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], function (e, t, r, i, n, a, o, s, u, l, h, c, f) {
'use strict';
function p() {
(this._array = []), (this._offset = 0), (this._length = 0);
Object.defineProperties(p.prototype, {
length: {
get: function () {
return this._length;
(p.prototype.enqueue = function (e) {
this._array.push(e), this._length++;
(p.prototype.dequeue = function () {
if (0 !== this._length) {
var e = this._array,
t = this._offset,
r = e[t];
return (
(e[t] = void 0),
++t > 10 && 2 * t > e.length && ((this._array = e.slice(t)), (t = 0)),
(this._offset = t),
(p.prototype.peek = function () {
if (0 !== this._length) return this._array[this._offset];
(p.prototype.contains = function (e) {
return -1 !== this._array.indexOf(e);
(p.prototype.clear = function () {
this._array.length = this._offset = this._length = 0;
(p.prototype.sort = function (e) {
this._offset > 0 && ((this._array = this._array.slice(this._offset)), (this._offset = 0)),
var d = {
computeHierarchyPackedLength: function (e) {
for (var t = 0, r = [e]; r.length > 0; ) {
var n = r.pop();
if (a.defined(n)) {
t += 2;
var o = n.positions,
s = n.holes;
if ((a.defined(o) && (t += o.length * i.Cartesian3.packedLength), a.defined(s)))
for (var u = s.length, l = 0; l < u; ++l) r.push(s[l]);
return t;
packPolygonHierarchy: function (e, t, r) {
for (var n = [e]; n.length > 0; ) {
var o = n.pop();
if (a.defined(o)) {
var s = o.positions,
u = o.holes;
if (
((t[r++] = a.defined(s) ? s.length : 0),
(t[r++] = a.defined(u) ? u.length : 0),
for (var l = s.length, h = 0; h < l; ++h, r += 3) i.Cartesian3.pack(s[h], t, r);
if (a.defined(u)) for (var c = u.length, f = 0; f < c; ++f) n.push(u[f]);
return r;
unpackPolygonHierarchy: function (e, t) {
for (
var r = e[t++], n = e[t++], a = new Array(r), o = n > 0 ? new Array(n) : void 0, s = 0;
s < r;
++s, t += i.Cartesian3.packedLength
a[s] = i.Cartesian3.unpack(e, t);
for (var u = 0; u < n; ++u)
(o[u] = d.unpackPolygonHierarchy(e, t)),
(t = o[u].startingIndex),
delete o[u].startingIndex;
return { positions: a, holes: o, startingIndex: t };
y = new i.Cartesian3();
function g(e, t, r, n) {
return (
i.Cartesian3.subtract(t, e, y),
i.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(y, r / n, y),
i.Cartesian3.add(e, y, y),
[y.x, y.y, y.z]
d.subdivideLineCount = function (e, t, r) {
var a = i.Cartesian3.distance(e, t) / r,
o = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(n.CesiumMath.log2(a)));
return Math.pow(2, o);
var v = new i.Cartographic(),
m = new i.Cartographic(),
C = new i.Cartographic(),
b = new i.Cartesian3();
(d.subdivideRhumbLineCount = function (e, t, r, i) {
var a = e.cartesianToCartographic(t, v),
s = e.cartesianToCartographic(r, m),
u = new o.EllipsoidRhumbLine(a, s, e).surfaceDistance / i,
l = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(n.CesiumMath.log2(u)));
return Math.pow(2, l);
(d.subdivideLine = function (e, t, r, n) {
var o = d.subdivideLineCount(e, t, r),
s = i.Cartesian3.distance(e, t),
u = s / o;
a.defined(n) || (n = []);
var l = n;
l.length = 3 * o;
for (var h = 0, c = 0; c < o; c++) {
var f = g(e, t, c * u, s);
(l[h++] = f[0]), (l[h++] = f[1]), (l[h++] = f[2]);
return l;
(d.subdivideRhumbLine = function (e, t, r, i, s) {
var u = e.cartesianToCartographic(t, v),
l = e.cartesianToCartographic(r, m),
