define([ './AttributeCompression-0af3c035', './Transforms-7cd3197b', './Matrix2-f2da41d4', './when-229515d6', './TerrainEncoding-6355a4fe', './IndexDatatype-b10faa0b', './RuntimeError-ffe03243', './ComponentDatatype-17b06483', './OrientedBoundingBox-86debc5a', './createTaskProcessorWorker', './combine-8ce3f24b', './WebGLConstants-4e26b85a', './EllipsoidTangentPlane-b27cd2f7', './AxisAlignedBoundingBox-1feb0c48', './IntersectionTests-1b8a3cb9', './Plane-0421a8be', ], function (e, i, t, n, s, r, h, u, o, a, p, d, f, l, c, g) { 'use strict'; var m = { clipTriangleAtAxisAlignedThreshold: function (e, i, t, s, r, h) { var u, o, a; n.defined(h) ? (h.length = 0) : (h = []), i ? ((u = t < e), (o = s < e), (a = r < e)) : ((u = t > e), (o = s > e), (a = r > e)); var p, d, f, l, c, g, m = u + o + a; return ( 1 === m ? u ? ((p = (e - t) / (s - t)), (d = (e - t) / (r - t)), h.push(1), h.push(2), 1 !== d && (h.push(-1), h.push(0), h.push(2), h.push(d)), 1 !== p && (h.push(-1), h.push(0), h.push(1), h.push(p))) : o ? ((f = (e - s) / (r - s)), (l = (e - s) / (t - s)), h.push(2), h.push(0), 1 !== l && (h.push(-1), h.push(1), h.push(0), h.push(l)), 1 !== f && (h.push(-1), h.push(1), h.push(2), h.push(f))) : a && ((c = (e - r) / (t - r)), (g = (e - r) / (s - r)), h.push(0), h.push(1), 1 !== g && (h.push(-1), h.push(2), h.push(1), h.push(g)), 1 !== c && (h.push(-1), h.push(2), h.push(0), h.push(c))) : 2 === m ? u || t === e ? o || s === e ? a || r === e || ((d = (e - t) / (r - t)), (f = (e - s) / (r - s)), h.push(2), h.push(-1), h.push(0), h.push(2), h.push(d), h.push(-1), h.push(1), h.push(2), h.push(f)) : ((g = (e - r) / (s - r)), (p = (e - t) / (s - t)), h.push(1), h.push(-1), h.push(2), h.push(1), h.push(g), h.push(-1), h.push(0), h.push(1), h.push(p)) : ((l = (e - s) / (t - s)), (c = (e - r) / (t - r)), h.push(0), h.push(-1), h.push(1), h.push(0), h.push(l), h.push(-1), h.push(2), h.push(0), h.push(c)) : 3 !== m && (h.push(0), h.push(1), h.push(2)), h ); }, computeBarycentricCoordinates: function (e, i, s, r, h, u, o, a, p) { var d = s - o, f = o - h, l = u - a, c = r - a, g = 1 / (l * d + f * c), m = i - a, x = e - o, v = (l * x + f * m) * g, w = (-c * x + d * m) * g, C = 1 - v - w; return n.defined(p) ? ((p.x = v), (p.y = w), (p.z = C), p) : new t.Cartesian3(v, w, C); }, computeLineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection: function (e, i, s, r, h, u, o, a, p) { var d = (a - u) * (s - e) - (o - h) * (r - i); if (0 !== d) { var f = ((o - h) * (i - u) - (a - u) * (e - h)) / d, l = ((s - e) * (i - u) - (r - i) * (e - h)) / d; return f >= 0 && f <= 1 && l >= 0 && l <= 1 ? (n.defined(p) || (p = new t.Cartesian2()), (p.x = e + f * (s - e)), (p.y = i + f * (r - i)), p) : void 0; } }, }, x = 32767, v = 16383, w = [], C = [], B = [], y = new t.Cartographic(), b = new t.Cartesian3(), I = [], A = [], T = [], z = [], M = [], N = new t.Cartesian3(), V = new i.BoundingSphere(), E = new o.OrientedBoundingBox(), R = new t.Cartesian2(), H = new t.Cartesian3(); function O() { (this.vertexBuffer = void 0), (this.index = void 0), (this.first = void 0), (this.second = void 0), (this.ratio = void 0); } (O.prototype.clone = function (e) { return ( n.defined(e) || (e = new O()), (e.uBuffer = this.uBuffer), (e.vBuffer = this.vBuffer), (e.heightBuffer = this.heightBuffer), (e.normalBuffer = this.normalBuffer), (e.index = this.index), (e.first = this.first), (e.second = this.second), (e.ratio = this.ratio), e ); }), (O.prototype.initializeIndexed = function (e, i, t, n, s) { (this.uBuffer = e), (this.vBuffer = i), (this.heightBuffer = t), (this.normalBuffer = n), (this.index = s), (this.first = void 0), (this.second = void 0), (this.ratio = void 0); }), (O.prototype.initializeFromClipResult = function (e, i, t) { var n = i + 1; return ( -1 !