function setTimeout(e) { e(); } /** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 * @license RequireJS 2.1.20 Copyright (c) 2010-2015, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * see: for details */ var requirejs, require, define; 'undefined' == typeof self && (self = {}), (self.onmessage = function (e) { var t =; require(t.loaderConfig, [t.workerModule], function (e) { (self.onmessage = e), (CESIUM_BASE_URL = t.loaderConfig.baseUrl); }); }), (function (global) { var req, s, head, baseElement, dataMain, src, interactiveScript, currentlyAddingScript, mainScript, subPath, version = '2.1.20', commentRegExp = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/gm, cjsRequireRegExp = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g, jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/, currDirRegExp = /^\.\//, op = Object.prototype, ostring = op.toString, hasOwn = op.hasOwnProperty, ap = Array.prototype, isBrowser = !( 'undefined' == typeof window || 'undefined' == typeof navigator || !window.document ), isWebWorker = !isBrowser && 'undefined' != typeof importScripts, readyRegExp = isBrowser && 'PLAYSTATION 3' === navigator.platform ? /^complete$/ : /^(complete|loaded)$/, defContextName = '_', isOpera = 'undefined' != typeof opera && '[object Opera]' === opera.toString(), contexts = {}, cfg = {}, globalDefQueue = [], useInteractive = !1; function isFunction(e) { return '[object Function]' ===; } function isArray(e) { return '[object Array]' ===; } function each(e, t) { var i; if (e) for (i = 0; i < e.length && (!e[i] || !t(e[i], i, e)); i += 1); } function eachReverse(e, t) { var i; if (e) for (i = e.length - 1; i > -1 && (!e[i] || !t(e[i], i, e)); i -= 1); } function hasProp(e, t) { return, t); } function getOwn(e, t) { return hasProp(e, t) && e[t]; } function eachProp(e, t) { var i; for (i in e) if (hasProp(e, i) && t(e[i], i)) break; } function mixin(e, t, i, r) { return ( t && eachProp(t, function (t, n) { (!i && hasProp(e, n)) || (!r || 'object' != typeof t || !t || isArray(t) || isFunction(t) || t instanceof RegExp ? (e[n] = t) : (e[n] || (e[n] = {}), mixin(e[n], t, i, r))); }), e ); } function bind(e, t) { return function () { return t.apply(e, arguments); }; } function scripts() { return document.getElementsByTagName('script'); } function defaultOnError(e) { throw e; } function getGlobal(e) { if (!e) return e; var t = global; return ( each(e.split('.'), function (e) { t = t[e]; }), t ); } function makeError(e, t, i, r) { var n = new Error(t + '\n' + e); return (n.requireType = e), (n.requireModules = r), i && (n.originalError = i), n; } if (void 0 === define) { if (void 0 !== requirejs) { if (isFunction(requirejs)) return; (cfg = requirejs), (requirejs = void 0); } void 0 === require || isFunction(require) || ((cfg = require), (require = void 0)), (req = requirejs = function (e, t, i, r) { var n, o, a = defContextName; return ( isArray(e) || 'string' == typeof e || ((o = e), isArray(t) ? ((e = t), (t = i), (i = r)) : (e = [])), o && o.context && (a = o.context), (n = getOwn(contexts, a)) || (n = contexts[a] = req.s.newContext(a)), o && n.configure(o), n.require(e, t, i) ); }), (req.config = function (e) { return req(e); }), (req.nextTick = void 0 !== setTimeout ? function (e) { setTimeout(e, 4); } : function (e) { e(); }), require || (require = req), (req.version = version), (req.jsExtRegExp = /^\/|:|\?