define([ './Transforms-7cd3197b', './Matrix2-f2da41d4', './RuntimeError-ffe03243', './when-229515d6', './ComponentDatatype-17b06483', './ArcType-1da7fdca', './arrayRemoveDuplicates-bb548aa3', './EllipsoidGeodesic-43ba18de', './EllipsoidRhumbLine-afd6cd20', './EncodedCartesian3-d4f305ce', './GeometryAttribute-80036e07', './IntersectionTests-1b8a3cb9', './Plane-0421a8be', './WebMercatorProjection-d69cec15', './combine-8ce3f24b', './WebGLConstants-4e26b85a', ], function (e, a, t, n, i, r, s, o, l, u, c, C, p, d, h, g) { 'use strict'; function f(t) { (t = n.defaultValue(t, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)), (this._ellipsoid = n.defaultValue(t.ellipsoid, a.Ellipsoid.WGS84)), (this._rectangle = n.defaultValue(t.rectangle, a.Rectangle.MAX_VALUE)), (this._projection = new e.GeographicProjection(this._ellipsoid)), (this._numberOfLevelZeroTilesX = n.defaultValue(t.numberOfLevelZeroTilesX, 2)), (this._numberOfLevelZeroTilesY = n.defaultValue(t.numberOfLevelZeroTilesY, 1)); } Object.defineProperties(f.prototype, { ellipsoid: { get: function () { return this._ellipsoid; }, }, rectangle: { get: function () { return this._rectangle; }, }, projection: { get: function () { return this._projection; }, }, }), (f.prototype.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel = function (e) { return this._numberOfLevelZeroTilesX << e; }), (f.prototype.getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel = function (e) { return this._numberOfLevelZeroTilesY << e; }), (f.prototype.rectangleToNativeRectangle = function (e, t) { var r = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(e.west), s = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(e.south), o = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(e.east), l = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(e.north); return n.defined(t) ? ((t.west = r), (t.south = s), (t.east = o), (t.north = l), t) : new a.Rectangle(r, s, o, l); }), (f.prototype.tileXYToNativeRectangle = function (e, a, t, n) { var r = this.tileXYToRectangle(e, a, t, n); return ( (r.west = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(r.west)), (r.south = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(r.south)), (r.east = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(r.east)), (r.north = i.CesiumMath.toDegrees(r.north)), r ); }), (f.prototype.tileXYToRectangle = function (e, t, i, r) { var s = this._rectangle, o = this.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(i), l = this.getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel(i), u = s.width / o, c = e * u + s.west, C = (e + 1) * u + s.west, p = s.height / l, d = s.north - t * p, h = s.north - (t + 1) * p; return ( n.defined(r) || (r = new a.Rectangle(c, h, C, d)), (r.west = c), (r.south = h), (r.east = C), (r.north = d), r ); }), (f.prototype.positionToTileXY = function (e, t, r) { var s = this._rectangle; if (a.Rectangle.contains(s, e)) { var o = this.