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], function (a, t, e, r, n, i) {
'use strict';
var s = {};
function o(a, t, e) {
var r = a + t;
return i.CesiumMath.sign(a) !== i.CesiumMath.sign(t) &&
Math.abs(r / Math.max(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(t))) < e
? 0
: r;
(s.computeDiscriminant = function (a, t, e) {
return t * t - 4 * a * e;
(s.computeRealRoots = function (a, t, e) {
var r;
if (0 === a) return 0 === t ? [] : [-e / t];
if (0 === t) {
if (0 === e) return [0, 0];
var n = Math.abs(e),
s = Math.abs(a);
if (n < s && n / s < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON14) return [0, 0];
if (n > s && s / n < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON14) return [];
if ((r = -e / a) < 0) return [];
var u = Math.sqrt(r);
return [-u, u];
if (0 === e) return (r = -t / a) < 0 ? [r, 0] : [0, r];
var C = o(t * t, -(4 * a * e), i.CesiumMath.EPSILON14);
if (C < 0) return [];
var c = -0.5 * o(t, i.CesiumMath.sign(t) * Math.sqrt(C), i.CesiumMath.EPSILON14);
return t > 0 ? [c / a, e / c] : [e / c, c / a];
var u = {};
function C(a, t, e, r) {
var n,
s = a,
o = t / 3,
u = e / 3,
C = r,
c = s * u,
l = o * C,
h = o * o,
M = u * u,
f = s * u - h,
m = s * C - o * u,
d = o * C - M,
v = 4 * f * d - m * m;
if (v < 0) {
var g, p, w;
h * l >= c * M
? ((g = s), (p = f), (w = -2 * o * f + s * m))
: ((g = C), (p = d), (w = -C * m + 2 * u * d));
var R = -(w < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.abs(g) * Math.sqrt(-v),
S = (i = -w + R) / 2,
O = S < 0 ? -Math.pow(-S, 1 / 3) : Math.pow(S, 1 / 3),
x = i === R ? -O : -p / O;
return (
(n = p <= 0 ? O + x : -w / (O * O + x * x + p)),
h * l >= c * M ? [(n - o) / s] : [-C / (n + u)]
var y = f,
P = -2 * o * f + s * m,
b = d,
N = -C * m + 2 * u * d,
q = Math.sqrt(v),
L = Math.sqrt(3) / 2,
I = Math.abs(Math.atan2(s * q, -P) / 3);
n = 2 * Math.sqrt(-y);
var E = Math.cos(I);
i = n * E;
var z = n * (-E / 2 - L * Math.sin(I)),
T = i + z > 2 * o ? i - o : z - o,
U = s,
W = T / U;
I = Math.abs(Math.atan2(C * q, -N) / 3);
var B = -C,
V =
(i = (n = 2 * Math.sqrt(-b)) * (E = Math.cos(I))) + (z = n * (-E / 2 - L * Math.sin(I))) <
2 * u
? i + u
: z + u,
Z = B / V,
D = -T * V - U * B,
A = (u * D - o * (T * B)) / (-o * D + u * (U * V));
return W <= A
? W <= Z
? A <= Z
? [W, A, Z]
: [W, Z, A]
: [Z, W, A]
: W <= Z
? [A, W, Z]
: A <= Z
? [A, Z, W]
: [Z, A, W];
(u.computeDiscriminant = function (a, t, e, r) {
var n = t * t,
i = e * e;
return 18 * a * t * e * r + n * i - 27 * (a * a) * (r * r) - 4 * (a * i * e + n * t * r);
(u.computeRealRoots = function (a, t, e, r) {
var n, i;
if (0 === a) return s.computeRealRoots(t, e, r);
if (0 === t) {
if (0 === e) {
if (0 === r) return [0, 0, 0];
var o = (i = -r / a) < 0 ? -Math.pow(-i, 1 / 3) : Math.pow(i, 1 / 3);
return [o, o, o];
return 0 === r
? 0 === (n = s.computeRealRoots(a, 0, e)).Length
? [0]
: [n[0], 0, n[1]]
: C(a, 0, e, r);
return 0 === e
? 0 === r
? (i = -t / a) < 0
? [i, 0, 0]
: [0, 0, i]
: C(a, t, 0, r)
: 0 === r
? 0 === (n = s.computeRealRoots(a, t, e)).length
? [0]
: n[1] <= 0
? [n[0], n[1], 0]
: n[0] >= 0
? [0, n[0], n[1]]
: [n[0], 0, n[1]]
: C(a, t, e, r);
var c = {};
function l(a, t, e, r) {
var n = a * a,
o = t - (3 * n) / 8,
C = e - (t * a) / 2 + (n * a) / 8,
c = r - (e * a) / 4 + (t * n) / 16 - (3 * n * n) / 256,
l = u.computeRealRoots(1, 2 * o, o * o - 4 * c, -C * C);
if (l.length > 0) {
var h = -a / 4,
M = l[l.length - 1];
if (Math.abs(M) < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON14) {
var f = s.computeRealRoots(1, o, c);
if (2 === f.length) {
var m,
d = f[0],
v = f[1];
if (d >= 0 && v >= 0) {
var g = Math.sqrt(d),