|\.js$/), (req.isBrowser = isBrowser), (s = req.s = { contexts: contexts, newContext: newContext }), req({}), each(['toUrl', 'undef', 'defined', 'specified'], function (e) { req[e] = function () { var t = contexts[defContextName]; return t.require[e].apply(t, arguments); }; }), isBrowser && ((head = s.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]), (baseElement = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0]), baseElement && (head = s.head = baseElement.parentNode)), (req.onError = defaultOnError), (req.createNode = function (e, t, i) { var r = e.xhtml ? document.createElementNS('', 'html:script') : document.createElement('script'); return ( (r.type = e.scriptType || 'text/javascript'), (r.charset = 'utf-8'), (r.async = !0), r ); }), (req.load = function (e, t, i) { var r, n = (e && e.config) || {}; if (isBrowser) return ( (r = req.createNode(n, t, i)), n.onNodeCreated && n.onNodeCreated(r, n, t, i), r.setAttribute('data-requirecontext', e.contextName), r.setAttribute('data-requiremodule', t), !r.attachEvent || (r.attachEvent.toString && r.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) || isOpera ? (r.addEventListener('load', e.onScriptLoad, !1), r.addEventListener('error', e.onScriptError, !1)) : ((useInteractive = !0), r.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', e.onScriptLoad)), (r.src = i), (currentlyAddingScript = r), baseElement ? head.insertBefore(r, baseElement) : head.appendChild(r), (currentlyAddingScript = null), r ); if (isWebWorker) try { importScripts(i), e.completeLoad(t); } catch (r) { e.onError( makeError('importscripts', 'importScripts failed for ' + t + ' at ' + i, r, [t]) ); } }), isBrowser && !cfg.skipDataMain && eachReverse(scripts(), function (e) { if ((head || (head = e.parentNode), (dataMain = e.getAttribute('data-main')))) return ( (mainScript = dataMain), cfg.baseUrl || ((src = mainScript.split('/')), (mainScript = src.pop()), (subPath = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './'), (cfg.baseUrl = subPath)), (mainScript = mainScript.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '')), req.jsExtRegExp.test(mainScript) && (mainScript = dataMain), (cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(mainScript) : [mainScript]), !0 ); }), (define = function (e, t, i) { var r, n; 'string' != typeof e && ((i = t), (t = e), (e = null)), isArray(t) || ((i = t), (t = null)), !t && isFunction(i) && ((t = []), i.length && (i .toString() .replace(commentRegExp, '') .replace(cjsRequireRegExp, function (e, i) { t.push(i); }), (t = (1 === i.length ? ['require'] : ['require', 'exports', 'module']).concat(t)))), useInteractive && (r = currentlyAddingScript || getInteractiveScript()) && (e || (e = r.getAttribute('data-requiremodule')), (n = contexts[r.getAttribute('data-requirecontext')])), n ? (n.defQueue.push([e, t, i]), (n.defQueueMap[e] = !0)) : globalDefQueue.push([e, t, i]); }), (define.amd = { jQuery: !0 }), (req.exec = function (text) { return eval(text); }), req(cfg); } function newContext(e) { var t, i, r, n, o, a = { waitSeconds: 7, baseUrl: './', paths: {}, bundles: {}, pkgs: {}, shim: {}, config: {}, }, s = {}, u = {}, c = {}, d = [], p = {}, f = {}, l = {}, h = 1, m = 1; function g(e, t, i) { var r, n, o, s, u, c, d, p, f, l, h = t && t.split('/'), m =, g = m && m['*']; if ( (e && ((c = (e = e.split('/')).length - 1), a.nodeIdCompat && jsSuffixRegExp.test(e[c]) && (e[c] = e[c].replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '')), '.' === e[0].charAt(0) && h && (e = h.slice(0, h.length - 1).concat(e)), (function (e) { var t, i; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) if ('.' === (i = e[t])) e.splice(t, 1), (t -= 1); else if ('..' === i) { if (0 === t || (1 === t && '..' === e[2]) || '..' === e[t - 1]) continue; t > 0 && (e.splice(t - 1, 2), (t -= 2)); } })(e), (e = e.join('/'))), i && m && (h || g)) ) { e: for (o = (n = e.split('/')).length; o > 0; o -= 1) { if (((u = n.slice(0, o).join('/')), h)) for (s = h.length; s > 0; s -= 1) if ((r = getOwn(m, h.slice(0, s).join('/'))) && (r = getOwn(r, u))) { (d = r), (p = o); break e; } !f && g && getOwn(g, u) && ((f = getOwn(g, u)), (l = o)); } !d && f && ((d = f), (p = l)), d && (n.splice(0, p, d), (e = n.join('/'))); } return getOwn(a.pkgs, e) || e; } function v(e) { isBrowser && each(scripts(), function (t) { if ( t.getAttribute('data-requiremodule') === e && t.getAttribute('data-requirecontext') === r.contextName ) return t.parentNode.removeChild(t), !0; }); } function x(e) { var t = getOwn(a.paths, e); if (t && isArray(t) && t.length > 1) return t.shift(), r.require.undef(e), r.makeRequire(null, { skipMap: !0 })([e]), !0; } function b(e) { var t, i = e ? e.indexOf('!') : -1; return i > -1 && ((t = e.substring(0, i)), (e = e.substring(i + 1, e.length))), [t, e]; } function q(e, t, i, n) { var o, a, s, u, c = null, d = t ? : null, f = e, l = !0, v = ''; return ( e || ((l = !1), (e = '_@r' + (h += 1))), (c = (u = b(e))[0]), (e = u[1]), c && ((c = g(c, d, n)), (a = getOwn(p, c))), e && (c ? (v = a && a.normalize ? a.normalize(e, function (e) { return g(e, d, n); }) : -1 === e.indexOf('!') ? g(e, d, n) : e) : ((c = (u = b((v = g(e, d, n))))[0]), (v = u[1]), (i = !0), (o = r.nameToUrl(v)))), { prefix: c, name: v, parentMap: t, unnormalized: !!(s = !c || a || i ? '' : '_unnormalized' + (m += 1)), url: o, originalName: f, isDefine: l, id: (c ? c + '!' + v : v) + s, } ); } function E(e) { var t =, i = getOwn(s, t); return i || (i = s[t] = new r.Module(e)), i; } function w(e, t, i) { var r =, n = getOwn(s, r); !hasProp(p, r) || (n && !n.defineEmitComplete) ? (n = E(e)).error && 'error' === t ? i(n.error) : n.on(t, i) : 'defined' === t && i(p[r]); } function y(e, t) { var i = e.requireModules, r = !1; t ? t(e) : (each(i, function (t) { var i = getOwn(s, t); i && ((i.error = e), && ((r = !0), i.emit('error', e))); }), r || req.onError(e)); } function S() { globalDefQueue.length && (each(globalDefQueue, function (e) { var t = e[0]; 'string' == typeof t && (r.defQueueMap[t] = !0), d.push(e); }), (globalDefQueue = [])); } function k(e) { delete s[e], delete u[e]; } function M(e, t, i) { var r =; e.error ? e.emit('error', e.error) : ((t[r] = !0), each(e.depMaps, function (r, n) { var o =, a = getOwn(s, o); !a || e.depMatched[n] || i[o] || (getOwn(t, o) ? (e.defineDep(n, p[o]), e.check()) : M(a, t, i)); }), (i[r] = !0)); } function O() { var e, i, n = 1e3 * a.waitSeconds, s = n && r.startTime + n < new Date().getTime(), c = [], d = [], p = !1, f = !0; if (!t) { if ( ((t = !0), eachProp(u, function (e) { var t =, r =; if (e.enabled && (t.isDefine || d.push(e), !e.error)) if (!e.inited && s) x(r) ? ((i = !0), (p = !0)) : (c.push(r), v(r)); else if (!e.inited && e.fetched && t.isDefine && ((p = !0), !t.prefix)) return (f = !1); }), s && c.length) ) return ( ((e = makeError('timeout', 'Load timeout for modules: ' + c, null, c)).contextName = r.contextName), y(e) ); f && each(d, function (e) { M(e, {}, {}); }), (s && !i) || !p || (!isBrowser && !isWebWorker) || o || (o = setTimeout(function () { (o = 0), O(); }, 50)), (t = !1); } } function j(e) { hasProp(p, e[0]) || E(q(e[0], null, !0)).init(e[1], e[2]); } function P(e, t, i, r) { e.detachEvent && !isOpera ? r && e.detachEvent(r, t) : e.removeEventListener(i, t, !1); } function R(e) { var t = e.currentTarget || e.srcElement; return ( P(t, r.onScriptLoad, 'load', 'onreadystatechange'), P(t, r.onScriptError, 'error'), { node: t, id: t && t.getAttribute('data-requiremodule') } ); } function A() { var e; for (S(); d.length; ) { if (null === (e = d.shift())[0]) return y( makeError('mismatch', 'Mismatched anonymous define() module: ' + e[e.length - 1]) ); j(e); } r.defQueueMap = {}; } return ( (n = { require: function (e) { return e.require ? e.require : (e.require = r.makeRequire(; }, exports: function (e) { if (((e.usingExports = !0), return e.exports ? (p[] = e.exports) : (e.exports = p[] = {}); }, module: function (e) { return e.module ? e.module : (e.module = { id:, uri:, config: function () { return getOwn(a.config, || {}; }, exports: e.exports || (e.exports = {}), }); }, }), ((i = function (e) { ( = getOwn(c, || {}), ( = e), (this.shim = getOwn(a.shim,, (this.depExports = []), (this.depMaps = []), (this.depMatched = []), (this.pluginMaps = {}), (this.depCount = 0); }).prototype = { init: function (e, t, i, r) { (r = r || {}), this.inited || ((this.factory = t), i ? this.on('error', i) : && (i = bind(this, function (e) { this.emit('error', e); })), (this.depMaps = e && e.slice(0)), (this.errback = i), (this.inited = !0), (this.ignore = r.ignore), r.enabled || this.enabled ? this.enable() : this.check()); }, defineDep: function (e, t) { this.depMatched[e] || ((this.depMatched[e] = !0), (this.depCount -= 1), (this.depExports[e] = t)); }, fetch: function () { if (!this.fetched) { (this.fetched = !0), (r.startTime = new Date().getTime()); var e =; if (!this.shim) return e.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load(); r.makeRequire(, { enableBuildCallback: !0 })( this.shim.deps || [], bind(this, function () { return e.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load(); }) ); } }, load: function () { var e =; f[e] || ((f[e] = !0), r.load(, e)); }, check: function () { if (this.enabled && !this.enabling) { var e, t, i =, n = this.depExports, o = this.exports, a = this.factory; if (this.inited) { if (this.error) this.emit('error', this.error); else if (!this.defining) { if (((this.defining = !0), this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined)) { if (isFunction(a)) { if ( ( && || req.onError !== defaultOnError ) try { o = r.execCb(i, a, n, o); } catch (t) { e = t; } else o = r.execCb(i, a, n, o); if ( ( && void 0 === o && ((t = this.module) ? (o = t.exports) : this.usingExports && (o = this.exports)), e) ) return ( (e.requireMap =, (e.requireModules = ? [] : null), (e.requireType = ? 