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], function (e, t, n, r, a, i, o, d, s, c, f, l, u, h, b, p, y, x) {
'use strict';
function g(e) {
(this.offset = e.offset),
(this.count = e.count),
(this.color = e.color),
(this.batchIds = e.batchIds);
var v = new n.Cartesian3(),
m = n.Matrix4.packedLength + n.Cartesian3.packedLength,
C = n.Matrix4.packedLength + 2,
I = n.Matrix4.packedLength + n.Cartesian3.packedLength,
k = n.Cartesian3.packedLength + 1,
M = { modelMatrix: new n.Matrix4(), boundingVolume: new e.BoundingSphere() };
function B(e, t) {
var r = t * m,
a = n.Cartesian3.unpack(e, r, v);
r += n.Cartesian3.packedLength;
var i = n.Matrix4.unpack(e, r, M.modelMatrix);
n.Matrix4.multiplyByScale(i, a, i);
var o = M.boundingVolume;
return n.Cartesian3.clone(n.Cartesian3.ZERO,, (o.radius = Math.sqrt(3)), M;
function w(e, t) {
var r = t * C,
a = e[r++],
i = e[r++],
o = n.Cartesian3.fromElements(a, a, i, v),
d = n.Matrix4.unpack(e, r, M.modelMatrix);
n.Matrix4.multiplyByScale(d, o, d);
var s = M.boundingVolume;
return n.Cartesian3.clone(n.Cartesian3.ZERO,, (s.radius = Math.sqrt(2)), M;
function A(e, t) {
var r = t * I,
a = n.Cartesian3.unpack(e, r, v);
r += n.Cartesian3.packedLength;
var i = n.Matrix4.unpack(e, r, M.modelMatrix);
n.Matrix4.multiplyByScale(i, a, i);
var o = M.boundingVolume;
return n.Cartesian3.clone(n.Cartesian3.ZERO,, (o.radius = 1), M;
function O(e, t) {
var r = t * k,
a = e[r++],
i = n.Cartesian3.unpack(e, r, v),
o = n.Matrix4.fromTranslation(i, M.modelMatrix);
n.Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(o, a, o);
var d = M.boundingVolume;
return n.Cartesian3.clone(n.Cartesian3.ZERO,, (d.radius = 1), M;
var L = new n.Cartesian3();
function E(t, a, o, d, s) {
if (i.defined(a)) {
for (
var c = o.length,
f = d.attributes.position.values,
l = d.indices,
u = t.positions,
h = t.vertexBatchIds,
b = t.indices,
p = t.batchIds,
y = t.batchTableColors,
x = t.batchedIndices,
v = t.indexOffsets,
m = t.indexCounts,
C = t.boundingVolumes,
I = t.modelMatrix,
k =,
M = t.positionOffset,
B = t.batchIdIndex,
w = t.indexOffset,
A = t.batchedIndicesOffset,
O = 0;
O < c;
) {
var E = s(a, O),
U = E.modelMatrix;
n.Matrix4.multiply(I, U, U);
for (var G = o[O], S = f.length, T = 0; T < S; T += 3) {
var V = n.Cartesian3.unpack(f, T, L);
n.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(U, V, V),
n.Cartesian3.subtract(V, k, V),
n.Cartesian3.pack(V, u, 3 * M + T),
(h[B++] = G);
for (var F = l.length, R = 0; R < F; ++R) b[w + R] = l[R] + M;
var Z = O + A;
(x[Z] = new g({ offset: w, count: F, color: r.Color.fromRgba(y[G]), batchIds: [G] })),
(p[Z] = G),
(v[Z] = w),
(m[Z] = F),
(C[Z] = e.BoundingSphere.transform(E.boundingVolume, U)),
(M += S / 3),
(w += F);
(t.positionOffset = M),
(t.batchIdIndex = B),
(t.indexOffset = w),
(t.batchedIndicesOffset += c);
var U = new n.Cartesian3(),
G = new n.Matrix4();