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(t), l = this.getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel(t), u = s.width / o, c = s.height / l, C = e.longitude; s.east < s.west && (C += i.CesiumMath.TWO_PI); var p = ((C - s.west) / u) | 0; p >= o && (p = o - 1); var d = ((s.north - e.latitude) / c) | 0; return ( d >= l && (d = l - 1), n.defined(r) ? ((r.x = p), (r.y = d), r) : new a.Cartesian2(p, d) ); } }); var m = new a.Cartesian3(), w = new a.Cartesian3(), v = new a.Cartographic(), y = new a.Cartesian3(), M = new a.Cartesian3(), T = new e.BoundingSphere(), E = new f(), _ = [new a.Cartographic(), new a.Cartographic(), new a.Cartographic(), new a.Cartographic()], O = new a.Cartesian2(), b = {}; function P(e) { a.Cartographic.fromRadians(e.east, e.north, 0, _[0]), a.Cartographic.fromRadians(e.west, e.north, 0, _[1]), a.Cartographic.fromRadians(e.east, e.south, 0, _[2]), a.Cartographic.fromRadians(e.west, e.south, 0, _[3]); var t, n = 0, i = 0, r = 0, s = 0, o = b._terrainHeightsMaxLevel; for (t = 0; t <= o; ++t) { for (var l = !1, u = 0; u < 4; ++u) { var c = _[u]; if ((E.positionToTileXY(c, t, O), 0 === u)) (r = O.x), (s = O.y); else if (r !== O.x || s !== O.y) { l = !0; break; } } if (l) break; (n = r), (i = s); } if (0 !== t) return { x: n, y: i, level: t > o ? o : t - 1 }; } (b.initialize = function () { var a = b._initPromise; return ( n.defined(a) || ((a = e.Resource.fetchJson(e.buildModuleUrl('Assets/approximateTerrainHeights.json')).then( function (e) { b._terrainHeights = e; } )), (b._initPromise = a)), a ); }), (b.getMinimumMaximumHeights = function (e, t) { t = n.defaultValue(t, a.Ellipsoid.WGS84); var i = P(e), r = b._defaultMinTerrainHeight, s = b._defaultMaxTerrainHeight; if (n.defined(i)) { var o = i.level + '-' + i.x + '-' + i.y, l = b._terrainHeights[o]; n.defined(l) && ((r = l[0]), (s = l[1])), t.cartographicToCartesian(a.Rectangle.northeast(e, v), m), t.cartographicToCartesian(a.Rectangle.southwest(e, v), w), a.Cartesian3.midpoint(w, m, y); var u = t.scaleToGeodeticSurface(y, M); if (n.defined(u)) { var c = a.Cartesian3.distance(y, u); r = Math.min(r, -c); } else r = b._defaultMinTerrainHeight; } return { minimumTerrainHeight: (r = Math.max(b._defaultMinTerrainHeight, r)), maximumTerrainHeight: s, }; }), (b.getBoundingSphere = function (t, i) { i = n.defaultValue(i, a.Ellipsoid.WGS84); var r = P(t), s = b._defaultMaxTerrainHeight; if (n.defined(r)) { var o = r.level + '-' + r.x + '-' + r.y, l = b._terrainHeights[o]; n.defined(l) && (s = l[1]); } var u = e.BoundingSphere.fromRectangle3D(t, i, 0); return e.BoundingSphere.fromRectangle3D(t, i, s, T), e.BoundingSphere.union(u, T, u); }), (b._terrainHeightsMaxLevel = 6), (b._defaultMaxTerrainHeight = 9e3), (b._defaultMinTerrainHeight = -1e5), (b._terrainHeights = void 0), (b._initPromise = void 0), Object.defineProperties(b, { initialized: { get: function () { return n.defined(b._terrainHeights); }, }, }); var A = [e.GeographicProjection, d.WebMercatorProjection], k = A.length, L = Math.cos(i.CesiumMath.toRadians(30)), S = Math.cos(i.CesiumMath.toRadians(150)); function x(e) { var t = (e = n.defaultValue(e, n.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).positions; (this.width = n.defaultValue(e.width, 1)), (this._positions = t), (this.granularity = n.defaultValue(e.granularity, 9999)), (this.loop = n.defaultValue(e.loop, !1)), (this.arcType = n.defaultValue(e.arcType, r.ArcType.GEODESIC)), (this._ellipsoid = a.Ellipsoid.WGS84), (this._projectionIndex = 0), (this._workerName = 'createGroundPolylineGeometry'), (this._scene3DOnly = !1); } Object.defineProperties(x.prototype, { packedLength: { get: function () { return 1 + 3 * this._positions.length + 1 + 1 + 1 + a.Ellipsoid.packedLength + 1 + 1; }, }, }), (x.setProjectionAndEllipsoid = function (e, a) { for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < k; n++) if (a instanceof A[n]) { t = n; break; } (e._projectionIndex = t), (e._ellipsoid = a.ellipsoid); }); var I = new a.Cartesian3(), N = new a.Cartesian3(), R = new a.Cartesian3(); function D(e, t, n, i, r) { var s = Y(i, e, 0, I), o = Y(i, e, n, N), l = Y(i, t, 0, R), u = F(o, s, N), c = F(l, s, R); return a.Cartesian3.cross(c, u, r), a.Cartesian3.normalize(r, r); } var z = new a.Cartographic(), H = new a.Cartesian3(), B = new a.Cartesian3(), j = new a.Cartesian3(); function G(e, t, n, i, s, u, c, C, p, d, h) { if (0 !