== e[i] ? t[e[i]].clone(this) : ((this.vertexBuffer = void 0), (this.index = void 0), (this.first = t[e[n]]), ++n, (this.second = t[e[n]]), ++n, (this.ratio = e[n]), ++n), n ); }), (O.prototype.getKey = function () { return this.isIndexed() ? this.index : JSON.stringify({ first: this.first.getKey(), second: this.second.getKey(), ratio: this.ratio, }); }), (O.prototype.isIndexed = function () { return n.defined(this.index); }), (O.prototype.getH = function () { return n.defined(this.index) ? this.heightBuffer[this.index] : u.CesiumMath.lerp(this.first.getH(), this.second.getH(), this.ratio); }), (O.prototype.getU = function () { return n.defined(this.index) ? this.uBuffer[this.index] : u.CesiumMath.lerp(this.first.getU(), this.second.getU(), this.ratio); }), (O.prototype.getV = function () { return n.defined(this.index) ? this.vBuffer[this.index] : u.CesiumMath.lerp(this.first.getV(), this.second.getV(), this.ratio); }); var S = new t.Cartesian2(), U = -1, F = [new t.Cartesian3(), new t.Cartesian3()], P = [new t.Cartesian3(), new t.Cartesian3()]; function D(i, n) { ++U; var s = F[U], r = P[U]; return ( (s = e.AttributeCompression.octDecode(i.first.getNormalX(), i.first.getNormalY(), s)), (r = e.AttributeCompression.octDecode(i.second.getNormalX(), i.second.getNormalY(), r)), (b = t.Cartesian3.lerp(s, r, i.ratio, b)), t.Cartesian3.normalize(b, b), e.AttributeCompression.octEncode(b, n), --U, n ); } (O.prototype.getNormalX = function () { return n.defined(this.index) ? this.normalBuffer[2 * this.index] : (S = D(this, S)).x; }), (O.prototype.getNormalY = function () { return n.defined(this.index) ? this.normalBuffer[2 * this.index + 1] : (S = D(this, S)).y; }); var W = []; function X(e, i, t, s, r, h, u, o, a) { if (0 !== u.length) { for (var p = 0, d = 0; d < u.length; ) d = W[p++].initializeFromClipResult(u, d, o); for (var f = 0; f < p; ++f) { var l = W[f]; if (l.isIndexed()) (l.newIndex = h[l.index]), (l.uBuffer = e), (l.vBuffer = i), (l.heightBuffer = t), a && (l.normalBuffer = s); else { var c = l.getKey(); if (n.defined(h[c])) l.newIndex = h[c]; else { var g = e.length; e.push(l.getU()), i.push(l.getV()), t.push(l.getH()), a && (s.push(l.getNormalX()), s.push(l.getNormalY())), (l.newIndex = g), (h[c] = g); } } } 3 === p ? (r.push(W[0].newIndex), r.push(W[1].newIndex), r.push(W[2].newIndex)) : 4 === p && (r.push(W[0].newIndex), r.push(W[1].newIndex), r.push(W[2].newIndex), r.push(W[0].newIndex), r.push(W[2].newIndex), r.push(W[3].newIndex)); } } return ( W.push(new O()), W.push(new O()), W.push(new O()), W.push(new O()), a(function (e, n) { var h = e.isEastChild, a = e.isNorthChild, p = h ? v : 0, d = h ? x : v, f = a ? v : 0, l = a ? x : v, c = I, g = A, S = T, U = M; (c.length = 0), (g.length = 0), (S.length = 0), (U.length = 0); var F = z; F.length = 0; var P = {}, D = e.vertices, W = e.indices; W = W.subarray(0, e.indexCountWithoutSkirts); var k, K, L, Y, _, G = s.TerrainEncoding.clone(e.encoding), J = G.hasVertexNormals, Z = 0, j = e.vertexCountWithoutSkirts, q = e.minimumHeight, Q = e.maximumHeight, $ = new Array(j), ee = new Array(j), ie = new Array(j), te = J ? new Array(2 * j) : void 0; for (K = 0, L = 0; K < j; ++K, L += 