You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

594 lines
17 KiB

], function (t, e, a, n, r, i, o, m, u, s) {
'use strict';
var y = new n.Cartesian3();
function p(t) {
var e = (t = o.defaultValue(t, o.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).minimum,
a = t.maximum,
r = o.defaultValue(t.vertexFormat, s.VertexFormat.DEFAULT);
(this._minimum = n.Cartesian3.clone(e)),
(this._maximum = n.Cartesian3.clone(a)),
(this._vertexFormat = r),
(this._offsetAttribute = t.offsetAttribute),
(this._workerName = 'createBoxGeometry');
(p.fromDimensions = function (t) {
var e = (t = o.defaultValue(t, o.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).dimensions,
a = n.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, 0.5, new n.Cartesian3());
return new p({
minimum: n.Cartesian3.negate(a, new n.Cartesian3()),
maximum: a,
vertexFormat: t.vertexFormat,
offsetAttribute: t.offsetAttribute,
(p.fromAxisAlignedBoundingBox = function (t) {
return new p({ minimum: t.minimum, maximum: t.maximum });
(p.packedLength = 2 * n.Cartesian3.packedLength + s.VertexFormat.packedLength + 1),
(p.pack = function (t, e, a) {
return (
(a = o.defaultValue(a, 0)),
n.Cartesian3.pack(t._minimum, e, a),
n.Cartesian3.pack(t._maximum, e, a + n.Cartesian3.packedLength),
s.VertexFormat.pack(t._vertexFormat, e, a + 2 * n.Cartesian3.packedLength),
(e[a + 2 * n.Cartesian3.packedLength + s.VertexFormat.packedLength] = o.defaultValue(
var x,
f = new n.Cartesian3(),
c = new n.Cartesian3(),
A = new s.VertexFormat(),
l = { minimum: f, maximum: c, vertexFormat: A, offsetAttribute: void 0 };
(p.unpack = function (t, e, a) {
e = o.defaultValue(e, 0);
var r = n.Cartesian3.unpack(t, e, f),
i = n.Cartesian3.unpack(t, e + n.Cartesian3.packedLength, c),
m = s.VertexFormat.unpack(t, e + 2 * n.Cartesian3.packedLength, A),
u = t[e + 2 * n.Cartesian3.packedLength + s.VertexFormat.packedLength];
return o.defined(a)
? ((a._minimum = n.Cartesian3.clone(r, a._minimum)),
(a._maximum = n.Cartesian3.clone(i, a._maximum)),
(a._vertexFormat = s.VertexFormat.clone(m, a._vertexFormat)),
(a._offsetAttribute = -1 === u ? void 0 : u),
: ((l.offsetAttribute = -1 === u ? void 0 : u), new p(l));
(p.createGeometry = function (t) {
var r = t._minimum,
s = t._maximum,
p = t._vertexFormat;
if (!n.Cartesian3.equals(r, s)) {
var x,
c = new u.GeometryAttributes();
if (p.position && ( || p.normal || p.tangent || p.bitangent)) {
if (
(p.position &&