== s) { var g; u === r.ArcType.GEODESIC ? (g = new o.EllipsoidGeodesic(e, t, c)) : u === r.ArcType.RHUMB && (g = new l.EllipsoidRhumbLine(e, t, c)); var f = g.surfaceDistance; if (!(f < s)) for ( var m = D(e, t, i, c, j), w = Math.ceil(f / s), v = f / w, y = v, M = w - 1, T = C.length, E = 0; E < M; E++ ) { var _ = g.interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(y, z), O = Y(c, _, n, H), b = Y(c, _, i, B); a.Cartesian3.pack(m, C, T), a.Cartesian3.pack(O, p, T), a.Cartesian3.pack(b, d, T), h.push(_.latitude), h.push(_.longitude), (T += 3), (y += v); } } } var V = new a.Cartographic(); function Y(e, t, n, i) { return a.Cartographic.clone(t, V), (V.height = n), a.Cartographic.toCartesian(V, e, i); } function F(e, t, n) { return a.Cartesian3.subtract(e, t, n), a.Cartesian3.normalize(n, n), n; } function q(e, t, n, i) { return ( (i = F(e, t, i)), (i = a.Cartesian3.cross(i, n, i)), (i = a.Cartesian3.normalize(i, i)), (i = a.Cartesian3.cross(n, i, i)) ); } (x.pack = function (e, t, i) { var r = n.defaultValue(i, 0), s = e._positions, o = s.length; t[r++] = o; for (var l = 0; l < o; ++l) { var u = s[l]; a.Cartesian3.pack(u, t, r), (r += 3); } return ( (t[r++] = e.granularity), (t[r++] = e.loop ? 1 : 0), (t[r++] = e.arcType), a.Ellipsoid.pack(e._ellipsoid, t, r), (r += a.Ellipsoid.packedLength), (t[r++] = e._projectionIndex), (t[r++] = e._scene3DOnly ? 1 : 0), t ); }), (x.unpack = function (e, t, i) { for (var r = n.defaultValue(t, 0), s = e[r++], o = new Array(s), l = 0; l < s; l++) (o[l] = a.Cartesian3.unpack(e, r)), (r += 3); var u = e[r++], c = 1 === e[r++], C = e[r++], p = a.Ellipsoid.unpack(e, r); r += a.Ellipsoid.packedLength; var d = e[r++], h = 1 === e[r++]; return ( n.defined(i) || (i = new x({ positions: o })), (i._positions = o), (i.granularity = u), (i.loop = c), (i.arcType = C), (i._ellipsoid = p), (i._projectionIndex = d), (i._scene3DOnly = h), i ); }); var X = new a.Cartesian3(), W = new a.Cartesian3(), U = new a.Cartesian3(), Z = new a.Cartesian3(); function J(e, t, n, r, s) { var o = F(n, t, Z), l = q(e, t, o, X), u = q(r, t, o, W); if (i.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(, u), -1, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON5)) return (s = a.Cartesian3.cross(o, l, s)), (s = a.Cartesian3.normalize(s, s)); (s = a.Cartesian3.add(u, l, s)), (s = a.Cartesian3.normalize(s, s)); var c = a.Cartesian3.cross(o, s, U); return, c) < 0 && (s = a.Cartesian3.negate(s, s)), s; } var Q = p.Plane.fromPointNormal(a.Cartesian3.ZERO, a.