, tree: U, stuffedData: k, srcPtr: I, bitPos: y, }; }, readHuffman: function (e, t, a) { var i, r, n, s, l, o, f, u, c, d = t.headerInfo, h = d.numDims, m = t.headerInfo.height, g = t.headerInfo.width, p = g * m, x = this.readHuffmanTree(e, t), w = x.decodeLut, k = x.tree, y = x.stuffedData, I = x.srcPtr, b = x.bitPos, v = x.numBitsLUTQick, U = x.numBitsLUT, T = 0 === t.headerInfo.imageType ? 128 : 0, M = t.pixels.resultMask, V = 0; b > 0 && (I++, (b = 0)); var A, B = y[I], D = 1 === t.encodeMode, S = new a(p * h), P = S; for (A = 0; A < d.numDims; A++) { if ( (h > 1 && ((P = new a(S.buffer, p * A, p)), (V = 0)), t.headerInfo.numValidPixel === g * m) ) for (u = 0, o = 0; o < m; o++) for (f = 0; f < g; f++, u++) { if ( ((r = 0), (l = s = (B << b) >>> (32 - v)), 32 - b < v && (l = s |= y[I + 1] >>> (64 - b - v)), w[l]) ) (r = w[l][1]), (b += w[l][0]); else for ( l = s = (B << b) >>> (32 - U), 32 - b < U && (l = s |= y[I + 1] >>> (64 - b - U)), i = k, c = 0; c < U; c++ ) if (!(i = (s >>> (U - c - 1)) & 1 ? i.right : i.left).left && !i.right) { (r = i.val), (b = b + c + 1); break; } b >= 32 && ((b -= 32), (B = y[++I])), (n = r - T), D ? ((n += f > 0 ? V : o > 0 ? P[u - g] : V), (n &= 255), (P[u] = n), (V = n)) : (P[u] = n); } else for (u = 0, o = 0; o < m; o++) for (f = 0; f < g; f++, u++) if (M[u]) { if ( ((r = 0), (l = s = (B << b) >>> (32 - v)), 32 - b < v && (l = s |= y[I + 1] >>> (64 - b - v)), w[l]) ) (r = w[l][1]), (b += w[l][0]); else for ( l = s = (B << b) >>> (32 - U), 32 - b < U && (l = s |= y[I + 1] >>> (64 - b - U)), i = k, c = 0; c < U; c++ ) if ( !(i = (s >>> (U - c - 1)) & 1 ? i.right : i.left).left && !i.right ) { (r = i.val), (b = b + c + 1); break; } b >= 32 && ((b -= 32), (B = y[++I])), (n = r - T), D ? (f > 0 && M[u - 1] ? (n += V) : o > 0 && M[u - g] ? (n += P[u - g]) : (n += V), (n &= 255), (P[u] = n), (V = n)) : (P[u] = n); } t.ptr = t.ptr + 4 * (I + 1) + (b > 0 ? 4 : 0); } t.pixels.resultPixels = S; }, decodeBits: function (e, t, a, i, r) { var n = t.headerInfo, s = n.fileVersion, h = 0, m = new DataView(e, t.ptr, 5), g = m.getUint8(0); h++; var p = g >> 6, x = 0 === p ? 4 : 3 - p, w = (32 & g) > 0, k = 31 & g, y = 0; if (1 === x) (y = m.getUint8(h)), h++; else if (2 === x) (y = m.getUint16(h, !0)), (h += 2); else { if (4 !== x) throw 'Invalid valid pixel count type'; (y = m.getUint32(h, !0)), (h += 4); } var I, b, v, U, T, M, V, A, B, D = 2 * n.maxZError, S = n.numDims > 1 ? n.maxValues[r] : n.zMax; if (w) { for ( t.counter.lut++, A = m.getUint8(h), h++, U = Math.ceil(((A - 1) * k) / 8), T = Math.ceil(U / 4), b = new ArrayBuffer(4 * T), v = new Uint8Array(b), t.ptr += h, v.set(new Uint8Array(e, t.ptr, U)), V = new Uint32Array(b), t.ptr += U, B = 0; (A - 1) >>> B; ) B++; (U = Math.ceil((y * B) / 8)), (T = Math.ceil(U / 4)), (b = new ArrayBuffer(4 * T)), (v = new Uint8Array(b)).set(new Uint8Array(e, t.ptr, U)), (I = new Uint32Array(b)), (t.ptr += U), (M = s >= 3 ? u(V, k, A - 1, i, D, S) : o(V, k, A - 1, i, D, S)), s >= 3 ? f(I, a, B, y, M) : l(I, a, B, y, M); } else t.counter.bitstuffer++, (B = k), (t.ptr += h), B > 0 && ((U = Math.ceil((y * B) / 8)), (T = Math.ceil(U / 4)), (b = new ArrayBuffer(4 * T)), (v = new Uint8Array(b)).set(new Uint8Array(e, t.ptr, U)), (I = new Uint32Array(b)), (t.ptr += U), s >= 3 ? null == i ? d(I, a, B, y) : f(I, a, B, y, !1, i, D, S) : null == i ? c(I, a, B, y) : l(I, a, B, y, !1, i, D, S)); }, readTiles: function (e, t, a) { var i = t.headerInfo, r = i.width, n = i.height, s = i.microBlockSize, l = i.imageType, o = h.getDataTypeSize(l), f = Math.ceil(r / s), u = Math.ceil(n / s); (t.pixels.numBlocksY = u), (t.pixels.numBlocksX = f), (t.pixels.ptr = 0); var c, d, m, g, p, x, w, k, y = 0, I = 0, b = 0, v = 0, U = 0, T = 0, M = 0, V = 0, A = 0, B = 0, D = 0, S = 0, P = 0, E = 0, C = 0, F = new a(s * s), N = n % s || s, O = r % s || s, R = i.numDims, L = t.pixels.resultMask, z = t.pixels.resultPixels; for (b = 0; b < u; b++) for (U = b !== u - 1 ? s : N, v = 0; v < f; v++) for ( B = b * r * s + v * s, D = r - (T = v !== f - 1 ? s : O), k = 0; k < R; k++ ) { if ( (R > 1 && (z = new a(t.pixels.resultPixels.buffer, r * n * k * o, r * n)), (M = e.byteLength - t.ptr), (d = {}), (C = 0), C++, (A = ((V = (c = new DataView(e, t.ptr, Math.min(10, M))).getUint8(0)) >> 6) & 255), ((V >> 2) & 15) != (((v * s) >> 3) & 15)) ) throw 'integrity issue'; if ((p = 3 & V) > 3) throw ((t.ptr += C), 'Invalid block encoding (' + p + ')'); if (2 !== p) if (0 === p) { if ( (t.counter.uncompressed++, (t.ptr += C), (S = (S = U * T * o) < (P = e.byteLength - t.ptr) ? S : P), (m = new ArrayBuffer(S % o == 0 ? S : S + o - (S % o))), new Uint8Array(m).set(new Uint8Array(e, t.ptr, S)), (g = new a(m)), (E = 0), L) ) for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) L[B] && (z[B] = g[E++]), B++; B += D; } else for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) z[B++] = g[E++]; B += D; } t.ptr += E * o; } else if ( ((x = h.getDataTypeUsed(l, A)), (w = h.getOnePixel(d, C, x, c)), (C += h.getDataTypeSize(x)), 3 === p) ) if (((t.ptr += C), t.counter.constantoffset++, L)) for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) L[B] && (z[B] = w), B++; B += D; } else for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) z[B++] = w; B += D; } else if (((t.ptr += C), h.decodeBits(e, t, F, w, k), (C = 0), L)) for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) L[B] && (z[B] = F[C++]), B++; B += D; } else for (y = 0; y < U; y++) { for (I = 0; I < T; I++) z[B++] = F[C++]; B += D; } else t.counter.constant++, (t.ptr += C); } }, formatFileInfo: function (e) { return { fileIdentifierString: e.headerInfo.fileIdentifierString, fileVersion: e.headerInfo.fileVersion, imageType: e.headerInfo.imageType, height: e.headerInfo.height, width: e.headerInfo.width, numValidPixel: e.headerInfo.numValidPixel, microBlockSize: e.headerInfo.microBlockSize, blobSize: e.headerInfo.blobSize, maxZError: e.headerInfo.maxZError, pixelType: h.getPixelType(e.headerInfo.imageType), eofOffset: e.eofOffset, mask: e.mask ? { numBytes: e.mask.numBytes } : null, pixels: { numBlocksX: e.pixels.numBlocksX, numBlocksY: e.pixels.numBlocksY, maxValue: e.headerInfo.zMax, minValue: e.headerInfo.zMin, noDataValue: e.noDataValue, }, }; }, constructConstantSurface: function (e) { var t = e.headerInfo.zMax, a = e.headerInfo.numDims, i = e.headerInfo.height * e.headerInfo.width, r = i * a, n = 0, s = 0, l = 0, o = e.pixels.resultMask; if (o) if (a > 1) for (n = 0; n < a; n++) for (l = n * i, s = 0; s < i; s++) o[s] && (e.pixels.resultPixels[l + s] = t); else for (s = 0; s < i; s++) o[s] && (e.pixels.resultPixels[s] = t); else if (e.pixels.resultPixels.fill) e.pixels.resultPixels.fill(t); else for (s = 0; s < r; s++) e.pixels.resultPixels[s] = t; }, getDataTypeArray: function (e) { var