(((f = new Float64Array(72))[0] = r.x),
(f[1] = r.y),
(f[2] = s.z),
(f[3] = s.x),
(f[4] = r.y),
(f[5] = s.z),
(f[6] = s.x),
(f[7] = s.y),
(f[8] = s.z),
(f[9] = r.x),
(f[10] = s.y),
(f[11] = s.z),
(f[12] = r.x),
(f[13] = r.y),
(f[14] = r.z),
(f[15] = s.x),
(f[16] = r.y),
(f[17] = r.z),
(f[18] = s.x),
(f[19] = s.y),
(f[20] = r.z),
(f[21] = r.x),
(f[22] = s.y),
(f[23] = r.z),
(f[24] = s.x),
(f[25] = r.y),
(f[26] = r.z),
(f[27] = s.x),
(f[28] = s.y),
(f[29] = r.z),
(f[30] = s.x),
(f[31] = s.y),
(f[32] = s.z),
(f[33] = s.x),
(f[34] = r.y),
(f[35] = s.z),
(f[36] = r.x),
(f[37] = r.y),
(f[38] = r.z),
(f[39] = r.x),
(f[40] = s.y),
(f[41] = r.z),
(f[42] = r.x),
(f[43] = s.y),
(f[44] = s.z),
(f[45] = r.x),
(f[46] = r.y),
(f[47] = s.z),
(f[48] = r.x),
(f[49] = s.y),
(f[50] = r.z),
(f[51] = s.x),
(f[52] = s.y),
(f[53] = r.z),
(f[54] = s.x),
(f[55] = s.y),
(f[56] = s.z),
(f[57] = r.x),
(f[58] = s.y),
(f[59] = s.z),
(f[60] = r.x),
(f[61] = r.y),
(f[62] = r.z),
(f[63] = s.x),
(f[64] = r.y),
(f[65] = r.z),
(f[66] = s.x),
(f[67] = r.y),
(f[68] = s.z),
(f[69] = r.x),
(f[70] = r.y),
(f[71] = s.z),
(c.position = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: f,
) {
var A = new Float32Array(72);
(A[0] = 0),
(A[1] = 0),
(A[2] = 1),
(A[3] = 0),
(A[4] = 0),
(A[5] = 1),
(A[6] = 0),
(A[7] = 0),
(A[8] = 1),
(A[9] = 0),
(A[10] = 0),
(A[11] = 1),
(A[12] = 0),
(A[13] = 0),
(A[14] = -1),
(A[15] = 0),
(A[16] = 0),
(A[17] = -1),
(A[18] = 0),
(A[19] = 0),
(A[20] = -1),
(A[21] = 0),
(A[22] = 0),
(A[23] = -1),
(A[24] = 1),
(A[25] = 0),
(A[26] = 0),
(A[27] = 1),
(A[28] = 0),
(A[29] = 0),
(A[30] = 1),
(A[31] = 0),
(A[32] = 0),
(A[33] = 1),
(A[34] = 0),
(A[35] = 0),
(A[36] = -1),
(A[37] = 0),
(A[38] = 0),
(A[39] = -1),
(A[40] = 0),
(A[41] = 0),
(A[42] = -1),
(A[43] = 0),
(A[44] = 0),
(A[45] = -1),
(A[46] = 0),
(A[47] = 0),
(A[48] = 0),
(A[49] = 1),
(A[50] = 0),
(A[51] = 0),
(A[52] = 1),
(A[53] = 0),
(A[54] = 0),
(A[55] = 1),
(A[56] = 0),
(A[57] = 0),
(A[58] = 1),
(A[59] = 0),
(A[60] = 0),
(A[61] = -1),
(A[62] = 0),
(A[63] = 0),
(A[64] = -1),
(A[65] = 0),
(A[66] = 0),
(A[67] = -1),
(A[68] = 0),
(A[69] = 0),
(A[70] = -1),
(A[71] = 0),
(c.normal = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: A,
if ( {
var l = new Float32Array(48);
(l[0] = 0),
(l[1] = 0),
(l[2] = 1),
(l[3] = 0),
(l[4] = 1),
(l[5] = 1),
(l[6] = 0),
(l[7] = 1),
(l[8] = 1),
(l[9] = 0),
(l[10] = 0),
(l[11] = 0),
(l[12] = 0),
(l[13] = 1),
(l[14] = 1),
(l[15] = 1),