function S(t, n, a) {
var i = a.length,
o =
2 +
i * e.BoundingSphere.packedLength +
1 +
(function (e) {
for (var t = e.length, n = 0, a = 0; a < t; ++a)
n += r.Color.packedLength + 3 + e[a].batchIds.length;
return n;
d = new Float64Array(o),
s = 0;
(d[s++] = t), (d[s++] = i);
for (var c = 0; c < i; ++c)
e.BoundingSphere.pack(a[c], d, s), (s += e.BoundingSphere.packedLength);
var f = n.length;
d[s++] = f;
for (var l = 0; l < f; ++l) {
var u = n[l];
r.Color.pack(u.color, d, s),
(s += r.Color.packedLength),
(d[s++] = u.offset),
(d[s++] = u.count);
var h = u.batchIds,
b = h.length;
d[s++] = b;
for (var p = 0; p < b; ++p) d[s++] = h[p];
return d;
return s(function (e, r) {
var s = i.defined(e.boxes) ? new Float32Array(e.boxes) : void 0,
c = i.defined(e.boxBatchIds) ? new Uint16Array(e.boxBatchIds) : void 0,
f = i.defined(e.cylinders) ? new Float32Array(e.cylinders) : void 0,
l = i.defined(e.cylinderBatchIds) ? new Uint16Array(e.cylinderBatchIds) : void 0,
u = i.defined(e.ellipsoids) ? new Float32Array(e.ellipsoids) : void 0,
h = i.defined(e.ellipsoidBatchIds) ? new Uint16Array(e.ellipsoidBatchIds) : void 0,
b = i.defined(e.spheres) ? new Float32Array(e.spheres) : void 0,
p = i.defined(e.sphereBatchIds) ? new Uint16Array(e.sphereBatchIds) : void 0,
y = i.defined(s) ? c.length : 0,
x = i.defined(f) ? l.length : 0,
g = i.defined(u) ? h.length : 0,
v = i.defined(b) ? p.length : 0,
m = t.BoxGeometry.getUnitBox(),
C = a.CylinderGeometry.getUnitCylinder(),
I = o.EllipsoidGeometry.getUnitEllipsoid(),
k = m.attributes.position.values,
M = C.attributes.position.values,
L = I.attributes.position.values,
T = k.length * y;
(T += M.length * x), (T += L.length * (g + v));
var V = m.indices,
F = C.indices,
R = I.indices,
Z = V.length * y;
(Z += F.length * x), (Z += R.length * (g + v));
var D = new Float32Array(T),
P = new Uint16Array(T / 3),
q = d.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(T / 3, Z),
W = y + x + g + v,
_ = new Uint16Array(W),
N = new Array(W),
Y = new Uint32Array(W),
j = new Uint32Array(W),
z = new Array(W);
!(function (e) {
var t = new Float64Array(e),
r = 0;
n.Cartesian3.unpack(t, r, U), (r += n.Cartesian3.packedLength), n.Matrix4.unpack(t, r, G);
var H = {
batchTableColors: new Uint32Array(e.batchTableColors),
positions: D,
vertexBatchIds: P,
indices: q,
batchIds: _,
batchedIndices: N,
indexOffsets: Y,
indexCounts: j,
boundingVolumes: z,
positionOffset: 0,
batchIdIndex: 0,
indexOffset: 0,
batchedIndicesOffset: 0,
modelMatrix: G,
center: U,
E(H, s, c, m, B), E(H, f, l, C, w), E(H, u, h, I, A), E(H, b, p, I, O);
var J = S(q.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, N, z);
return (
r.push(D.buffer, P.buffer, q.buffer),
r.push(_.buffer, Y.buffer, j.buffer),
positions: D.buffer,
vertexBatchIds: P.buffer,
indices: q.buffer,
indexOffsets: Y.buffer,
indexCounts: j.buffer,
batchIds: _.buffer,
packedBuffer: J.buffer,