t; switch (e) { case 0: t = Int8Array; break; case 1: t = Uint8Array; break; case 2: t = Int16Array; break; case 3: t = Uint16Array; break; case 4: t = Int32Array; break; case 5: t = Uint32Array; break; default: t = Float32Array; break; case 7: t = Float64Array; } return t; }, getPixelType: function (e) { var t; switch (e) { case 0: t = 'S8'; break; case 1: t = 'U8'; break; case 2: t = 'S16'; break; case 3: t = 'U16'; break; case 4: t = 'S32'; break; case 5: t = 'U32'; break; default: t = 'F32'; break; case 7: t = 'F64'; } return t; }, isValidPixelValue: function (e, t) { if (null == t) return !1; var a; switch (e) { case 0: a = t >= -128 && t <= 127; break; case 1: a = t >= 0 && t <= 255; break; case 2: a = t >= -32768 && t <= 32767; break; case 3: a = t >= 0 && t <= 65536; break; case 4: a = t >= -2147483648 && t <= 2147483647; break; case 5: a = t >= 0 && t <= 4294967296; break; case 6: a = t >= -34027999387901484e22 && t <= 34027999387901484e22; break; case 7: a = t >= 5e-324 && t <= 17976931348623157e292; break; default: a = !1; } return a; }, getDataTypeSize: function (e) { var t = 0; switch (e) { case 0: case 1: t = 1; break; case 2: case 3: t = 2; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: t = 4; break; case 7: t = 8; break; default: t = e; } return t; }, getDataTypeUsed: function (e, t) { var a = e; switch (e) { case 2: case 4: a = e - t; break; case 3: case 5: a = e - 2 * t; break; case 6: a = 0 === t ? e : 1 === t ? 2 : 1; break; case 7: a = 0 === t ? e : e - 2 * t + 1; break; default: a = e; } return a; }, getOnePixel: function (e, t, a, i) { var r = 0; switch (a) { case 0: r = i.getInt8(t); break; case 1: r = i.getUint8(t); break; case 2: r = i.getInt16(t, !0); break; case 3: r = i.getUint16(t, !0); break; case 4: r = i.getInt32(t, !0); break; case 5: r = i.getUInt32(t, !0); break; case 6: r = i.getFloat32(t, !0); break; case 7: r = i.getFloat64(t, !0); break; default: throw 'the decoder does not understand this pixel type'; } return r; }, }), (m = function (e, t, a) { (this.val = e), (this.left = t), (this.right = a); }), { decode: function (e, t) { var a = (t = t || {}).noDataValue, i = 0, r = {}; (r.ptr = t.inputOffset || 0), (r.pixels = {}), h.readHeaderInfo(e, r); var n = r.headerInfo, s = n.fileVersion, l = h.getDataTypeArray(n.imageType); h.readMask(e, r), n.numValidPixel === n.width * n.height || r.pixels.resultMask || (r.pixels.resultMask = t.maskData); var o, f = n.width * n.height; if ( ((r.pixels.resultPixels = new l(f * n.numDims)), (r.counter = { onesweep: 0, uncompressed: 0, lut: 0, bitstuffer: 0, constant: 0, constantoffset: 0, }), 0 !== n.numValidPixel) ) if (n.zMax === n.zMin) h.constructConstantSurface(r); else if (s >= 4 && h.checkMinMaxRanges(e, r)) h.constructConstantSurface(r); else { var u = new DataView(e, r.ptr, 2), c = u.getUint8(0); if ((r.ptr++, c)) h.readDataOneSweep(e, r, l); else if (s > 1 && n.imageType <= 1 && Math.abs(n.maxZError - 0.5) < 1e-5) { var d = u.getUint8(1); if ((r.ptr++, (r.encodeMode = d), d > 2 || (s < 4 && d > 1))) throw 'Invalid Huffman flag ' + d; d ? h.readHuffman(e, r, l) : h.readTiles(e, r, l); } else h.readTiles(e, r, l); } (r.eofOffset = r.ptr), t.inputOffset ? ((o = r.headerInfo.blobSize + t.inputOffset - r.ptr), Math.abs(o) >= 1 && (r.eofOffset = t.inputOffset + r.headerInfo.blobSize)) : ((o = r.headerInfo.blobSize - r.ptr), Math.abs(o) >= 1 && (r.eofOffset = r.headerInfo.blobSize)); var m = { width: n.width, height: n.height, pixelData: r.pixels.resultPixels, minValue: n.zMin, maxValue: n.zMax, validPixelCount: n.numValidPixel, dimCount: n.numDims, dimStats: { minValues: n.minValues, maxValues: n.maxValues }, maskData: r.pixels.resultMask, }; if (r.pixels.resultMask && h.isValidPixelValue(n.imageType, a)) { var g = r.pixels.resultMask; for (i = 0; i < f; i++) g[i] || (m.pixelData[i] = a); m.noDataValue = a; } return (r.noDataValue = a), t.returnFileInfo && (m.fileInfo = h.formatFileInfo(r)), m; }, getBandCount: function (e) { for (var t = 0, a = 0, i = { ptr: 0, pixels: {} }; a < e.byteLength - 58; ) h.readHeaderInfo(e, i), (a += i.headerInfo.blobSize), t++, (i.ptr = a); return t; }, }), k = ((g = new ArrayBuffer(4)), (p = new Uint8Array(g)), (new Uint32Array(g)[0] = 1), 1 === p[0]), y = { decode: function (e, t) { if (!k) throw 'Big endian system is not supported.'; var a, i, r = (t = t || {}).inputOffset || 0, n = new Uint8Array(e, r, 10), s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, n); if ('CntZImage' === s.trim()) (a = x), (i = 1); else { if ('Lerc2' !== s.substring(0, 5)) throw 'Unexpected file identifier string: ' + s; (a = w), (i = 2); } for ( var l, o, f, u, c, d, h = 0, m = e.byteLength - 10, g = [], p = { width: 0, height: 0, pixels: [], pixelType: t.pixelType, mask: null, statistics: [], }; r < m; ) { var y = a.decode(e, { inputOffset: r, encodedMaskData: l, maskData: f, returnMask: 0 === h, returnEncodedMask: 0 === h, returnFileInfo: !0, pixelType: t.pixelType || null, noDataValue: t.noDataValue || null, }); (r = y.fileInfo.eofOffset), 0 === h && ((l = y.encodedMaskData), (f = y.maskData), (p.width = y.width), (p.height = y.height), (p.dimCount = y.dimCount || 1), (p.pixelType = y.pixelType || y.fileInfo.pixelType), (p.mask = y.maskData)), i > 1 && y.fileInfo.mask && y.fileInfo.mask.numBytes > 0 && g.push(y.maskData), h++, p.pixels.push(y.pixelData), p.statistics.push({ minValue: y.minValue, maxValue: y.maxValue, noDataValue: y.noDataValue, dimStats: y.dimStats, }); } if (i > 1 && g.length > 1) { for ( d = p.width * p.height, p.bandMasks = g, (f = new Uint8Array(d)).set(g[0]), u = 1; u < g.length; u++ ) for (o = g[u], c = 0; c < d; c++) f[c] = f[c] & o[c]; p.maskData = f; } return p; }, }; e.exports ? (e.exports = y) : (this.Lerc = y); })(); }); return f(function (t, a) { if (t.encoding === p.LERC) { var i; try { i = b.decode(t.heightmap); } catch (e) { throw new r.RuntimeError(e); } if (i.statistics[0].minValue === Number.MAX_VALUE) throw new r.RuntimeError('Invalid tile data'); (t.heightmap = i.pixels[0]), (t.width = i.width), (t.height = i.height); } (t.ellipsoid = e.Ellipsoid.clone(t.ellipsoid)), (t.rectangle = e.Rectangle.clone(t.rectangle)); var n = x.computeVertices(t), s = n.vertices; return ( a.push(s.buffer), { vertices: s.buffer, numberOfAttributes: n.encoding.stride, minimumHeight: n.minimumHeight, maximumHeight: n.maximumHeight, gridWidth: t.width, gridHeight: t.height, boundingSphere3D: n.boundingSphere3D, orientedBoundingBox: n.orientedBoundingBox, occludeePointInScaledSpace: n.occludeePointInScaledSpace, encoding: n.encoding, westIndicesSouthToNorth: n.westIndicesSouthToNorth, southIndicesEastToWest: n.southIndicesEastToWest, eastIndicesNorthToSouth: n.eastIndicesNorthToSouth, northIndicesWestToEast: n.northIndicesWestToEast, } ); }); });