(l[16] = 0),
(l[17] = 0),
(l[18] = 1),
(l[19] = 0),
(l[20] = 1),
(l[21] = 1),
(l[22] = 0),
(l[23] = 1),
(l[24] = 1),
(l[25] = 0),
(l[26] = 0),
(l[27] = 0),
(l[28] = 0),
(l[29] = 1),
(l[30] = 1),
(l[31] = 1),
(l[32] = 1),
(l[33] = 0),
(l[34] = 0),
(l[35] = 0),
(l[36] = 0),
(l[37] = 1),
(l[38] = 1),
(l[39] = 1),
(l[40] = 0),
(l[41] = 0),
(l[42] = 1),
(l[43] = 0),
(l[44] = 1),
(l[45] = 1),
(l[46] = 0),
(l[47] = 1),
( = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 2,
values: l,
if (p.tangent) {
var d = new Float32Array(72);
(d[0] = 1),
(d[1] = 0),
(d[2] = 0),
(d[3] = 1),
(d[4] = 0),
(d[5] = 0),
(d[6] = 1),
(d[7] = 0),
(d[8] = 0),
(d[9] = 1),
(d[10] = 0),
(d[11] = 0),
(d[12] = -1),
(d[13] = 0),
(d[14] = 0),
(d[15] = -1),
(d[16] = 0),
(d[17] = 0),
(d[18] = -1),
(d[19] = 0),
(d[20] = 0),
(d[21] = -1),
(d[22] = 0),
(d[23] = 0),
(d[24] = 0),
(d[25] = 1),
(d[26] = 0),
(d[27] = 0),
(d[28] = 1),
(d[29] = 0),
(d[30] = 0),
(d[31] = 1),
(d[32] = 0),
(d[33] = 0),
(d[34] = 1),
(d[35] = 0),
(d[36] = 0),
(d[37] = -1),
(d[38] = 0),
(d[39] = 0),
(d[40] = -1),
(d[41] = 0),
(d[42] = 0),
(d[43] = -1),
(d[44] = 0),
(d[45] = 0),
(d[46] = -1),
(d[47] = 0),
(d[48] = -1),
(d[49] = 0),
(d[50] = 0),
(d[51] = -1),
(d[52] = 0),
(d[53] = 0),
(d[54] = -1),
(d[55] = 0),
(d[56] = 0),
(d[57] = -1),
(d[58] = 0),
(d[59] = 0),
(d[60] = 1),
(d[61] = 0),
(d[62] = 0),
(d[63] = 1),
(d[64] = 0),
(d[65] = 0),
(d[66] = 1),
(d[67] = 0),
(d[68] = 0),
(d[69] = 1),
(d[70] = 0),
(d[71] = 0),
(c.tangent = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: d,
if (p.bitangent) {
var b = new Float32Array(72);
(b[0] = 0),
(b[1] = 1),
(b[2] = 0),
(b[3] = 0),
(b[4] = 1),
(b[5] = 0),
(b[6] = 0),
(b[7] = 1),
(b[8] = 0),
(b[9] = 0),
(b[10] = 1),
(b[11] = 0),
(b[12] = 0),
(b[13] = 1),
(b[14] = 0),
(b[15] = 0),
(b[16] = 1),
(b[17] = 0),
(b[18] = 0),
(b[19] = 1),
(b[20] = 0),
(b[21] = 0),
(b[22] = 1),
(b[23] = 0),
(b[24] = 0),
(b[25] = 0),
(b[26] = 1),
(b[27] = 0),
(b[28] = 0),
(b[29] = 1),
(b[30] = 0),
(b[31] = 0),
(b[32] = 1),
(b[33] = 0),
(b[34] = 0),
(b[35] = 1),
(b[36] = 0),
(b[37] = 0),
(b[38] = 1),
(b[39] = 0),
(b[40] = 0),
(b[41] = 1),
(b[42] = 0),
(b[43] = 0),
(b[44] = 1),
(b[45] = 0),
(b[46] = 0),
(b[47] = 1),
(b[48] = 0),
(b[49] = 0),
(b[50] = 1),
(b[51] = 0),
(b[52] = 0),
(b[53] = 1),
(b[54] = 0),
(b[55] = 0),
(b[56] = 1),
(b[57] = 0),
(b[58] = 0),
(b[59] = 1),
(b[60] = 0),
(b[61] = 0),
(b[62] = 1),
(b[63] = 0),
(b[64] = 0),
