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1467 lines
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], function (e, t, r, a, i, n, s, o, u, p, d, l) {
'use strict';
var v = new r.Cartesian3(),
y = new r.Cartesian3(),
f = new r.Cartesian3();
var m = {
calculateACMR: function (e) {
var t = (e = i.defaultValue(e, i.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).indices,
r = e.maximumIndex,
a = i.defaultValue(e.cacheSize, 24),
n = t.length;
if (!i.defined(r)) {
r = 0;
for (var s = 0, o = t[s]; s < n; ) o > r && (r = o), (o = t[++s]);
for (var u = [], p = 0; p < r + 1; p++) u[p] = 0;
for (var d = a + 1, l = 0; l < n; ++l) d - u[t[l]] > a && ((u[t[l]] = d), ++d);
return (d - a + 1) / (n / 3);
m.tipsify = function (e) {
var t,
r = (e = i.defaultValue(e, i.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)).indices,
a = e.maximumIndex,
n = i.defaultValue(e.cacheSize, 24);
function s(e, r, a, i, n, s, o) {
for (var u, p = -1, d = -1, l = 0; l < a.length; ) {
var v = a[l];
i[v].numLiveTriangles &&
((u = 0),
n - i[v].timeStamp + 2 * i[v].numLiveTriangles <= r && (u = n - i[v].timeStamp),
(u > d || -1 === d) && ((d = u), (p = v))),
return -1 === p
? (function (e, r, a, i) {
for (; r.length >= 1; ) {
var n = r[r.length - 1];
if ((r.splice(r.length - 1, 1), e[n].numLiveTriangles > 0)) return n;
for (; t < i; ) {
if (e[t].numLiveTriangles > 0) return ++t - 1;
return -1;
})(i, s, 0, o)
: p;
var o = r.length,
u = 0,
p = 0,
d = r[p],
l = o;
if (i.defined(a)) u = a + 1;
else {
for (; p < l; ) d > u && (u = d), (d = r[++p]);
if (-1 === u) return 0;
var v,
y = [];
for (v = 0; v < u; v++) y[v] = { numLiveTriangles: 0, timeStamp: 0, vertexTriangles: [] };
p = 0;
for (var f = 0; p < l; )
y[r[p + 1]].vertexTriangles.push(f),
++y[r[p + 1]].numLiveTriangles,
y[r[p + 2]].vertexTriangles.push(f),
++y[r[p + 2]].numLiveTriangles,
(p += 3);
var m = 0,
c = n + 1;
t = 1;
var C,
A = [],
T = [],
x = 0,
P = [],
w = o / 3,
S = [];
for (v = 0; v < w; v++) S[v] = !1;
for (; -1 !== m; ) {
(A = []), (g = (h = y[m]).vertexTriangles.length);
for (var I = 0; I < g; ++I)
if (!S[(f = h.vertexTriangles[I])]) {
(S[f] = !0), (p = f + f + f);
for (var O = 0; O < 3; ++O)
(b = r[p]),
(P[x] = b),
--(C = y[b]).numLiveTriangles,
c - C.timeStamp > n && ((C.timeStamp = c), ++c),
m = s(0, n, A, y, c, T, u);
return P;
var c = {};
function C(e, t, r, a, i) {
(e[t++] = r), (e[t++] = a), (e[t++] = a), (e[t++] = i), (e[t++] = i), (e[t] = r);
function h(e) {
var t = {};
for (var r in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(r) && i.defined(e[r]) && i.defined(e[r].values)) {
var a = e[r];
t[r] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: a.componentDatatype,
componentsPerAttribute: a.componentsPerAttribute,
normalize: a.normalize,
values: [],
return t;
function b(e, t, r) {
for (var a in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(a) && i.defined(t[a]) && i.defined(t[a].values))
for (var n = t[a], s = 0; s < n.componentsPerAttribute; ++s)
e[a].values.push(n.values[r * n.componentsPerAttribute + s]);
(c.toWireframe = function (e) {
var t = e.indices;
if (i.defined(t)) {
switch (e.primitiveType) {
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES:
e.indices = (function (e) {
for (
