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], function (e, t, i, a, r, o, n) {
'use strict';
function s(e, t) {
(this._ellipsoid = e),
(this._cameraPosition = new i.Cartesian3()),
(this._cameraPositionInScaledSpace = new i.Cartesian3()),
(this._distanceToLimbInScaledSpaceSquared = 0),
r.defined(t) && (this.cameraPosition = t);
Object.defineProperties(s.prototype, {
ellipsoid: {
get: function () {
return this._ellipsoid;
cameraPosition: {
get: function () {
return this._cameraPosition;
set: function (e) {
var t = this._ellipsoid.transformPositionToScaledSpace(
a = i.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(t) - 1;
i.Cartesian3.clone(e, this._cameraPosition),
(this._cameraPositionInScaledSpace = t),
(this._distanceToLimbInScaledSpaceSquared = a);
var c = new i.Cartesian3();
(s.prototype.isPointVisible = function (e) {
return S(
this._ellipsoid.transformPositionToScaledSpace(e, c),
(s.prototype.isScaledSpacePointVisible = function (e) {
return S(e, this._cameraPositionInScaledSpace, this._distanceToLimbInScaledSpaceSquared);
var d = new i.Cartesian3();
(s.prototype.isScaledSpacePointVisiblePossiblyUnderEllipsoid = function (e, t) {
var i,
o = this._ellipsoid;
return (
r.defined(t) && t < 0 && o.minimumRadius > -t
? (((a = d).x = this._cameraPosition.x / (o.radii.x + t)),
(a.y = this._cameraPosition.y / (o.radii.y + t)),
(a.z = this._cameraPosition.z / (o.radii.z + t)),
(i = a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z - 1))
: ((a = this._cameraPositionInScaledSpace), (i = this._distanceToLimbInScaledSpaceSquared)),
S(e, a, i)
(s.prototype.computeHorizonCullingPoint = function (e, t, i) {
return f(this._ellipsoid, e, t, i);
var u = i.Ellipsoid.clone(i.Ellipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE);
(s.prototype.computeHorizonCullingPointPossiblyUnderEllipsoid = function (e, t, i, a) {
return f(h(this._ellipsoid, i, u), e, t, a);
(s.prototype.computeHorizonCullingPointFromVertices = function (e, t, i, a, r) {
return x(this._ellipsoid, e, t, i, a, r);
(s.prototype.computeHorizonCullingPointFromVerticesPossiblyUnderEllipsoid = function (
) {
return x(h(this._ellipsoid, r, u), e, t, i, a, o);
var m = [];
s.prototype.computeHorizonCullingPointFromRectangle = function (e, a, r) {
var o = i.Rectangle.subsample(e, a, 0, m),
n = t.BoundingSphere.fromPoints(o);
if (!(i.Cartesian3.magnitude( < 0.1 * a.minimumRadius))
return this.computeHorizonCullingPoint(, o, r);
var l = new i.Cartesian3();
function h(e, t, a) {
if (r.defined(t) && t < 0 && e.minimumRadius > -t) {
var o = i.Cartesian3.fromElements(e.radii.x + t, e.radii.y + t, e.radii.z + t, l);
e = i.Ellipsoid.fromCartesian3(o, a);
return e;
function f(e, t, a, o) {
r.defined(o) || (o = new i.Cartesian3());
for (var n = M(e, t), s = 0, c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c) {
var u = y(e, a[c], n);
if (u < 0) return;
s = Math.max(s, u);
return v(n, s, o);
var p = new i.Cartesian3();
function x(e, t, a, o, n, s) {
r.defined(s) || (s = new i.Cartesian3()),
(o = r.defaultValue(o, 3)),
(n = r.defaultValue(n, i.Cartesian3.ZERO));
for (var c = M(e, t), d = 0, u = 0, m = a.length; u < m; u += o) {