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y), K = new a.Cartesian3(), $ = new a.Cartesian3(), ee = new a.Cartesian3(), ae = new a.Cartesian3(), te = new a.Cartesian3(), ne = new a.Cartesian3(), ie = new a.Cartographic(), re = new a.Cartographic(), se = new a.Cartographic(); x.createGeometry = function (t) { var o, p, d, h, g, f, m = !t._scene3DOnly, w = t.loop, v = t._ellipsoid, y = t.granularity, M = t.arcType, T = new A[t._projectionIndex](v), E = 1e3, _ = t._positions, O = _.length; 2 === O && (w = !1); var P, k, S, x = new l.EllipsoidRhumbLine(void 0, void 0, v), I = [_[0]]; for (p = 0; p < O - 1; p++) (d = _[p]), (h = _[p + 1]), (P = C.IntersectionTests.lineSegmentPlane(d, h, Q, ne)), !n.defined(P) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, d, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, h, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || (t.arcType === r.ArcType.GEODESIC ? I.push(a.Cartesian3.clone(P)) : t.arcType === r.ArcType.RHUMB && ((S = v.cartesianToCartographic(P, ie).longitude), (g = v.cartesianToCartographic(d, ie)), (f = v.cartesianToCartographic(h, re)), x.setEndPoints(g, f), (k = x.findIntersectionWithLongitude(S, se)), (P = v.cartographicToCartesian(k, ne)), !n.defined(P) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, d, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, h, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || I.push(a.Cartesian3.clone(P)))), I.push(h); w && ((d = _[O - 1]), (h = _[0]), (P = C.IntersectionTests.lineSegmentPlane(d, h, Q, ne)), !n.defined(P) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, d, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, h, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || (t.arcType === r.ArcType.GEODESIC ? I.push(a.Cartesian3.clone(P)) : t.arcType === r.ArcType.RHUMB && ((S = v.cartesianToCartographic(P, ie).longitude), (g = v.cartesianToCartographic(d, ie)), (f = v.cartesianToCartographic(h, re)), x.setEndPoints(g, f), (k = x.findIntersectionWithLongitude(S, se)), (P = v.cartographicToCartesian(k, ne)), !n.defined(P) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, d, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || a.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(P, h, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON7) || I.push(a.Cartesian3.clone(P))))); var N = I.length, R = new Array(N); for (p = 0; p < N; p++) { var z = a.Cartographic.fromCartesian(I[p], v); (z.height = 0), (R[p] = z); } if (!((N = (R = s.arrayRemoveDuplicates(R, a.Cartographic.equalsEpsilon)).length) < 2)) { var H = [], B = [], j = [], V = [], q = K, X = $, W = ee, U = ae, Z = te, oe = R[0], le = R[1]; for ( q = Y(v, R[N - 1], 0, q), U = Y(v, le, 0, U), X = Y(v, oe, 0, X), W = Y(v, oe, E, W), Z = w ? J(q, X, W, U, Z) : D(oe, le, E, v, Z), a.Cartesian3.pack(Z, B, 0), a.Cartesian3.pack(X, j, 0), a.Cartesian3.pack(W, V, 0), H.push(oe.latitude), H.push(oe.longitude), G(oe, le, 0, E, y, M, v, B, j, V, H), p = 1; p < N - 1; ++p ) { (q = a.Cartesian3.clone(X, q)), (X = a.Cartesian3.clone(U, X)); var ue = R[p]; Y(v, ue, E, W), Y(v, R[p + 1], 0, U), J(q, X, W, U, Z), (o = B.length), a.Cartesian3.pack(Z, B, o), a.Cartesian3.pack(X, j, o), a.Cartesian3.pack(W, V, o), H.push(ue.latitude), H.push(ue.longitude), G(R[p], R[p + 1], 0, E, y, M, v, B, j, V, H); } var Ce = R[N - 1], pe = R[N - 2]; if (((X = Y(v, Ce, 0, X)), (W = Y(v, Ce, E, W)), w)) { var de = R[0]; Z = J((q = Y(v, pe, 0, q)), X, W, (U = Y(v, de, 0, U)), Z); } else Z = D(pe, Ce, E, v, Z); if ( ((o = B.length), a.Cartesian3.pack(Z, B, o), a.Cartesian3.pack(X, j, o), a.Cartesian3.pack(W, V, o), H.push(Ce.latitude), H.push(Ce.longitude), w) ) { for (G(Ce, oe, 0, E, y, M, v, B, j, V, H), o = B.length, p = 0; p < 3; ++p) (B[o + p] = B[p]), (j[o + p] = j[p]), (V[o + p] = V[p]); H.push(oe.latitude), H.push(oe.longitude); } return (function (t, n, r, s, o, l, C) { var p, d, h, g, f, m, w = n._ellipsoid, v = r.length / 3 - 1, y = 8 * v, M = 4 * y, T = 36 * v, E = y > 65535 ? new Uint32Array(T) : new Uint16Array(T), _ = new Float64Array(3 * y), O = new Float32Array(M), P = new Float32Array(M), A = new Float32Array(M), k = new Float32Array(M), S = new Float32Array(M); C && ((h = new Float32Array(M)), (g = new Float32Array(M)), (f = new Float32Array(M)), (m = new Float32Array(2 * y))); var x = l.length / 2, I = 0, N = Me; N.height = 0; var R = Te; R.height = 0; var D = Ee, z = _e; if (C) for (d = 0, p = 1; p < x; p++) (N.latitude = l[d]), (N.longitude = l[d + 1]), (R.latitude = l[d + 2]), (R.longitude = l[d + 3]), (D = n.project(N, D)), (z = n.project(R, z)), (I += a.Cartesian3.distance(D, z)), (d += 2); var H = s.length / 3; z = a.Cartesian3.unpack(s, 0, z); var B, j = 0; for (d = 3, p = 1; p < H; p++) (D = a.Cartesian3.clone(z, D)), (z = a.Cartesian3.unpack(s, d, z)), (j += a.Cartesian3.distance(D, z)), (d += 3); d = 3; var G = 0, V = 0, Y = 0, q = 0, X = !1, W = a.Cartesian3.unpack(r, 0, be), U = a.Cartesian3.unpack(s, 0, _e), Z = a.Cartesian3.unpack(o, 0, Ae); if (t) { ce(Z, a.Cartesian3.unpack(r, r.length - 6, Oe), W, U) && (Z = a.Cartesian3.negate(Z, Z)); } var J = 0, Q = 0, K = 0; for (p = 0; p < v; p++) { var $, ee, ae, te, ne = a.Cartesian3.clone(W, Oe), ie = a.Cartesian3.clone(U, Ee), re = a.Cartesian3.clone(Z, Pe); if ( (X && (re = a.Cartesian3.negate(re, re)), (W = a.Cartesian3.unpack(r, d, be)), (U = a.Cartesian3.unpack(s, d, _e)), (X = ce((Z = a.Cartesian3.unpack(o, d, Ae)), ne, W, U)), (N.latitude = l[G]), (N.longitude = l[G + 1]), (R.latitude = l[G + 2]), (R.longitude = l[G + 3]), C) ) { var se = ye(N, R); $ = n.project(N, Re); var oe = F((ee = n.project(R, De)), $, We); (oe.y = Math.abs(oe.y)), (ae = ze), (te = He), 0 === se ||, a.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y) > L ? ((ae = he(n, N, re, $, ze)), (te = he(n, R, Z, ee, He))) : 1 === se ? ((te = he(n, R, Z, ee, He)), (ae.x = 0), (ae.y = i.CesiumMath.sign(N.longitude - Math.abs(R.longitude))), (ae.z = 0)) : ((ae = he(n, N, re, $, ze)), (te.x = 0), (te.y = i.CesiumMath.sign(N.longitude - R.longitude)), (te.z = 0)); } var le = a.Cartesian3.distance(ie, U), ue = u.EncodedCartesian3.fromCartesian(ne, qe), Ce = a.Cartesian3.subtract(W, ne, Be), pe = a.Cartesian3.normalize(Ce, Ve), de = a.Cartesian3.subtract(ie, ne, je); de = a.Cartesian3.normalize(de, de); var ge = a.Cartesian3.cross(pe, de, Ve); ge = a.Cartesian3.normalize(ge, ge); var fe = a.Cartesian3.cross(de, re, Ye); fe = a.Cartesian3.normalize(fe, fe); var we = a.Cartesian3.subtract(U, W, Ge); we = a.Cartesian3.normalize(we, we); var ea = a.Cartesian3.cross(Z, we, Fe); ea = a.Cartesian3.normalize(ea, ea); var aa, ta, na, ia = le / j, ra = J / j, sa = 0, oa = 0, la = 0; if (C) { (sa = a.Cartesian3.distance($, ee)), (aa = u.EncodedCartesian3.fromCartesian($, Xe)), (ta = a.Cartesian3.subtract(ee, $, We)); var ua = (na = a.Cartesian3.normalize(ta, Ue)).x; (na.x = na.y), (na.y = -ua), (oa = sa / I), (la = Q / I); } for (B = 0; B < 8; B++) { var ca = q + 4 * B, Ca = V + 2 * B, pa = ca + 3, da = B < 4 ? 1 : -1, ha = 2 === B || 3 === B || 6 === B || 7 === B ? 