var t = e.length,
r = (t / 3) * 6,
a = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, r),
i = 0,
n = 0;
n < t;
n += 3, i += 6
C(a, i, e[n], e[n + 1], e[n + 2]);
return a;
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLE_STRIP:
e.indices = (function (e) {
var t = e.length;
if (t >= 3) {
var r = 6 * (t - 2),
a = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, r);
C(a, 0, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
for (var i = 6, n = 3; n < t; ++n, i += 6) C(a, i, e[n - 1], e[n], e[n - 2]);
return a;
return new Uint16Array();
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLE_FAN:
e.indices = (function (e) {
if (e.length > 0) {
for (
var t = e.length - 1,
r = 6 * (t - 1),
a = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, r),
i = e[0],
n = 0,
s = 1;
s < t;
++s, n += 6
C(a, n, i, e[s], e[s + 1]);
return a;
return new Uint16Array();
e.primitiveType = u.PrimitiveType.LINES;
return e;
(c.createLineSegmentsForVectors = function (e, t, r) {
(t = i.defaultValue(t, 'normal')), (r = i.defaultValue(r, 1e4));
for (
var a,
o = e.attributes.position.values,
p = e.attributes[t].values,
d = o.length,
l = new Float64Array(2 * d),
v = 0,
y = 0;
y < d;
y += 3
(l[v++] = o[y]),
(l[v++] = o[y + 1]),
(l[v++] = o[y + 2]),
(l[v++] = o[y] + p[y] * r),
(l[v++] = o[y + 1] + p[y + 1] * r),
(l[v++] = o[y + 2] + p[y + 2] * r);
var f = e.boundingSphere;
return (
i.defined(f) && (a = new s.BoundingSphere(, f.radius + r)),
new u.Geometry({
attributes: {
position: new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: l,
primitiveType: u.PrimitiveType.LINES,
boundingSphere: a,
(c.createAttributeLocations = function (e) {
var t,
r = [
a = e.attributes,
n = {},
s = 0,
o = r.length;
for (t = 0; t < o; ++t) {
var u = r[t];
i.defined(a[u]) && (n[u] = s++);
for (var p in a) a.hasOwnProperty(p) && !i.defined(n[p]) && (n[p] = s++);
return n;
(c.reorderForPreVertexCache = function (e) {
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = e.indices;
if (i.defined(r)) {
for (var a = new Int32Array(t), s = 0; s < t; s++) a[s] = -1;
for (
var o,
d = r,
l = d.length,
v = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, l),
y = 0,
f = 0,
m = 0;
y < l;
-1 !== (o = a[d[y]]) ? (v[f] = o) : ((a[(o = d[y])] = m), (v[f] = m), ++m), ++y, ++f;
e.indices = v;
var c = e.attributes;
for (var C in c)
if (c.hasOwnProperty(C) && i.defined(c[C]) && i.defined(c[C].values)) {
for (
var h = c[C],
b = h.values,
g = 0,
A = h.componentsPerAttribute,
T = n.ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray(h.componentDatatype, m * A);
g < t;
) {
var x = a[g];
if (-1 !== x) for (var P = 0; P < A; P++) T[A * x + P] = b[A * g + P];
h.values = T;
return e;
(c.reorderForPostVertexCache = function (e, t) {
var r = e.indices;
if (e.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES && i.defined(r)) {
for (var a = r.length, n = 0, s = 0; s < a; s++) r[s] > n && (n = r[s]);
e.indices = m.tipsify({ indices: r, maximumIndex: n, cacheSize: t });
return e;
(c.fitToUnsignedShortIndices = function (e) {
var t = [],
r = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e);
if (i.defined(e.indices) && r >= n.CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES) {
var a,
s = [],
o = [],
p = 0,
d = h(e.attributes),
