define([ 'exports', './Matrix2-f2da41d4', './EllipsoidTangentPlane-b27cd2f7', './ComponentDatatype-17b06483', './PolylinePipeline-a3ba6f24', './Transforms-7cd3197b', './when-229515d6', './RuntimeError-ffe03243', ], function (e, a, r, n, t, i, s, o) { 'use strict'; var l = Object.freeze({ ROUNDED: 0, MITERED: 1, BEVELED: 2 }), C = {}; function c(e, a) { s.defined(C[e]) || ((C[e] = !0), console.warn(s.defaultValue(a, e))); } (c.geometryOutlines = 'Entity geometry outlines are unsupported on terrain. Outlines will be disabled. To enable outlines, disable geometry terrain clamping by explicitly setting height to 0.'), (c.geometryZIndex = 'Entity geometry with zIndex are unsupported when height or extrudedHeight are defined. zIndex will be ignored'), (c.geometryHeightReference = 'Entity corridor, ellipse, polygon or rectangle with heightReference must also have a defined height. heightReference will be ignored'), (c.geometryExtrudedHeightReference = 'Entity corridor, ellipse, polygon or rectangle with extrudedHeightReference must also have a defined extrudedHeight. extrudedHeightReference will be ignored'); var u = [new a.Cartesian3(), new a.Cartesian3()], d = new a.Cartesian3(), g = new a.Cartesian3(), y = new a.Cartesian3(), f = new a.Cartesian3(), m = new a.Cartesian3(), h = new a.Cartesian3(), p = new a.Cartesian3(), w = new a.Cartesian3(), v = new a.Cartesian3(), x = new a.Cartesian3(), E = new a.Cartesian3(), P = {}, b = new a.Cartographic(); function M(e, r, n, t) { var i, s = e[0], o = e[1], l = a.Cartesian3.angleBetween(s, o), C = Math.ceil(l / t), c = new Array(C); if (r === n) { for (i = 0; i < C; i++) c[i] = r; return c.push(n), c; } var u = (n - r) / C; for (i = 1; i < C; i++) { var d = r + i * u; c[i] = d; } return (c[0] = r), c.push(n), c; } var T = new a.Cartesian3(), B = new a.Cartesian3(); var z = new a.Cartesian3(-1, 0, 0), S = new a.Matrix4(), A = new a.Matrix4(), D = new a.Matrix3(), R = a.Matrix3.IDENTITY.clone(), O = new a.Cartesian3(), I = new a.Cartesian4(), V = new a.Cartesian3(); function N(e, n, t, s, o, l, C, c) { var u = O, d = I; (S = i.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(e, o, S)), (u = a.Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(S, z, u)); var g = (function (e, n, t, i) { var s = new r.EllipsoidTangentPlane(t, i), o = s.projectPointOntoPlane(a.Cartesian3.add(t, e, T), T), l = s.projectPointOntoPlane(a.Cartesian3.add(t, n, B), B), C = a.Cartesian2.angleBetween(o, l); return l.x * o.y - l.y * o.x >= 0 ? -C : C; })((u = a.Cartesian3.normalize(u, u)), n, e, o); (D = a.Matrix3.fromRotationZ(g, D)), (V.z = l), (S = a.Matrix4.multiplyTransformation(S, a.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(D, V, A), S)); var y = R; y[0] = C; for (var f = 0; f < c; f++) for (var m = 0; m < t.length; m += 3) (d = a.Cartesian3.fromArray(t, m, d)), (d = a.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(y, d, d)), (d = a.