h = new o.EllipsoidRhumbLine(u, l, e),
c = h.surfaceDistance / i,
f = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(n.CesiumMath.log2(c))),
p = Math.pow(2, f),
d = h.surfaceDistance / p;
a.defined(s) || (s = []);
var y = s;
y.length = 3 * p;
for (var g = 0, w = 0; w < p; w++) {
var T = h.interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(w * d, C),
I = e.cartographicToCartesian(T, b);
(y[g++] = I.x), (y[g++] = I.y), (y[g++] = I.z);
return y;
var w = new i.Cartesian3(),
T = new i.Cartesian3(),
I = new i.Cartesian3(),
x = new i.Cartesian3();
(d.scaleToGeodeticHeightExtruded = function (e, t, r, n, o) {
n = a.defaultValue(n, i.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
var s = w,
u = T,
l = I,
h = x;
if (a.defined(e) && a.defined(e.attributes) && a.defined(e.attributes.position))
for (var c = e.attributes.position.values, f = c.length / 2, p = 0; p < f; p += 3)
i.Cartesian3.fromArray(c, p, l),
n.geodeticSurfaceNormal(l, s),
(h = n.scaleToGeodeticSurface(l, h)),
(u = i.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(s, r, u)),
(u = i.Cartesian3.add(h, u, u)),
(c[p + f] = u.x),
(c[p + 1 + f] = u.y),
(c[p + 2 + f] = u.z),
o && (h = i.Cartesian3.clone(l, h)),
(u = i.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(s, t, u)),
(u = i.Cartesian3.add(h, u, u)),
(c[p] = u.x),
(c[p + 1] = u.y),
(c[p + 2] = u.z);
return e;
(d.polygonOutlinesFromHierarchy = function (e, t, n) {
var o,
l = [],
h = new p();
for (h.enqueue(e); 0 !== h.length; ) {
var c = h.dequeue(),
f = c.positions;
if (t) for (u = f.length, o = 0; o < u; o++) n.scaleToGeodeticSurface(f[o], f[o]);
if (!((f = r.arrayRemoveDuplicates(f, i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon, !0)).length < 3)) {
var d = c.holes ? c.holes.length : 0;
for (o = 0; o < d; o++) {
var y = c.holes[o],
g = y.positions;
if (t) for (u = g.length, s = 0; s < u; ++s) n.scaleToGeodeticSurface(g[s], g[s]);
if (!((g = r.arrayRemoveDuplicates(g, i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon, !0)).length < 3)) {
var v = 0;
for (a.defined(y.holes) && (v = y.holes.length), s = 0; s < v; s++)
return l;
(d.polygonsFromHierarchy = function (e, t, n, o) {
var s = [],
u = [],
l = new p();
for (l.enqueue(e); 0 !== l.length; ) {
var h,
d = l.dequeue(),
y = d.positions,
g = d.holes;
if (n) for (f = y.length, h = 0; h < f; h++) o.scaleToGeodeticSurface(y[h], y[h]);
if (!((y = r.arrayRemoveDuplicates(y, i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon, !0)).length < 3)) {
var v = t(y);
if (a.defined(v)) {
var m = [],
C = c.PolygonPipeline.computeWindingOrder2D(v);
C === c.WindingOrder.CLOCKWISE && (v.reverse(), (y = y.slice().reverse()));
var b,
w = y.slice(),
T = a.defined(g) ? g.length : 0,
I = [];
for (h = 0; h < T; h++) {
var x = g[h],
E = x.positions;
if (n) for (f = E.length, b = 0; b < f; ++b) o.scaleToGeodeticSurface(E[b], E[b]);
if (!((E = r.arrayRemoveDuplicates(E, i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon, !0)).length < 3)) {
var A = t(E);
if (a.defined(A)) {
(C = c.PolygonPipeline.computeWindingOrder2D(A)) === c.WindingOrder.CLOCKWISE &&
(A.reverse(), (E = E.slice().reverse())),
(w = w.concat(E)),
(v = v.concat(A));
var P = 0;
for (a.defined(x.holes) && (P = x.holes.length), b = 0; b < P; b++)
s.push({ outerRing: y, holes: I }), u.push({ positions: w, positions2D: v, holes: m });