p = Math.sqrt(v);
return [h - p, h - g, h + g, h + p];
if (d >= 0 && v < 0) return [h - (m = Math.sqrt(d)), h + m];
if (d < 0 && v >= 0) return [h - (m = Math.sqrt(v)), h + m];
return [];
if (M > 0) {
var w = Math.sqrt(M),
R = (o + M - C / w) / 2,
S = (o + M + C / w) / 2,
O = s.computeRealRoots(1, w, R),
x = s.computeRealRoots(1, -w, S);
return 0 !== O.length
? ((O[0] += h),
(O[1] += h),
0 !== x.length
? ((x[0] += h),
(x[1] += h),
O[1] <= x[0]
? [O[0], O[1], x[0], x[1]]
: x[1] <= O[0]
? [x[0], x[1], O[0], O[1]]
: O[0] >= x[0] && O[1] <= x[1]
? [x[0], O[0], O[1], x[1]]
: x[0] >= O[0] && x[1] <= O[1]
? [O[0], x[0], x[1], O[1]]
: O[0] > x[0] && O[0] < x[1]
? [x[0], O[0], x[1], O[1]]
: [O[0], x[0], O[1], x[1]])
: O)
: 0 !== x.length
? ((x[0] += h), (x[1] += h), x)
: [];
return [];
function h(a, t, e, r) {
var n = a * a,
o = -2 * t,
C = e * a + t * t - 4 * r,
c = n * r - e * t * a + e * e,
l = u.computeRealRoots(1, o, C, c);
if (l.length > 0) {
var h,
g = l[0],
p = t - g,
w = p * p,
R = a / 2,
S = p / 2,
O = w - 4 * r,
x = w + 4 * Math.abs(r),
y = n - 4 * g,
P = n + 4 * Math.abs(g);
if (g < 0 || O * P < y * x) {
var b = Math.sqrt(y);
(h = b / 2), (M = 0 === b ? 0 : (a * S - e) / b);
} else {
var N = Math.sqrt(O);
(h = 0 === N ? 0 : (a * S - e) / N), (M = N / 2);
0 === R && 0 === h
? ((f = 0), (m = 0))
: i.CesiumMath.sign(R) === i.CesiumMath.sign(h)
? (m = g / (f = R + h))
: (f = g / (m = R - h)),
0 === S && 0 === M
? ((d = 0), (v = 0))
: i.CesiumMath.sign(S) === i.CesiumMath.sign(M)
? (v = r / (d = S + M))
: (d = r / (v = S - M));
var q = s.computeRealRoots(1, f, d),
L = s.computeRealRoots(1, m, v);
if (0 !== q.length)
return 0 !== L.length
? q[1] <= L[0]
? [q[0], q[1], L[0], L[1]]
: L[1] <= q[0]
? [L[0], L[1], q[0], q[1]]
: q[0] >= L[0] && q[1] <= L[1]
? [L[0], q[0], q[1], L[1]]
: L[0] >= q[0] && L[1] <= q[1]
? [q[0], L[0], L[1], q[1]]
: q[0] > L[0] && q[0] < L[1]
? [L[0], q[0], L[1], q[1]]
: [q[0], L[0], q[1], L[1]]
: q;
if (0 !== L.length) return L;
return [];
function M(a, r) {
(r = t.Cartesian3.clone(e.defaultValue(r, t.Cartesian3.ZERO))),
t.Cartesian3.equals(r, t.Cartesian3.ZERO) || t.Cartesian3.normalize(r, r),
(this.origin = t.Cartesian3.clone(e.defaultValue(a, t.Cartesian3.ZERO))),
(this.direction = r);
(c.computeDiscriminant = function (a, t, e, r, n) {
var i = a * a,
s = t * t,
o = s * t,
u = e * e,
C = u * e,
c = r * r,
l = c * r,
h = n * n;
return (
s * u * c -
4 * o * l -
4 * a * C * c +
18 * a * t * e * l -
27 * i * c * c +
256 * (i * a) * (h * n) +
n *
(18 * o * e * r -
4 * s * C +
16 * a * u * u -
80 * a * t * u * r -
6 * a * s * c +
144 * i * e * c) +
h * (144 * a * s * e - 27 * s * s - 128 * i * u - 192 * i * t * r)
(c.computeRealRoots = function (a, t, e, r, n) {
if (Math.abs(a) < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON15) return u.computeRealRoots(t, e, r, n);
var s = t / a,
o = e / a,
C = r / a,
c = n / a,
M = s < 0 ? 1 : 0;
switch (((M += o < 0 ? M + 1 : M), (M += C < 0 ? M + 1 : M), (M += c < 0 ? M + 1 : M))) {
case 0:
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
case 7:
case 9:
case 10:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
return l(s, o, C, c);
case 1:
case 2:
case 5:
case 8:
case 11:
return h(s, o, C, c);
(M.clone = function (a, r) {
if (e.defined(a))
return e.defined(r)
? ((r.origin = t.Cartesian3.clone(a.origin)),
(r.direction = t.Cartesian3.clone(a.direction)),
: new M(a.origin, a.direction);
(M.getPoint = function (a, r, n) {
return (
e.defined(n) || (n = new t.Cartesian3()),
(n = t.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(a.direction, r, n)),
t.Cartesian3.add(a.origin, n, n)
var f = {