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(S, d, d)), s.push(d.x, d.y, d.z); return s; } var G = new a.Cartesian3(); function H(e, r, n, t, i, s, o) { for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l += 3) { t = N(a.Cartesian3.fromArray(e, l, G), r, n, t, i, s[l / 3], o, 1); } return t; } function L(e, a) { for ( var r = e.length, n = new Array(3 * r), t = 0, i = a.x + a.width / 2, s = a.y + a.height / 2, o = 0; o < r; o++ ) (n[t++] = e[o].x - i), (n[t++] = 0), (n[t++] = e[o].y - s); return n; } var j = new i.Quaternion(), Q = new a.Cartesian3(), q = new a.Matrix3(); function F(e, r, t, s, o, C, c, u, d, g) { var y, f, m = a.Cartesian3.angleBetween(a.Cartesian3.subtract(r, e, x), a.Cartesian3.subtract(t, e, E)), h = s === l.BEVELED ? 0 : Math.ceil(m / n.CesiumMath.toRadians(5)); if ( ((y = o ? a.Matrix3.fromQuaternion( i.Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(a.Cartesian3.negate(e, x), m / (h + 1), j), q ) : a.Matrix3.fromQuaternion(i.Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(e, m / (h + 1), j), q)), (r = a.Cartesian3.clone(r, Q)), h > 0) ) for (var p = g ? 2 : 1, w = 0; w < h; w++) (r = a.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(y, r, r)), (f = a.Cartesian3.subtract(r, e, x)), (f = a.Cartesian3.normalize(f, f)), o || (f = a.Cartesian3.negate(f, f)), (c = N(C.scaleToGeodeticSurface(r, E), f, u, c, C, d, 1, p)); else (f = a.Cartesian3.subtract(r, e, x)), (f = a.Cartesian3.normalize(f, f)), o || (f = a.Cartesian3.negate(f, f)), (c = N(C.scaleToGeodeticSurface(r, E), f, u, c, C, d, 1, 1)), (t = a.Cartesian3.clone(t, Q)), (f = a.Cartesian3.subtract(t, e, x)), (f = a.Cartesian3.normalize(f, f)), o || (f = a.Cartesian3.negate(f, f)), (c = N(C.scaleToGeodeticSurface(t, E), f, u, c, C, d, 1, 1)); return c; } (P.removeDuplicatesFromShape = function (e) { for (var r = e.length, n = [], t = r - 1, i = 0; i < r; t = i++) { var s = e[t], o = e[i]; a.Cartesian2.equals(s, o) || n.push(o); } return n; }), (P.angleIsGreaterThanPi = function (e, n, t, i) { var s = new r.EllipsoidTangentPlane(t, i), o = s.projectPointOntoPlane(a.Cartesian3.add(t, e, T), T), l = s.projectPointOntoPlane(a.Cartesian3.add(t, n, B), B); return l.x * o.y - l.y * o.x >= 0; }); var U = new a.Cartesian3(), _ = new a.Cartesian3(); (P.computePositions = function (e, r, i, s, o) { var C = s._ellipsoid, E = (function (e, a) { for (var r = new Array(e.length), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var t = e[n]; (b = a.cartesianToCartographic(t, b)), (r[n] = b.height), (e[n] = a.scaleToGeodeticSurface(t, t)); } return r; })(e, C), T = s._granularity, B = s._cornerType, z = o ? (function (e, a) { var r = e.length, n = new Array(6 * r), t = 0, i = a.x + a.width / 2, s = a.y + a.height / 2, o = e[0]; (n[t++] = o.x - i), (n[t++] = 0), (n[t++] = o.y - s); for (var l = 1; l < r; l++) { var C = (o = e[l]).x - i, c = o.y - s; (n[t++] = C), (n[t++] = 0), (n[t++] = c), (n[t++] = C), (n[t++] = 0), (n[t++] = c); } return (o = e[0]), (n[t++] = o.x - i), (n[t++] = 0), (n[t++] = o.y - s), n; })(r, i) : L(r, i), S = o ? L(r, i) : void 0, A = i.height / 2, D = i.width / 2, R = e.length, O = [], I = o ? [] : void 0, V = d, G = g, j = y, Q = f, q = m, Z = h, W = p, Y = w, k = v, J = e[0], K = e[1]; (Q = C.geodeticSurfaceNormal(J, Q)), (V = a.Cartesian3.subtract(K, J, V)), (V = a.Cartesian3.normalize(V, V)), (Y = a.Cartesian3.cross(Q, V, Y)), (Y = a.Cartesian3.normalize(Y, Y)); var X, $ = E[0], ee = E[1]; o && (I = N(J, Y, S, I, C, $ + A, 1, 1)), (k = a.Cartesian3.clone(J, k)), (J = K), (G = a.Cartesian3.negate(V, G)); for (var ae = 1; ae < R - 1; ae++) { var re = o ? 