l = e.indices,
v = l.length;
e.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES
? (a = 3)
: e.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.LINES
? (a = 2)
: e.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.POINTS && (a = 1);
for (var y = 0; y < v; y += a) {
for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f) {
var m = l[y + f],
c = s[m];
i.defined(c) || ((c = p++), (s[m] = c), b(d, e.attributes, m)), o.push(c);
p + a >= n.CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES &&
new u.Geometry({
attributes: d,
indices: o,
primitiveType: e.primitiveType,
boundingSphere: e.boundingSphere,
boundingSphereCV: e.boundingSphereCV,
(s = []),
(o = []),
(p = 0),
(d = h(e.attributes)));
0 !== o.length &&
new u.Geometry({
attributes: d,
indices: o,
primitiveType: e.primitiveType,
boundingSphere: e.boundingSphere,
boundingSphereCV: e.boundingSphereCV,
} else t.push(e);
return t;
var g = new r.Cartesian3(),
A = new r.Cartographic();
c.projectTo2D = function (e, t, a, o, p) {
for (
var d = e.attributes[t],
l = (p = i.defined(p) ? p : new s.GeographicProjection()).ellipsoid,
v = d.values,
y = new Float64Array(v.length),
f = 0,
m = 0;
m < v.length;
m += 3
) {
var c = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(v, m, g),
C = l.cartesianToCartographic(c, A),
h = p.project(C, g);
(y[f++] = h.x), (y[f++] = h.y), (y[f++] = h.z);
return (
(e.attributes[a] = d),
(e.attributes[o] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: y,
delete e.attributes[t],
var T = { high: 0, low: 0 };
c.encodeAttribute = function (e, t, r, a) {
for (
var i = e.attributes[t],
s = i.values,
p = s.length,
d = new Float32Array(p),
l = new Float32Array(p),
v = 0;
v < p;
o.EncodedCartesian3.encode(s[v], T), (d[v] = T.high), (l[v] = T.low);
var y = i.componentsPerAttribute;
return (
(e.attributes[r] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: y,
values: d,
(e.attributes[a] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: y,
values: l,
delete e.attributes[t],
var x = new r.Cartesian3();
function P(e, t) {
if (i.defined(t))
for (var a = t.values, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; s += 3)
r.Cartesian3.unpack(a, s, x),
r.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(e, x, x),
r.Cartesian3.pack(x, a, s);
function w(e, t) {
if (i.defined(t))
for (var a = t.values, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; s += 3)
r.Cartesian3.unpack(a, s, x),
r.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(e, x, x),
(x = r.Cartesian3.normalize(x, x)),
r.Cartesian3.pack(x, a, s);
var S = new r.Matrix4(),
I = new r.Matrix3();
c.transformToWorldCoordinates = function (e) {
var t = e.modelMatrix;
if (r.Matrix4.equals(t, r.Matrix4.IDENTITY)) return e;
var a = e.geometry.attributes;
P(t, a.position),
P(t, a.prevPosition),
P(t, a.nextPosition),
(i.defined(a.normal) || i.defined(a.tangent) || i.defined(a.bitangent)) &&
(r.Matrix4.inverse(t, S),
r.Matrix4.transpose(S, S),
r.Matrix4.getMatrix3(S, I),
w(I, a.normal),
w(I, a.tangent),
w(I, a.bitangent));
var n = e.geometry.boundingSphere;
return (
i.defined(n) && (e.geometry.boundingSphere = s.BoundingSphere.transform(n, t, n)),
(e.modelMatrix = r.Matrix4.clone(r.Matrix4.IDENTITY)),
var O = new r.Cartesian3();