return { hierarchy: s, polygons: u };
var E = new i.Cartesian2(),
A = new i.Cartesian3(),
P = new f.Quaternion(),
_ = new i.Matrix3();
(d.computeBoundingRectangle = function (e, t, r, n, o) {
for (
var s = f.Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(e, n, P),
u = i.Matrix3.fromQuaternion(s, _),
d = r.length,
y = 0;
y < d;
) {
var g = i.Cartesian3.clone(r[y], A);
i.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(u, g, g);
var v = t(g, E);
a.defined(v) &&
((l = Math.min(l, v.x)),
(h = Math.max(h, v.x)),
(c = Math.min(c, v.y)),
(p = Math.max(p, v.y)));
return (o.x = l), (o.y = c), (o.width = h - l), (o.height = p - c), o;
(d.createGeometryFromPositions = function (e, r, i, a, o, u) {
var h = c.PolygonPipeline.triangulate(r.positions2D, r.holes);
h.length < 3 && (h = [0, 1, 2]);
var f = r.positions;
if (a) {
for (var p = f.length, d = new Array(3 * p), y = 0, g = 0; g < p; g++) {
var v = f[g];
(d[y++] = v.x), (d[y++] = v.y), (d[y++] = v.z);
var m = new s.Geometry({
attributes: {
position: new s.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: d,
indices: h,
primitiveType: s.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
return o.normal ? l.GeometryPipeline.computeNormal(m) : m;
return u === t.ArcType.GEODESIC
? c.PolygonPipeline.computeSubdivision(e, f, h, i)
: u === t.ArcType.RHUMB
? c.PolygonPipeline.computeRhumbLineSubdivision(e, f, h, i)
: void 0;
var G = [],
L = new i.Cartesian3(),
M = new i.Cartesian3();
(d.computeWallGeometry = function (e, r, a, o, l) {
var c,
v = e.length,
m = 0;
if (o)
for (f = 3 * v * 2, c = new Array(2 * f), p = 0; p < v; p++)
(y = e[p]),
(g = e[(p + 1) % v]),
(c[m] = c[m + f] = y.x),
(c[++m] = c[m + f] = y.y),
(c[++m] = c[m + f] = y.z),
(c[++m] = c[m + f] = g.x),
(c[++m] = c[m + f] = g.y),
(c[++m] = c[m + f] = g.z),
else {
var C = n.CesiumMath.chordLength(a, r.maximumRadius),
b = 0;
if (l === t.ArcType.GEODESIC)
for (p = 0; p < v; p++) b += d.subdivideLineCount(e[p], e[(p + 1) % v], C);
else if (l === t.ArcType.RHUMB)
for (p = 0; p < v; p++) b += d.subdivideRhumbLineCount(r, e[p], e[(p + 1) % v], C);
for (f = 3 * (b + v), c = new Array(2 * f), p = 0; p < v; p++) {
var w;
(y = e[p]),
(g = e[(p + 1) % v]),
l === t.ArcType.GEODESIC
? (w = d.subdivideLine(y, g, C, G))
: l === t.ArcType.RHUMB && (w = d.subdivideRhumbLine(r, y, g, C, G));
for (var T = w.length, I = 0; I < T; ++I, ++m) (c[m] = w[I]), (c[m + f] = w[I]);
(c[m] = g.x),
(c[m + f] = g.x),
(c[++m] = g.y),
(c[m + f] = g.y),
(c[++m] = g.z),
(c[m + f] = g.z),
v = c.length;
var x = h.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(v / 3, v - 6 * e.length),
E = 0;
for (v /= 6, p = 0; p < v; p++) {
var A = p,
P = A + 1,
_ = A + v,
D = _ + 1;
(y = i.Cartesian3.fromArray(c, 3 * A, L)),
(g = i.Cartesian3.fromArray(c, 3 * P, M)),
i.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(y, g, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON10, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON10) ||
((x[E++] = A), (x[E++] = _), (x[E++] = P), (x[E++] = P), (x[E++] = _), (x[E++] = D));
return new s.Geometry({
attributes: new u.GeometryAttributes({
position: new s.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: c,
indices: x,
primitiveType: s.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
(e.PolygonGeometryLibrary = d);