(p.x = a[u] + n.x), (p.y = a[u + 1] + n.y), (p.z = a[u + 2] + n.z);
var l = y(e, p, c);
if (l < 0) return;
d = Math.max(d, l);
return v(c, d, s);
function S(e, t, a) {
var r = t,
o = a,
n = i.Cartesian3.subtract(e, r, c),
s =, r);
return !(o < 0 ? s > 0 : s > o && (s * s) / i.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(n) > o);
var C = new i.Cartesian3(),
g = new i.Cartesian3();
function y(e, t, a) {
var r = e.transformPositionToScaledSpace(t, C),
o = i.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(r),
n = Math.sqrt(o),
s = i.Cartesian3.divideByScalar(r, n, g);
o = Math.max(1, o);
var c = 1 / (n = Math.max(1, n));
return (
1 /
(, a) * c -
i.Cartesian3.magnitude(i.Cartesian3.cross(s, a, s)) * (Math.sqrt(o - 1) * c))
function v(e, t, a) {
if (!(t <= 0 || t === 1 / 0 || t != t)) return i.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(e, t, a);
var N = new i.Cartesian3();
function M(e, t) {
return i.Cartesian3.equals(t, i.Cartesian3.ZERO)
? t
: (e.transformPositionToScaledSpace(t, N), i.Cartesian3.normalize(N, N));
var T = {
getHeight: function (e, t, i) {
return (e - i) * t + i;
b = new i.Cartesian3();
T.getPosition = function (e, t, a, r, o) {
var n = t.cartesianToCartographic(e, b),
s = T.getHeight(n.height, a, r);
return i.Cartesian3.fromRadians(n.longitude, n.latitude, s, t, o);
var P = Object.freeze({ NONE: 0, BITS12: 1 }),
z = new i.Cartesian3(),
_ = new i.Cartesian3(),
E = new i.Cartesian2(),
H = new i.Matrix4(),
w = new i.Matrix4(),
A = Math.pow(2, 12);
function I(e, t, a, o, n, s, c, d, u, m) {
var l,
f = P.NONE;
if (r.defined(t) && r.defined(a) && r.defined(o) && r.defined(n)) {
var p = t.minimum,
x = t.maximum,
S = i.Cartesian3.subtract(x, p, _),
C = o - a;
(f = Math.max(i.Cartesian3.maximumComponent(S), C) < A - 1 ? P.BITS12 : P.NONE),
(l = i.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(n, new i.Matrix4()));
var g = i.Cartesian3.negate(p, z);
i.Matrix4.multiply(i.Matrix4.fromTranslation(g, H), l, l);
var y = z;
(y.x = 1 / S.x),
(y.y = 1 / S.y),
(y.z = 1 / S.z),
i.Matrix4.multiply(i.Matrix4.fromScale(y, H), l, l),
(h = i.Matrix4.clone(n)),
i.Matrix4.setTranslation(h, i.Cartesian3.ZERO, h),
(n = i.Matrix4.clone(n, new i.Matrix4()));
var v = i.Matrix4.fromTranslation(p, H),
N = i.Matrix4.fromScale(S, w),
M = i.Matrix4.multiply(v, N, H);
i.Matrix4.multiply(n, M, n), i.Matrix4.multiply(h, M, h);
(this.quantization = f),
(this.minimumHeight = a),
(this.maximumHeight = o),
( = i.Cartesian3.clone(e)),
(this.toScaledENU = l),
(this.fromScaledENU = n),
(this.matrix = h),
(this.hasVertexNormals = s),
(this.hasWebMercatorT = r.defaultValue(c, !1)),
(this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals = r.defaultValue(d, !1)),
(this.exaggeration = r.defaultValue(u, 1)),
(this.exaggerationRelativeHeight = r.defaultValue(m, 0)),
(this.stride = 0),
(this._offsetGeodeticSurfaceNormal = 0),
(this._offsetVertexNormal = 0),
I.prototype.encode = function (e, t, a, r, s, c, d, u) {
var m = r.x,
l = r.y;
if (this.quantization === P.BITS12) {
((a = i.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(this.toScaledENU, a, z)).x = n.CesiumMath.clamp(a.x, 0, 1)),