function E(e, t) {
var a,
v = e.length;
var y,
C = i.defined(e[0][t].indices),
h = e[0][t].primitiveType,
b = (function (e, t) {
var r,
a = e.length,
s = {},
o = e[0][t].attributes;
for (r in o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(r) && i.defined(o[r]) && i.defined(o[r].values)) {
for (var p = o[r], d = p.values.length, l = !0, v = 1; v < a; ++v) {
var y = e[v][t].attributes[r];
if (
!i.defined(y) ||
p.componentDatatype !== y.componentDatatype ||
p.componentsPerAttribute !== y.componentsPerAttribute ||
p.normalize !== y.normalize
) {
l = !1;
d += y.values.length;
l &&
(s[r] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: p.componentDatatype,
componentsPerAttribute: p.componentsPerAttribute,
normalize: p.normalize,
values: n.ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray(p.componentDatatype, d),
return s;
})(e, t);
for (a in b)
if (b.hasOwnProperty(a))
for (y = b[a].values, l = 0, o = 0; o < v; ++o)
for (m = (f = e[o][t].attributes[a].values).length, d = 0; d < m; ++d) y[l++] = f[d];
if (C) {
var g = 0;
for (o = 0; o < v; ++o) g += e[o][t].indices.length;
var A = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(
new u.Geometry({ attributes: b, primitiveType: u.PrimitiveType.POINTS })
T = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(A, g),
x = 0,
P = 0;
for (o = 0; o < v; ++o) {
var w = e[o][t].indices,
S = w.length;
for (l = 0; l < S; ++l) T[x++] = P + w[l];
P += u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e[o][t]);
c = T;
var I,
E = new r.Cartesian3(),
N = 0;
for (o = 0; o < v; ++o) {
if (((I = e[o][t].boundingSphere), !i.defined(I))) {
E = void 0;
r.Cartesian3.add(, E, E);
if (i.defined(E))
for (r.Cartesian3.divideByScalar(E, v, E), o = 0; o < v; ++o) {
I = e[o][t].boundingSphere;
var L = r.Cartesian3.magnitude(r.Cartesian3.subtract(, E, O)) + I.radius;
L > N && (N = L);
return new u.Geometry({
attributes: b,
indices: c,
primitiveType: h,
boundingSphere: i.defined(E) ? new s.BoundingSphere(E, N) : void 0,
c.combineInstances = function (e) {
for (var t = [], r = [], a = e.length, n = 0; n < a; ++n) {
var s = e[n];
? t.push(s)
: i.defined(s.westHemisphereGeometry) && i.defined(s.eastHemisphereGeometry) && r.push(s);
var o = [];
return (
t.length > 0 && o.push(E(t, 'geometry')),
r.length > 0 &&
(o.push(E(r, 'westHemisphereGeometry')), o.push(E(r, 'eastHemisphereGeometry'))),
var N = new r.Cartesian3(),
L = new r.Cartesian3(),
z = new r.Cartesian3(),
D = new r.Cartesian3();
c.computeNormal = function (e) {
var t,
a = e.indices,
i = e.attributes,
s = i.position.values,
o = i.position.values.length / 3,
p = a.length,
d = new Array(o),
l = new Array(p / 3),
v = new Array(p);
for (t = 0; t < o; t++) d[t] = { indexOffset: 0, count: 0, currentCount: 0 };
var y = 0;
for (t = 0; t < p; t += 3) {
var f = a[t],
m = a[t + 1],
c = a[t + 2],
C = 3 * f,
h = 3 * m,
b = 3 * c;
(L.x = s[C]),
(L.y = s[C + 1]),
(L.z = s[C + 2]),
(z.x = s[h]),
(z.y = s[h + 1]),
(z.z = s[h + 2]),
(D.x = s[b]),
(D.y = s[b + 1]),
(D.z = s[b + 2]),
r.Cartesian3.subtract(z, L, z),
r.Cartesian3.subtract(D, L, D),
(l[y] = r.Cartesian3.cross(z, D, new r.Cartesian3())),
var g,
A = 0;
for (t = 0; t < o; t++) (d[t].indexOffset += A), (A += d[t].count);