(b[65] = 1),
(b[66] = 0),
(b[67] = 0),
(b[68] = 1),
(b[69] = 0),
(b[70] = 0),
(b[71] = 1),
(c.bitangent = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: b,
((x = new Uint16Array(36))[0] = 0),
(x[1] = 1),
(x[2] = 2),
(x[3] = 0),
(x[4] = 2),
(x[5] = 3),
(x[6] = 6),
(x[7] = 5),
(x[8] = 4),
(x[9] = 7),
(x[10] = 6),
(x[11] = 4),
(x[12] = 8),
(x[13] = 9),
(x[14] = 10),
(x[15] = 8),
(x[16] = 10),
(x[17] = 11),
(x[18] = 14),
(x[19] = 13),
(x[20] = 12),
(x[21] = 15),
(x[22] = 14),
(x[23] = 12),
(x[24] = 18),
(x[25] = 17),
(x[26] = 16),
(x[27] = 19),
(x[28] = 18),
(x[29] = 16),
(x[30] = 20),
(x[31] = 21),
(x[32] = 22),
(x[33] = 20),
(x[34] = 22),
(x[35] = 23);
} else
((f = new Float64Array(24))[0] = r.x),
(f[1] = r.y),
(f[2] = r.z),
(f[3] = s.x),
(f[4] = r.y),
(f[5] = r.z),
(f[6] = s.x),
(f[7] = s.y),
(f[8] = r.z),
(f[9] = r.x),
(f[10] = s.y),
(f[11] = r.z),
(f[12] = r.x),
(f[13] = r.y),
(f[14] = s.z),
(f[15] = s.x),
(f[16] = r.y),
(f[17] = s.z),
(f[18] = s.x),
(f[19] = s.y),
(f[20] = s.z),
(f[21] = r.x),
(f[22] = s.y),
(f[23] = s.z),
(c.position = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: f,
((x = new Uint16Array(36))[0] = 4),
(x[1] = 5),
(x[2] = 6),
(x[3] = 4),
(x[4] = 6),
(x[5] = 7),
(x[6] = 1),
(x[7] = 0),
(x[8] = 3),
(x[9] = 1),
(x[10] = 3),
(x[11] = 2),
(x[12] = 1),
(x[13] = 6),
(x[14] = 5),
(x[15] = 1),
(x[16] = 2),
(x[17] = 6),
(x[18] = 2),
(x[19] = 3),
(x[20] = 7),
(x[21] = 2),
(x[22] = 7),
(x[23] = 6),
(x[24] = 3),
(x[25] = 0),
(x[26] = 4),
(x[27] = 3),
(x[28] = 4),
(x[29] = 7),
(x[30] = 0),
(x[31] = 1),
(x[32] = 5),
(x[33] = 0),
(x[34] = 5),
(x[35] = 4);
var C = n.Cartesian3.subtract(s, r, y),
v = 0.5 * n.Cartesian3.magnitude(C);
if (o.defined(t._offsetAttribute)) {
var z = f.length,
F = new Uint8Array(z / 3),
w = t._offsetAttribute === e.GeometryOffsetAttribute.NONE ? 0 : 1;
e.arrayFill(F, w),
(c.applyOffset = new m.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: i.ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
componentsPerAttribute: 1,
values: F,
return new m.Geometry({
attributes: c,
indices: x,
primitiveType: m.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingSphere: new a.BoundingSphere(n.Cartesian3.ZERO, v),
offsetAttribute: t._offsetAttribute,
(p.getUnitBox = function () {
return (
o.defined(x) ||
(x = p.createGeometry(
dimensions: new n.Cartesian3(1, 1, 1),
vertexFormat: s.VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY,
(t.BoxGeometry = p);