rayPlane: function (a, r, n) {
e.defined(n) || (n = new t.Cartesian3());
var s = a.origin,
o = a.direction,
u = r.normal,
C =, o);
if (!(Math.abs(C) < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON15)) {
var c = (-r.distance -, s)) / C;
if (!(c < 0))
return (n = t.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(o, c, n)), t.Cartesian3.add(s, n, n);
m = new t.Cartesian3(),
d = new t.Cartesian3(),
v = new t.Cartesian3(),
g = new t.Cartesian3(),
p = new t.Cartesian3();
(f.rayTriangleParametric = function (a, r, n, s, o) {
o = e.defaultValue(o, !1);
var u,
M = a.origin,
f = a.direction,
w = t.Cartesian3.subtract(n, r, m),
R = t.Cartesian3.subtract(s, r, d),
S = t.Cartesian3.cross(f, R, v),
O =, S);
if (o) {
if (O < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) return;
if (((u = t.Cartesian3.subtract(M, r, g)), (c =, S)) < 0 || c > O)) return;
if (((C = t.Cartesian3.cross(u, w, p)), (l =, C)) < 0 || c + l > O))
h =, C) / O;
} else {
if (Math.abs(O) < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) return;
var x = 1 / O;
if (((u = t.Cartesian3.subtract(M, r, g)), (c =, S) * x) < 0 || c > 1))
if (((C = t.Cartesian3.cross(u, w, p)), (l =, C) * x) < 0 || c + l > 1))
h =, C) * x;
return h;
(f.rayTriangle = function (a, r, n, i, s, o) {
var u = f.rayTriangleParametric(a, r, n, i, s);
if (e.defined(u) && !(u < 0))
return (
e.defined(o) || (o = new t.Cartesian3()),
t.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(a.direction, u, o),
t.Cartesian3.add(a.origin, o, o)
var w = new M();
f.lineSegmentTriangle = function (a, r, n, i, s, o, u) {
var C = w;
t.Cartesian3.clone(a, C.origin),
t.Cartesian3.subtract(r, a, C.direction),
t.Cartesian3.normalize(C.direction, C.direction);
var c = f.rayTriangleParametric(C, n, i, s, o);
if (!(!e.defined(c) || c < 0 || c > t.Cartesian3.distance(a, r)))
return (
e.defined(u) || (u = new t.Cartesian3()),
t.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(C.direction, c, u),
t.Cartesian3.add(C.origin, u, u)
var R = { root0: 0, root1: 0 };
function S(a, r, i) {
e.defined(i) || (i = new n.Interval());
var s = a.origin,
o = a.direction,
u =,
C = r.radius * r.radius,
c = t.Cartesian3.subtract(s, u, v),
l = (function (a, t, e, r) {
var n = t * t - 4 * a * e;
if (!(n < 0)) {
if (n > 0) {
var i = 1 / (2 * a),
s = Math.sqrt(n),
o = (-t + s) * i,
u = (-t - s) * i;
return o < u ? ((r.root0 = o), (r.root1 = u)) : ((r.root0 = u), (r.root1 = o)), r;
var C = -t / (2 * a);
if (0 !== C) return (r.root0 = r.root1 = C), r;
})(, o),
2 *, c),
t.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(c) - C,
if (e.defined(l)) return (i.start = l.root0), (i.stop = l.root1), i;
f.raySphere = function (a, t, r) {
if (((r = S(a, t, r)), e.defined(r) && !(r.stop < 0)))
return (r.start = Math.max(r.start, 0)), r;
var O = new M();
f.lineSegmentSphere = function (a, r, n, i) {
var s = O;
t.Cartesian3.clone(a, s.origin);
var o = t.Cartesian3.subtract(r, a, s.direction),
u = t.Cartesian3.magnitude(o);
if (
(t.Cartesian3.normalize(o, o),
(i = S(s, n, i)),
!(!e.defined(i) || i.stop < 0 || i.start > u))
return (i.start = Math.max(i.start, 0)), (i.stop = Math.min(i.stop, u)), i;
var x = new t.Cartesian3(),
y = new t.Cartesian3();
function P(a, t, e) {
var r = a + t;
return i.CesiumMath.sign(a) !== i.CesiumMath.sign(t) &&
Math.abs(r / Math.max(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(t))) < e
? 0
: r;
f.rayEllipsoid = function (a, e) {
var r,
C = e.oneOverRadii,
c = t.Cartesian3.multiplyComponents(C, a.origin, x),
l = t.Cartesian3.multiplyComponents(C, a.direction, y),
h = t.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(c),