for (y = 0, t = 0; t < p; t += 3) {
var T = (g = d[a[t]]).indexOffset + g.currentCount;
(v[T] = y),
(v[(T = (g = d[a[t + 1]]).indexOffset + g.currentCount)] = y),
(v[(T = (g = d[a[t + 2]]).indexOffset + g.currentCount)] = y),
var x = new Float32Array(3 * o);
for (t = 0; t < o; t++) {
var P = 3 * t;
if (((g = d[t]), r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.ZERO, N), g.count > 0)) {
for (y = 0; y < g.count; y++) r.Cartesian3.add(N, l[v[g.indexOffset + y]], N);
r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(r.Cartesian3.ZERO, N, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON10) &&
r.Cartesian3.clone(l[v[g.indexOffset]], N);
r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(r.Cartesian3.ZERO, N, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON10) && (N.z = 1),
r.Cartesian3.normalize(N, N),
(x[P] = N.x),
(x[P + 1] = N.y),
(x[P + 2] = N.z);
return (
(e.attributes.normal = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: x,
var M = new r.Cartesian3(),
G = new r.Cartesian3(),
R = new r.Cartesian3();
c.computeTangentAndBitangent = function (e) {
var t,
o = e.indices,
p = e.attributes.position.values,
d = e.attributes.normal.values,
l =,
v = e.attributes.position.values.length / 3,
y = o.length,
f = new Array(3 * v);
for (t = 0; t < f.length; t++) f[t] = 0;
for (t = 0; t < y; t += 3) {
var m = o[t],
c = o[t + 1],
C = o[t + 2];
(i = 3 * c), (s = 3 * C);
var h = 2 * m,
b = 2 * c,
g = 2 * C,
A = p[(a = 3 * m)],
T = p[a + 1],
x = p[a + 2],
P = l[h],
w = l[h + 1],
S = l[b + 1] - w,
I = l[g + 1] - w,
O = 1 / ((l[b] - P) * I - (l[g] - P) * S),
E = (I * (p[i] - A) - S * (p[s] - A)) * O,
N = (I * (p[i + 1] - T) - S * (p[s + 1] - T)) * O,
L = (I * (p[i + 2] - x) - S * (p[s + 2] - x)) * O;
(f[a] += E),
(f[a + 1] += N),
(f[a + 2] += L),
(f[i] += E),
(f[i + 1] += N),
(f[i + 2] += L),
(f[s] += E),
(f[s + 1] += N),
(f[s + 2] += L);
var z = new Float32Array(3 * v),
D = new Float32Array(3 * v);
for (t = 0; t < v; t++) {
(i = (a = 3 * t) + 1), (s = a + 2);
var V = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(d, a, M),
F = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(f, a, R),
B =, F);
r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(V, B, G),
r.Cartesian3.normalize(r.Cartesian3.subtract(F, G, F), F),
(z[a] = F.x),
(z[i] = F.y),
(z[s] = F.z),
r.Cartesian3.normalize(r.Cartesian3.cross(V, F, F), F),
(D[a] = F.x),
(D[i] = F.y),
(D[s] = F.z);
return (
(e.attributes.tangent = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: z,
(e.attributes.bitangent = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: D,
var V = new r.Cartesian2(),
F = new r.Cartesian3(),
B = new r.Cartesian3(),
_ = new r.Cartesian3(),
k = new r.Cartesian2();
function q(e) {
switch (e.primitiveType) {
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLE_FAN:
return (function (e) {
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, 3 * (t - 2));
(r[0] = 1), (r[1] = 0), (r[2] = 2);
for (var a = 3, i = 3; i < t; ++i) (r[a++] = i - 1), (r[a++] = 0), (r[a++] = i);
return (e.indices = r), (e.primitiveType = u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES), e;
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLE_STRIP:
return (function (e) {