1 : -1; a.Cartesian3.pack(ue.high, O, ca), (O[pa] = Ce.x), a.Cartesian3.pack(ue.low, P, ca), (P[pa] = Ce.y), a.Cartesian3.pack(fe, A, ca), (A[pa] = Ce.z), a.Cartesian3.pack(ea, k, ca), (k[pa] = ia * da), a.Cartesian3.pack(ge, S, ca); var ga = ra * ha; 0 === ga && ha < 0 && (ga = 9), (S[pa] = ga), C && ((h[ca] = aa.high.x), (h[ca + 1] = aa.high.y), (h[ca + 2] = aa.low.x), (h[ca + 3] = aa.low.y), (f[ca] = -ae.y), (f[ca + 1] = ae.x), (f[ca + 2] = te.y), (f[ca + 3] = -te.x), (g[ca] = ta.x), (g[ca + 1] = ta.y), (g[ca + 2] = na.x), (g[ca + 3] = na.y), (m[Ca] = oa * da), 0 === (ga = la * ha) && ha < 0 && (ga = 9), (m[Ca + 1] = ga)); } var fa = Ie, ma = Ne, wa = Se, va = xe, ya = a.Rectangle.fromCartographicArray(ke, Le), Ma = b.getMinimumMaximumHeights(ya, w), Ta = Ma.minimumTerrainHeight, Ea = Ma.maximumTerrainHeight; (K += Ta), (K += Ea), me(ne, ie, Ta, Ea, fa, wa), me(W, U, Ta, Ea, ma, va); var _a = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(ge, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON5, Ze); a.Cartesian3.add(fa, _a, fa), a.Cartesian3.add(ma, _a, ma), a.Cartesian3.add(wa, _a, wa), a.Cartesian3.add(va, _a, va), ve(fa, ma), ve(wa, va), a.Cartesian3.pack(fa, _, Y), a.Cartesian3.pack(ma, _, Y + 3), a.Cartesian3.pack(va, _, Y + 6), a.Cartesian3.pack(wa, _, Y + 9), (_a = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(ge, -2 * i.CesiumMath.EPSILON5, Ze)), a.Cartesian3.add(fa, _a, fa), a.Cartesian3.add(ma, _a, ma), a.Cartesian3.add(wa, _a, wa), a.Cartesian3.add(va, _a, va), ve(fa, ma), ve(wa, va), a.Cartesian3.pack(fa, _, Y + 12), a.Cartesian3.pack(ma, _, Y + 15), a.Cartesian3.pack(va, _, Y + 18), a.Cartesian3.pack(wa, _, Y + 21), (G += 2), (d += 3), (V += 16), (Y += 24), (q += 32), (J += le), (Q += sa); } d = 0; var Oa = 0; for (p = 0; p < v; p++) { for (B = 0; B < Ke; B++) E[d + B] = Qe[B] + Oa; (Oa += 8), (d += Ke); } var ba = Je; e.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(r, a.Cartesian3.ZERO, 3, ba[0]), e.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(s, a.Cartesian3.ZERO, 3, ba[1]); var Pa = e.BoundingSphere.fromBoundingSpheres(ba); Pa.radius += K / (2 * v); var Aa = { position: new c.GeometryAttribute({ componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE, componentsPerAttribute: 3, normalize: !1, values: _, }), startHiAndForwardOffsetX: $e(O), startLoAndForwardOffsetY: $e(P), startNormalAndForwardOffsetZ: $e(A), endNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationX: $e(k), rightNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationY: $e(S), }; C && ((Aa.startHiLo2D = $e(h)), (Aa.offsetAndRight2D = $e(g)), (Aa.startEndNormals2D = $e(f)), (Aa.texcoordNormalization2D = new c.GeometryAttribute({ componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, componentsPerAttribute: 2, normalize: !1, values: m, }))); return new c.Geometry({ attributes: Aa, indices: E, boundingSphere: Pa }); })(w, T, j, V, B, H, m); } }; var oe = new a.Cartesian3(), le = new a.Matrix3(), ue = new e.Quaternion(); function ce(t, n, r, s) { var o = F(r, n, oe), l =, t); if (l > L || l < S) { var u = F(s, r, Z), c = l < S ? i.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO : -i.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO, C = e.Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(u, c, ue), p = a.Matrix3.fromQuaternion(C, le); return a.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(p, t, t), !0; } return !1; } var Ce = new a.Cartographic(), pe = new a.Cartesian3(), de = new a.Cartesian3(); function he(e, t, n, r, s) { var o = a.Cartographic.toCartesian(t, e._ellipsoid, pe), l = a.Cartesian3.add(o, n, de), u = !1, c = e._ellipsoid, C = c.cartesianToCartographic(l, Ce); Math.abs(t.longitude - C.longitude) > i.