M =, l);
if (h > 1) {
if (M >= 0) return;
var f = M * M;
if (((r = h - 1), f < (s = (i = t.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(l)) * r))) return;
if (f > s) {
o = M * M - s;
var m = (u = -M + Math.sqrt(o)) / i,
d = r / u;
return m < d ? new n.Interval(m, d) : { start: d, stop: m };
var v = Math.sqrt(r / i);
return new n.Interval(v, v);
return h < 1
? ((r = h - 1),
(o = M * M - (s = (i = t.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(l)) * r)),
(u = -M + Math.sqrt(o)),
new n.Interval(0, u / i))
: M < 0
? ((i = t.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(l)), new n.Interval(0, -M / i))
: void 0;
var b = new t.Cartesian3(),
N = new t.Cartesian3(),
q = new t.Cartesian3(),
L = new t.Cartesian3(),
I = new t.Cartesian3(),
E = new t.Matrix3(),
z = new t.Matrix3(),
T = new t.Matrix3(),
U = new t.Matrix3(),
W = new t.Matrix3(),
B = new t.Matrix3(),
V = new t.Matrix3(),
Z = new t.Cartesian3(),
D = new t.Cartesian3(),
A = new t.Cartographic();
f.grazingAltitudeLocation = function (a, r) {
var n = a.origin,
o = a.direction;
if (!t.Cartesian3.equals(n, t.Cartesian3.ZERO)) {
var u = r.geodeticSurfaceNormal(n, b);
if (, u) >= 0) return n;
var C = e.defined(this.rayEllipsoid(a, r)),
l = r.transformPositionToScaledSpace(o, b),
h = t.Cartesian3.normalize(l, l),
M = t.Cartesian3.mostOrthogonalAxis(l, L),
f = t.Cartesian3.normalize(t.Cartesian3.cross(M, h, N), N),
m = t.Cartesian3.normalize(t.Cartesian3.cross(h, f, q), q),
d = E;
(d[0] = h.x),
(d[1] = h.y),
(d[2] = h.z),
(d[3] = f.x),
(d[4] = f.y),
(d[5] = f.z),
(d[6] = m.x),
(d[7] = m.y),
(d[8] = m.z);
var v = t.Matrix3.transpose(d, z),
g = t.Matrix3.fromScale(r.radii, T),
p = t.Matrix3.fromScale(r.oneOverRadii, U),
w = W;
(w[0] = 0),
(w[1] = -o.z),
(w[2] = o.y),
(w[3] = o.z),
(w[4] = 0),
(w[5] = -o.x),
(w[6] = -o.y),
(w[7] = o.x),
(w[8] = 0);
var R,
O = t.Matrix3.multiply(t.Matrix3.multiply(v, p, B), w, B),
x = t.Matrix3.multiply(t.Matrix3.multiply(O, g, V), d, V),
y = t.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(O, n, I),
F = (function (a, e, r, n, o) {
var u,
C = n * n,
l = o * o,
h = (a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW1] - a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW2]) * l,
M =
o *
(n * P(a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW0], a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW1], i.CesiumMath.EPSILON15) +
f = a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW0] * C + a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW2] * l + n * e.x + r,
m = l * P(a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW1], a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW2], i.CesiumMath.EPSILON15),
d = o * (n * P(a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW0], a[t.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW2]) + e.z),
v = [];
if (0 === d && 0 === m) {
if (0 === (u = s.computeRealRoots(h, M, f)).length) return v;
var g = u[0],
p = Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - g * g, 0));
if (
(v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * g, o * -p)),
v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * g, o * p)),
2 === u.length)
) {
var w = u[1],
R = Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - w * w, 0));
v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * w, o * -R)), v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * w, o * R));
return v;
var S = d * d,
O = m * m,
x = d * m,
y = h * h + O,
b = 2 * (M * h + x),
N = 2 * f * h + M * M - O + S,
q = 2 * (f * M - x),
L = f * f - S;
if (0 === y && 0 === b && 0 === N && 0 === q) return v;