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, 3 * (t - 2));
(r[0] = 0), (r[1] = 1), (r[2] = 2), t > 3 && ((r[3] = 0), (r[4] = 2), (r[5] = 3));
for (var a = 6, i = 3; i < t - 1; i += 2)
(r[a++] = i),
(r[a++] = i - 1),
(r[a++] = i + 1),
i + 2 < t && ((r[a++] = i), (r[a++] = i + 1), (r[a++] = i + 2));
return (e.indices = r), (e.primitiveType = u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES), e;
case u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES:
return (function (e) {
if (i.defined(e.indices)) return e;
for (
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, t),
a = 0;
a < t;
r[a] = a;
return (e.indices = r), e;
case u.PrimitiveType.LINE_STRIP:
return (function (e) {
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, 2 * (t - 1));
(r[0] = 0), (r[1] = 1);
for (var a = 2, i = 2; i < t; ++i) (r[a++] = i - 1), (r[a++] = i);
return (e.indices = r), (e.primitiveType = u.PrimitiveType.LINES), e;
case u.PrimitiveType.LINE_LOOP:
return (function (e) {
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, 2 * t);
(r[0] = 0), (r[1] = 1);
for (var a = 2, i = 2; i < t; ++i) (r[a++] = i - 1), (r[a++] = i);
return (
(r[a++] = t - 1),
(r[a] = 0),
(e.indices = r),
(e.primitiveType = u.PrimitiveType.LINES),
case u.PrimitiveType.LINES:
return (function (e) {
if (i.defined(e.indices)) return e;
for (
var t = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e),
r = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(t, t),
a = 0;
a < t;
r[a] = a;
return (e.indices = r), e;
return e;
function U(e, t) {
Math.abs(e.y) < n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6 &&
(e.y = t ? -n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6 : n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6);
c.compressVertices = function (e) {
var a,
o = e.attributes.extrudeDirection;
if (i.defined(o)) {
var p = o.values;
s = p.length / 3;
var d = new Float32Array(2 * s),
l = 0;
for (a = 0; a < s; ++a)
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(p, 3 * a, F),
r.Cartesian3.equals(F, r.Cartesian3.ZERO)
? (l += 2)
: ((k = t.AttributeCompression.octEncodeInRange(F, 65535, k)),
(d[l++] = k.x),
(d[l++] = k.y));
return (
(e.attributes.compressedAttributes = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 2,
values: d,
delete e.attributes.extrudeDirection,
var v = e.attributes.normal,
y =,
f = i.defined(v),
m = i.defined(y);
if (!f && !m) return e;
var c,
g = e.attributes.tangent,
A = e.attributes.bitangent,
T = i.defined(g),
x = i.defined(A);
f && (c = v.values), m && (C = y.values), T && (h = g.values), x && (b = A.values);
var P = (s = (f ? c.length : C.length) / (f ? 3 : 2)),
w = m && f ? 2 : 1;
w += T || x ? 1 : 0;
var S = new Float32Array((P *= w)),
I = 0;
for (a = 0; a < s; ++a) {
m &&
(r.Cartesian2.fromArray(C, 2 * a, V),
(S[I++] = t.AttributeCompression.compressTextureCoordinates(V)));
var O = 3 * a;
f && i.defined(h) && i.defined(b)
? (r.Cartesian3.fromArray(c, O, F),
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(h, O, B),
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(b, O, _),
t.AttributeCompression.octPack(F, B, _, V),
(S[I++] = V.x),
(S[I++] = V.y))
: (f &&
(r.Cartesian3.fromArray(c, O, F), (S[I++] = t.AttributeCompression.octEncodeFloat(F))),
T &&