'define' : 'require'), y((this.error = e)) ); } else o = a; (this.exports = o), && !this.ignore && ((p[i] = o), req.onResourceLoad && req.onResourceLoad(r,, this.depMaps)), k(i), (this.defined = !0); } (this.defining = !1), this.defined && !this.defineEmitted && ((this.defineEmitted = !0), this.emit('defined', this.exports), (this.defineEmitComplete = !0)); } } else hasProp(r.defQueueMap, i) || this.fetch(); } }, callPlugin: function () { var e =, t =, i = q(e.prefix); this.depMaps.push(i), w( i, 'defined', bind(this, function (i) { var n, o, u, c = getOwn(l,, d =, p = ? : null, f = r.makeRequire(e.parentMap, { enableBuildCallback: !0 }); return ? (i.normalize && (d = i.normalize(d, function (e) { return g(e, p, !0); }) || ''), w( (o = q(e.prefix + '!' + d,, 'defined', bind(this, function (e) { this.init( [], function () { return e; }, null, { enabled: !0, ignore: !0 } ); }) ), void ( (u = getOwn(s, && (this.depMaps.push(o), && u.on( 'error', bind(this, function (e) { this.emit('error', e); }) ), u.enable()) )) : c ? (( = r.nameToUrl(c)), void this.load()) : (((n = bind(this, function (e) { this.init( [], function () { return e; }, null, { enabled: !0 } ); })).error = bind(this, function (e) { (this.inited = !0), (this.error = e), (e.requireModules = [t]), eachProp(s, function (e) { 0 === + '_unnormalized') && k(; }), y(e); })), (n.fromText = bind(this, function (i, o) { var s =, u = q(s), c = useInteractive; o && (i = o), c && (useInteractive = !1), E(u), hasProp(a.config, t) && (a.config[s] = a.config[t]); try { req.exec(i); } catch (e) { return y( makeError( 'fromtexteval', 'fromText eval for ' + t + ' failed: ' + e, e, [t] ) ); } c && (useInteractive = !0), this.depMaps.push(u), r.completeLoad(s), f([s], n); })), void i.load(, f, n, a)); }) ), r.enable(i, this), (this.pluginMaps[] = i); }, enable: function () { (u[] = this), (this.enabled = !0), (this.enabling = !0), each( this.depMaps, bind(this, function (e, t) { var i, o, a; if ('string' == typeof e) { if ( ((e = q( e, ? :, !1, !this.skipMap )), (this.depMaps[t] = e), (a = getOwn(n, ) return void (this.depExports[t] = a(this)); (this.depCount += 1), w( e, 'defined', bind(this, function (e) { this.undefed || (this.defineDep(t, e), this.check()); }) ), this.errback ? w(e, 'error', bind(this, this.errback)) : && w( e, 'error', bind(this, function (e) { this.emit('error', e); }) ); } (i =, (o = s[i]), hasProp(n, i) || !o || o.enabled || r.enable(e, this); }) ), eachProp( this.pluginMaps, bind(this, function (e) { var t = getOwn(s,; t && !t.enabled && r.enable(e, this); }) ), (this.enabling = !1), this.check(); }, on: function (e, t) { var i =[e]; i || (i =[e] = []), i.push(t); }, emit: function (e, t) { each([e], function (e) { e(t); }), 'error' === e && delete[e]; }, }), (r = { config: a, contextName: e, registry: s, defined: p, urlFetched: f, defQueue: d, defQueueMap: {}, Module: i, makeModuleMap: q, nextTick: req.nextTick, onError: y, configure: function (e) { e.baseUrl && '/' !== e.baseUrl.charAt(e.baseUrl.length - 1) && (e.baseUrl += '/'); var t = a.shim, i = { paths: !0, bundles: !0, config: !0, map: !0 }; eachProp(e, function (e, t) { i[t] ? (a[t] || (a[t] = {}), mixin(a[t], e, !0, !0)) : (a[t] = e); }), e.bundles && eachProp(e.bundles, function (e, t) { each(e, function (e) { e !== t && (l[e] = t); }); }), e.shim && (eachProp(e.shim, function (e, i) { isArray(e) && (e = { deps: e }), (!e.exports && !e.init) || e.exportsFn || (e.exportsFn = r.makeShimExports(e)), (t[i] = e); }), (a.shim = t)), e.packages && each(e.packages, function (e) { var t; (t = (e = 'string' == typeof e ? { name: e } : e).name), e.location && (a.paths[t] = e.location), (a.pkgs[t] = + '/' + (e.main || 'main').replace(currDirRegExp, '').replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '')); }), eachProp(s, function (e, t) { e.inited || || ( = q(t, null, !0)); }), (e.deps || e.callback) && r.require(e.deps || [], e.callback); }, makeShimExports: function (e) { return function () { var t; return ( e.init && (t = e.init.apply(global, arguments)), t || (e.exports && getGlobal(e.exports)) ); }; }, makeRequire: function (t, i) { function o(a, u, c) { var d, f; return ( i.enableBuildCallback && u && isFunction(u) && (u.