2 : 1; if (((K = e[ae + 1]), J.equals(K))) c('Positions are too close and are considered equivalent with rounding error.'); else { (V = a.Cartesian3.subtract(K, J, V)), (V = a.Cartesian3.normalize(V, V)), (j = a.Cartesian3.add(V, G, j)), (j = a.Cartesian3.normalize(j, j)), (Q = C.geodeticSurfaceNormal(J, Q)); var ne = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Q,, Q), U); a.Cartesian3.subtract(V, ne, ne), a.Cartesian3.normalize(ne, ne); var te = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Q,, Q), _); if ( (a.Cartesian3.subtract(G, te, te), a.Cartesian3.normalize(te, te), !n.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(Math.abs(, te)), 1, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON7)) ) { (j = a.Cartesian3.cross(j, Q, j)), (j = a.Cartesian3.cross(Q, j, j)), (j = a.Cartesian3.normalize(j, j)); var ie = 1 / Math.max(0.25, a.Cartesian3.magnitude(a.Cartesian3.cross(j, G, x))), se = P.angleIsGreaterThanPi(V, G, J, C); se ? ((q = a.Cartesian3.add(J, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(j, ie * D, j), q)), (Z = a.Cartesian3.add(q, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Y, D, Z), Z)), (u[0] = a.Cartesian3.clone(k, u[0])), (u[1] = a.Cartesian3.clone(Z, u[1])), (X = M(u, $ + A, ee + A, T)), (O = H( t.PolylinePipeline.generateArc({ positions: u, granularity: T, ellipsoid: C }), Y, z, O, C, X, 1 )), (Y = a.Cartesian3.cross(Q, V, Y)), (Y = a.Cartesian3.normalize(Y, Y)), (W = a.Cartesian3.add(q, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Y, D, W), W)), B === l.ROUNDED || B === l.BEVELED ? F(q, Z, W, B, se, C, O, z, ee + A, o) : (O = N(J, (j = a.Cartesian3.negate(j, j)), z, O, C, ee + A, ie, re)), (k = a.Cartesian3.clone(W, k))) : ((q = a.Cartesian3.add(J, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(j, ie * D, j), q)), (Z = a.Cartesian3.add(q, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Y, -D, Z), Z)), (u[0] = a.Cartesian3.clone(k, u[0])), (u[1] = a.Cartesian3.clone(Z, u[1])), (X = M(u, $ + A, ee + A, T)), (O = H( t.PolylinePipeline.generateArc({ positions: u, granularity: T, ellipsoid: C }), Y, z, O, C, X, 1 )), (Y = a.Cartesian3.cross(Q, V, Y)), (Y = a.Cartesian3.normalize(Y, Y)), (W = a.Cartesian3.add(q, a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(Y, -D, W), W)), B === l.ROUNDED || B === l.BEVELED ? F(q, Z, W, B, se, C, O, z, ee + A, o) : (O = N(J, j, z, O, C, ee + A, ie, re)), (k = a.Cartesian3.clone(W, k))), (G = a.Cartesian3.negate(V, G)); } else (O = N(k, Y, z, O, C, $ + A, 1, 1)), (k = J); ($ = ee), (ee = E[ae + 1]), (J = K); } } (u[0] = a.Cartesian3.clone(k, u[0])), (u[1] = a.Cartesian3.clone(J, u[1])), (X = M(u, $ + A, ee + A, T)), (O = H( t.PolylinePipeline.generateArc({ positions: u, granularity: T, ellipsoid: C }), Y, z, O, C, X, 1 )), o && (I = N(J, Y, S, I, C, ee + A, 1, 1)), (R = O.length); var oe = o ? R + I.length : R, le = new Float64Array(oe); return le.set(O), o && le.set(I, R), le; }), (e.CornerType = l), (e.PolylineVolumeGeometryLibrary = P), (e.oneTimeWarning = c); });