(a.y = n.CesiumMath.clamp(a.y, 0, 1)),
(a.z = n.CesiumMath.clamp(a.z, 0, 1));
var h = this.maximumHeight - this.minimumHeight,
f = n.CesiumMath.clamp((s - this.minimumHeight) / h, 0, 1);
i.Cartesian2.fromElements(a.x, a.y, E);
var p = o.AttributeCompression.compressTextureCoordinates(E);
i.Cartesian2.fromElements(a.z, f, E);
var x = o.AttributeCompression.compressTextureCoordinates(E);
i.Cartesian2.fromElements(m, l, E);
var S = o.AttributeCompression.compressTextureCoordinates(E);
if (((e[t++] = p), (e[t++] = x), (e[t++] = S), this.hasWebMercatorT)) {
i.Cartesian2.fromElements(d, 0, E);
var C = o.AttributeCompression.compressTextureCoordinates(E);
e[t++] = C;
} else
i.Cartesian3.subtract(a,, z),
(e[t++] = z.x),
(e[t++] = z.y),
(e[t++] = z.z),
(e[t++] = s),
(e[t++] = m),
(e[t++] = l),
this.hasWebMercatorT && (e[t++] = d);
return (
this.hasVertexNormals && (e[t++] = o.AttributeCompression.octPackFloat(c)),
this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals && ((e[t++] = u.x), (e[t++] = u.y), (e[t++] = u.z)),
var q = new i.Cartesian3(),
V = new i.Cartesian3();
(I.prototype.addGeodeticSurfaceNormals = function (e, t, i) {
if (!this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals) {
var a = this.stride,
r = e.length / a;
(this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals = !0), this._calculateStrideAndOffsets();
for (var o = this.stride, n = 0; n < r; n++) {
for (var s = 0; s < a; s++) {
var c = n * a + s;
t[n * o + s] = e[c];
var d = this.decodePosition(t, n, q),
u = i.geodeticSurfaceNormal(d, V),
m = n * o + this._offsetGeodeticSurfaceNormal;
(t[m] = u.x), (t[m + 1] = u.y), (t[m + 2] = u.z);
(I.prototype.removeGeodeticSurfaceNormals = function (e, t) {
if (this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals) {
var i = this.stride,
a = e.length / i;
(this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals = !1), this._calculateStrideAndOffsets();
for (var r = this.stride, o = 0; o < a; o++)
for (var n = 0; n < r; n++) {
var s = o * i + n;
t[o * r + n] = e[s];
(I.prototype.decodePosition = function (e, t, a) {
if (
(r.defined(a) || (a = new i.Cartesian3()),
(t *= this.stride),
this.quantization === P.BITS12)
) {
var n = o.AttributeCompression.decompressTextureCoordinates(e[t], E);
(a.x = n.x), (a.y = n.y);
var s = o.AttributeCompression.decompressTextureCoordinates(e[t + 1], E);
return (a.z = s.x), i.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(this.fromScaledENU, a, a);
return (a.x = e[t]), (a.y = e[t + 1]), (a.z = e[t + 2]), i.Cartesian3.add(a,, a);
(I.prototype.getExaggeratedPosition = function (e, t, i) {
i = this.decodePosition(e, t, i);
var a = this.exaggeration,
r = this.exaggerationRelativeHeight;
if (1 !== a && this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals) {
var o = this.decodeGeodeticSurfaceNormal(e, t, V),
n = this.decodeHeight(e, t),
s = T.getHeight(n, a, r) - n;
(i.x += o.x * s), (i.y += o.y * s), (i.z += o.z * s);
return i;
(I.prototype.decodeTextureCoordinates = function (e, t, a) {
return (
r.defined(a) || (a = new i.Cartesian2()),
(t *= this.stride),
this.quantization === P.BITS12