2) { var ne = G.decodeTextureCoordinates(D, K, R); if ( ((k = G.decodeHeight(D, K)), (Y = u.CesiumMath.clamp((ne.x * x) | 0, 0, x)), (_ = u.CesiumMath.clamp((ne.y * x) | 0, 0, x)), (ie[K] = u.CesiumMath.clamp((((k - q) / (Q - q)) * x) | 0, 0, x)), Y < 20 && (Y = 0), _ < 20 && (_ = 0), x - Y < 20 && (Y = x), x - _ < 20 && (_ = x), ($[K] = Y), (ee[K] = _), J) ) { var se = G.getOctEncodedNormal(D, K, H); (te[L] = se.x), (te[L + 1] = se.y); } ((h && Y >= v) || (!h && Y <= v)) && ((a && _ >= v) || (!a && _ <= v)) && ((P[K] = Z), c.push(Y), g.push(_), S.push(ie[K]), J && (U.push(te[L]), U.push(te[L + 1])), ++Z); } var re = []; re.push(new O()), re.push(new O()), re.push(new O()); var he, ue = []; for (ue.push(new O()), ue.push(new O()), ue.push(new O()), K = 0; K < W.length; K += 3) { var oe = W[K], ae = W[K + 1], pe = W[K + 2], de = $[oe], fe = $[ae], le = $[pe]; re[0].initializeIndexed($, ee, ie, te, oe), re[1].initializeIndexed($, ee, ie, te, ae), re[2].initializeIndexed($, ee, ie, te, pe); var ce = m.clipTriangleAtAxisAlignedThreshold(v, h, de, fe, le, w); (he = 0) >= ce.length || (he = ue[0].initializeFromClipResult(ce, he, re)) >= ce.length || (he = ue[1].initializeFromClipResult(ce, he, re)) >= ce.length || ((he = ue[2].initializeFromClipResult(ce, he, re)), X( c, g, S, U, F, P, m.clipTriangleAtAxisAlignedThreshold(v, a, ue[0].getV(), ue[1].getV(), ue[2].getV(), C), ue, J ), he < ce.length && (ue[2].clone(ue[1]), ue[2].initializeFromClipResult(ce, he, re), X( c, g, S, U, F, P, m.clipTriangleAtAxisAlignedThreshold( v, a, ue[0].getV(), ue[1].getV(), ue[2].getV(), C ), ue, J ))); } var ge = h ? -32767 : 0, me = a ? -32767 : 0, xe = [], ve = [], we = [], Ce = [], Be = Number.MAX_VALUE, ye = -Be, be = B; be.length = 0; var Ie = t.Ellipsoid.clone(e.ellipsoid), Ae = t.Rectangle.clone(e.childRectangle), Te = Ae.north, ze = Ae.south, Me = Ae.east, Ne = Ae.west; for (Me < Ne && (Me += u.CesiumMath.TWO_PI), K = 0; K < c.length; ++K) (Y = Math.round(c[K])) <= p ? (xe.push(K), (Y = 0)) : Y >= d ? (we.push(K), (Y = x)) : (Y = 2 * Y + ge), (c[K] = Y), (_ = Math.round(g[K])) <= f ? (ve.push(K), (_ = 0)) : _ >= l ? (Ce.push(K), (_ = x)) : (_ = 2 * _ + me), (g[K] = _), (k = u.CesiumMath.lerp(q, Q, S[K] / x)) < Be && (Be = k), k > ye && (ye = k), (S[K] = k), (y.longitude = u.CesiumMath.lerp(Ne, Me, Y / x)), (y.latitude = u.CesiumMath.lerp(ze, Te, _ / x)), (y.height = k), Ie.cartographicToCartesian(y, b), be.push(b.x), be.push(b.y), be.push(b.z); var Ve = i.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(be, t.Cartesian3.ZERO, 3, V), Ee = o.OrientedBoundingBox.fromRectangle(Ae, Be, ye, Ie, E), Re = new s.EllipsoidalOccluder( Ie ).computeHorizonCullingPointFromVerticesPossiblyUnderEllipsoid(, be, 3,, Be, N ), He = ye - Be, Oe = new Uint16Array(c.length + g.length + S.length); for (K = 0; K < c.length; ++K) Oe[K] = c[K]; var Se = c.length; for (K = 0; K < g.length; ++K) Oe[Se + K] = g[K]; for (Se += g.length, K = 0; K < S.length; ++K) Oe[Se + K] = (x * (S[K] - Be)) / He; var Ue, Fe = r.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(c.length, F); if (J) { var Pe = new Uint8Array(U); n.push(Oe.buffer, Fe.buffer, Pe.buffer), (Ue = Pe.buffer); } else n.push(Oe.buffer, Fe.buffer); return { vertices: Oe.buffer, encodedNormals: Ue, indices: Fe.buffer, minimumHeight: Be, maximumHeight: ye, westIndices: xe, southIndices: ve, eastIndices: we, northIndices: Ce, boundingSphere: Ve, orientedBoundingBox: Ee, horizonOcclusionPoint: Re, }; }) ); });