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO && ((u = !0), (l = a.Cartesian3.subtract(o, n, de)), (C = c.cartesianToCartographic(l, Ce))), (C.height = 0); var p = e.project(C, s); return ( ((s = a.Cartesian3.subtract(p, r, s)).z = 0), (s = a.Cartesian3.normalize(s, s)), u && a.Cartesian3.negate(s, s), s ); } var ge = new a.Cartesian3(), fe = new a.Cartesian3(); function me(e, t, n, i, r, s) { var o = a.Cartesian3.subtract(t, e, ge); a.Cartesian3.normalize(o, o); var l = n - 0, u = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(o, l, fe); a.Cartesian3.add(e, u, r); var c = i - 1e3; (u = a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(o, c, fe)), a.Cartesian3.add(t, u, s); } var we = new a.Cartesian3(); function ve(e, t) { var n = p.Plane.getPointDistance(Q, e), r = p.Plane.getPointDistance(Q, t), s = we; i.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(n, 0, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON2) ? ((s = F(t, e, s)), a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(s, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON2, s), a.Cartesian3.add(e, s, e)) : i.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(r, 0, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON2) && ((s = F(e, t, s)), a.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(s, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON2, s), a.Cartesian3.add(t, s, t)); } function ye(e, a) { var t = Math.abs(e.longitude), n = Math.abs(a.longitude); if (i.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(t, i.CesiumMath.PI, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON11)) { var r = i.CesiumMath.sign(a.longitude); return (e.longitude = r * (t - i.CesiumMath.EPSILON11)), 1; } if (i.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(n, i.CesiumMath.PI, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON11)) { var s = i.CesiumMath.sign(e.longitude); return (a.longitude = s * (n - i.CesiumMath.EPSILON11)), 2; } return 0; } var Me = new a.Cartographic(), Te = new a.Cartographic(), Ee = new a.Cartesian3(), _e = new a.Cartesian3(), Oe = new a.Cartesian3(), be = new a.Cartesian3(), Pe = new a.Cartesian3(), Ae = new a.Cartesian3(), ke = [Me, Te], Le = new a.Rectangle(), Se = new a.Cartesian3(), xe = new a.Cartesian3(), Ie = new a.Cartesian3(), Ne = new a.Cartesian3(), Re = new a.Cartesian3(), De = new a.Cartesian3(), ze = new a.Cartesian3(), He = new a.Cartesian3(), Be = new a.Cartesian3(), je = new a.Cartesian3(), Ge = new a.Cartesian3(), Ve = new a.Cartesian3(), Ye = new a.Cartesian3(), Fe = new a.Cartesian3(), qe = new u.EncodedCartesian3(), Xe = new u.EncodedCartesian3(), We = new a.Cartesian3(), Ue = new a.Cartesian3(), Ze = new a.Cartesian3(), Je = [new e.BoundingSphere(), new e.BoundingSphere()], Qe = [ 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 7, 3, 0, 4, 7, 0, 5, 4, 0, 1, 5, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 2, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 2, 3, 7, 6, ], Ke = Qe.length; function $e(e) { return new c.GeometryAttribute({ componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT, componentsPerAttribute: 4, normalize: !1, values: e, }); } return ( (x._projectNormal = he), function (e, a) { return b.initialize().then(function () { return n.defined(a) && (e = x.unpack(e, a)), x.createGeometry(e); }); } ); });