? o.AttributeCompression.decompressTextureCoordinates(e[t + 2], a)
: i.Cartesian2.fromElements(e[t + 4], e[t + 5], a)
(I.prototype.decodeHeight = function (e, t) {
return (
(t *= this.stride),
this.quantization === P.BITS12
? o.AttributeCompression.decompressTextureCoordinates(e[t + 1], E).y *
(this.maximumHeight - this.minimumHeight) +
: e[t + 3]
(I.prototype.decodeWebMercatorT = function (e, t) {
return (
(t *= this.stride),
this.quantization === P.BITS12
? o.AttributeCompression.decompressTextureCoordinates(e[t + 3], E).x
: e[t + 6]
(I.prototype.getOctEncodedNormal = function (e, t, a) {
var r = e[(t = t * this.stride + this._offsetVertexNormal)] / 256,
o = Math.floor(r),
n = 256 * (r - o);
return i.Cartesian2.fromElements(o, n, a);
(I.prototype.decodeGeodeticSurfaceNormal = function (e, t, i) {
return (
(t = t * this.stride + this._offsetGeodeticSurfaceNormal),
(i.x = e[t]),
(i.y = e[t + 1]),
(i.z = e[t + 2]),
(I.prototype._calculateStrideAndOffsets = function () {
var e = 0;
if (this.quantization === P.BITS12) e += 3;
else e += 6;
this.hasWebMercatorT && (e += 1),
this.hasVertexNormals && ((this._offsetVertexNormal = e), (e += 1)),
this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals && ((this._offsetGeodeticSurfaceNormal = e), (e += 3)),
(this.stride = e);
var G = { position3DAndHeight: 0, textureCoordAndEncodedNormals: 1, geodeticSurfaceNormal: 2 },
O = { compressed0: 0, compressed1: 1, geodeticSurfaceNormal: 2 };
(I.prototype.getAttributes = function (e) {
var t = n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
i = n.ComponentDatatype.getSizeInBytes(t),
a = this.stride * i,
r = 0,
o = [];
function s(n, s) {
index: n,
vertexBuffer: e,
componentDatatype: t,
componentsPerAttribute: s,
offsetInBytes: r,
strideInBytes: a,
(r += s * i);
if (this.quantization === P.NONE) {
s(G.position3DAndHeight, 4);
var c = 2;
(c += this.hasWebMercatorT ? 1 : 0),
(c += this.hasVertexNormals ? 1 : 0),
s(G.textureCoordAndEncodedNormals, c),
this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals && s(G.geodeticSurfaceNormal, 3);
} else {
var d = this.hasWebMercatorT || this.hasVertexNormals,
u = this.hasWebMercatorT && this.hasVertexNormals;
s(O.compressed0, d ? 4 : 3),
u && s(O.compressed1, 1),
this.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals && s(O.geodeticSurfaceNormal, 3);
return o;
(I.prototype.getAttributeLocations = function () {
return this.quantization === P.NONE ? G : O;
(I.clone = function (e, t) {
if (r.defined(e))
return (
r.defined(t) || (t = new I()),
(t.quantization = e.quantization),
(t.minimumHeight = e.minimumHeight),
(t.maximumHeight = e.maximumHeight),
( = i.Cartesian3.clone(,
(t.toScaledENU = i.Matrix4.clone(e.toScaledENU)),
(t.fromScaledENU = i.Matrix4.clone(e.fromScaledENU)),
(t.matrix = i.Matrix4.clone(e.matrix)),
(t.hasVertexNormals = e.hasVertexNormals),
(t.hasWebMercatorT = e.hasWebMercatorT),
(t.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals = e.hasGeodeticSurfaceNormals),
(t.exaggeration = e.exaggeration),
(t.exaggerationRelativeHeight = e.exaggerationRelativeHeight),
(e.EllipsoidalOccluder = s),
(e.TerrainEncoding = I);