var I = (u = c.computeRealRoots(y, b, N, q, L)).length;
if (0 === I) return v;
for (var E = 0; E < I; ++E) {
var z = u[E],
T = z * z,
U = Math.max(1 - T, 0),
W = Math.sqrt(U),
B =
(i.CesiumMath.sign(h) === i.CesiumMath.sign(f)
? P(h * T + f, M * z, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON12)
: i.CesiumMath.sign(f) === i.CesiumMath.sign(M * z)
? P(h * T, M * z + f, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON12)
: P(h * T + M * z, f, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON12)) *
P(m * z, d, i.CesiumMath.EPSILON15);
B < 0
? v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * z, o * W))
: B > 0
? v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * z, o * -W))
: 0 !== W
? (v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * z, o * -W)),
v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * z, o * W)),
: v.push(new t.Cartesian3(n, o * z, o * W));
return v;
})(x, t.Cartesian3.negate(y, b), 0, 0, 1),
G = F.length;
if (G > 0) {
for (
var Y = t.Cartesian3.clone(t.Cartesian3.ZERO, D), _ = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, j = 0;
j < G;
) {
R = t.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(g, t.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(d, F[j], Z), Z);
var k = t.Cartesian3.normalize(t.Cartesian3.subtract(R, n, L), L),
H =, o);
H > _ && ((_ = H), (Y = t.Cartesian3.clone(R, Y)));
var J = r.cartesianToCartographic(Y, A);
return (
(_ = i.CesiumMath.clamp(_, 0, 1)),
(S = t.Cartesian3.magnitude(t.Cartesian3.subtract(Y, n, L)) * Math.sqrt(1 - _ * _)),
(S = C ? -S : S),
(J.height = S),
r.cartographicToCartesian(J, new t.Cartesian3())
var F = new t.Cartesian3();
(f.lineSegmentPlane = function (a, r, n, s) {
e.defined(s) || (s = new t.Cartesian3());
var o = t.Cartesian3.subtract(r, a, F),
u = n.normal,
C =, o);
if (!(Math.abs(C) < i.CesiumMath.EPSILON6)) {
var c =, a),
l = -(n.distance + c) / C;
if (!(l < 0 || l > 1))
return t.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(o, l, s), t.Cartesian3.add(a, s, s), s;
(f.trianglePlaneIntersection = function (a, e, r, n) {
var i,
o = n.normal,
u = n.distance,
C =, a) + u < 0,
c =, e) + u < 0,
l =, r) + u < 0,
h = 0;
if (
((h += C ? 1 : 0),
(h += c ? 1 : 0),
(1 !== (h += l ? 1 : 0) && 2 !== h) || ((i = new t.Cartesian3()), (s = new t.Cartesian3())),
1 === h)
) {
if (C)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(a, e, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(a, r, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [0, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 3] }
if (c)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(e, r, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(e, a, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [1, 3, 4, 2, 0, 4, 2, 4, 3] }
if (l)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(r, a, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(r, e, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 4, 0, 4, 3] }
} else if (2 === h) {
if (!C)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(e, a, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(r, a, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 3, 0, 3, 4] }
if (!c)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(r, e, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(a, e, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [2, 0, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 3, 4] }
if (!l)
return (
f.lineSegmentPlane(a, r, n, i),
f.lineSegmentPlane(e, r, n, s),
{ positions: [a, e, r, i, s], indices: [0, 1, 4, 0, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4] }
(a.IntersectionTests = f),
(a.Ray = M);