__requireJsBuild = !0), 'string' == typeof a ? isFunction(u) ? y(makeError('requireargs', 'Invalid require call'), c) : t && hasProp(n, a) ? n[a](s[]) : req.get ? req.get(r, a, t, o) : ((d = q(a, t, !1, !0).id), hasProp(p, d) ? p[d] : y( makeError( 'notloaded', 'Module name "' + d + '" has not been loaded yet for context: ' + e + (t ? '' : '. Use require([])') ) )) : (A(), r.nextTick(function () { A(), ((f = E(q(null, t))).skipMap = i.skipMap), f.init(a, u, c, { enabled: !0 }), O(); }), o) ); } return ( (i = i || {}), mixin(o, { isBrowser: isBrowser, toUrl: function (e) { var i, n = e.lastIndexOf('.'), o = e.split('/')[0]; return ( -1 !== n && (!('.' === o || '..' === o) || n > 1) && ((i = e.substring(n, e.length)), (e = e.substring(0, n))), r.nameToUrl(g(e, t &&, !0), i, !0) ); }, defined: function (e) { return hasProp(p, q(e, t, !1, !0).id); }, specified: function (e) { return (e = q(e, t, !1, !0).id), hasProp(p, e) || hasProp(s, e); }, }), t || (o.undef = function (e) { S(); var i = q(e, t, !0), n = getOwn(s, e); (n.undefed = !0), v(e), delete p[e], delete f[i.url], delete c[e], eachReverse(d, function (t, i) { t[0] === e && d.splice(i, 1); }), delete r.defQueueMap[e], n && ( && (c[e] =, k(e)); }), o ); }, enable: function (e) { getOwn(s, && E(e).enable(); }, completeLoad: function (e) { var t, i, n, o = getOwn(a.shim, e) || {}, u = o.exports; for (S(); d.length; ) { if (null === (i = d.shift())[0]) { if (((i[0] = e), t)) break; t = !0; } else i[0] === e && (t = !0); j(i); } if ( ((r.defQueueMap = {}), (n = getOwn(s, e)), !t && !hasProp(p, e) && n && !n.inited) ) { if (!(!a.enforceDefine || (u && getGlobal(u)))) return x(e) ? void 0 : y(makeError('nodefine', 'No define call for ' + e, null, [e])); j([e, o.deps || [], o.exportsFn]); } O(); }, nameToUrl: function (e, t, i) { var n, o, s, u, c, d, p = getOwn(a.pkgs, e); if ((p && (e = p), (d = getOwn(l, e)))) return r.nameToUrl(d, t, i); if (req.jsExtRegExp.test(e)) u = e + (t || ''); else { for (n = a.paths, s = (o = e.split('/')).length; s > 0; s -= 1) if ((c = getOwn(n, o.slice(0, s).join('/')))) { isArray(c) && (c = c[0]), o.splice(0, s, c); break; } (u = o.join('/')), (u = ('/' === (u += t || (/^data\:|\?/.test(u) || i ? '' : '.js')).charAt(0) || u.match(/^[\w\+\.\-]+:/) ? '' : a.baseUrl) + u); } return a.urlArgs ? u + (-1 === u.indexOf('?') ? '?' : '&') + a.urlArgs : u; }, load: function (e, t) { req.load(r, e, t); }, execCb: function (e, t, i, r) { return t.apply(r, i); }, onScriptLoad: function (e) { if ( 'load' === e.type || readyRegExp.test((e.currentTarget || e.srcElement).readyState) ) { interactiveScript = null; var t = R(e); r.completeLoad(; } }, onScriptError: function (e) { var t = R(e); if (!x( return y(makeError('scripterror', 'Script error for: ' +, e, [])); }, }), (r.require = r.makeRequire()), r ); } function getInteractiveScript() { return ( (interactiveScript && 'interactive' === interactiveScript.readyState) || eachReverse(scripts(), function (e) { if ('interactive' === e.readyState) return (interactiveScript = e); }), interactiveScript ); } })(this);