(r.Cartesian3.fromArray(h, O, F), (S[I++] = t.AttributeCompression.octEncodeFloat(F))),
x &&
(r.Cartesian3.fromArray(b, O, F), (S[I++] = t.AttributeCompression.octEncodeFloat(F))));
return (
(e.attributes.compressedAttributes = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: w,
values: S,
f && delete e.attributes.normal,
m && delete,
x && delete e.attributes.bitangent,
T && delete e.attributes.tangent,
var Y = new r.Cartesian3();
function Z(e, t, a, i) {
r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(r.Cartesian3.subtract(t, e, Y), e.y / (e.y - t.y), Y),
r.Cartesian3.clone(a, i),
U(a, !0),
U(i, !1);
var H = new r.Cartesian3(),
W = new r.Cartesian3(),
X = new r.Cartesian3(),
j = new r.Cartesian3(),
J = { positions: new Array(7), indices: new Array(9) };
function K(e, t, r) {
if (!(e.x >= 0 || t.x >= 0 || r.x >= 0)) {
!(function (e, t, r) {
if (0 !== e.y && 0 !== t.y && 0 !== r.y)
return U(e, e.y < 0), U(t, t.y < 0), void U(r, r.y < 0);
var a = Math.abs(e.y),
i = Math.abs(t.y),
s = Math.abs(r.y),
o =
(a > i
? a > s
? n.CesiumMath.sign(e.y)
: n.CesiumMath.sign(r.y)
: i > s
? n.CesiumMath.sign(t.y)
: n.CesiumMath.sign(r.y)) < 0;
U(e, o), U(t, o), U(r, o);
})(e, t, r);
var a = e.y < 0,
i = t.y < 0,
s = r.y < 0,
o = 0;
(o += a ? 1 : 0), (o += i ? 1 : 0);
var u = J.indices;
1 === (o += s ? 1 : 0)
? ((u[1] = 3),
(u[2] = 4),
(u[5] = 6),
(u[7] = 6),
(u[8] = 5),
? (Z(e, t, H, X), Z(e, r, W, j), (u[0] = 0), (u[3] = 1), (u[4] = 2), (u[6] = 1))
: i
? (Z(t, r, H, X), Z(t, e, W, j), (u[0] = 1), (u[3] = 2), (u[4] = 0), (u[6] = 2))
: s && (Z(r, e, H, X), Z(r, t, W, j), (u[0] = 2), (u[3] = 0), (u[4] = 1), (u[6] = 0)))
: 2 === o &&
((u[2] = 4),
(u[4] = 4),
(u[5] = 3),
(u[7] = 5),
(u[8] = 6),
? i
? s || (Z(r, e, H, X), Z(r, t, W, j), (u[0] = 0), (u[1] = 1), (u[3] = 0), (u[6] = 2))
: (Z(t, r, H, X), Z(t, e, W, j), (u[0] = 2), (u[1] = 0), (u[3] = 2), (u[6] = 1))
: (Z(e, t, H, X), Z(e, r, W, j), (u[0] = 1), (u[1] = 2), (u[3] = 1), (u[6] = 0)));
var p = J.positions;
return (
(p[0] = e),
(p[1] = t),
(p[2] = r),
(p.length = 3),
(1 !== o && 2 !== o) || ((p[3] = H), (p[4] = W), (p[5] = X), (p[6] = j), (p.length = 7)),
function Q(e, t) {
var r = e.attributes;
if (0 !== r.position.values.length) {
for (var a in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(a) && i.defined(r[a]) && i.defined(r[a].values)) {
var o = r[a];
o.values = n.ComponentDatatype.createTypedArray(o.componentDatatype, o.values);
var d = u.Geometry.computeNumberOfVertices(e);
return (
(e.indices = p.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(d, e.indices)),
t && (e.boundingSphere = s.BoundingSphere.fromVertices(r.position.values)),
function $(e) {
var t = e.attributes,
r = {};
for (var a in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(a) && i.defined(t[a]) && i.defined(t[a].values)) {
var n = t[a];
r[a] = new u.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: n.componentDatatype,
componentsPerAttribute: n.componentsPerAttribute,
normalize: n.normalize,
values: [],
return new u.Geometry({ attributes: r, indices: [], primitiveType: e.primitiveType });
function ee(e, t, r) {
var a = i.defined(e.geometry.boundingSphere);
(t = Q(t, a)),
(r = Q(r, a)),
i.defined(r) && !i.defined(t)
? (e.geometry = r)
: !i.defined(r) && i.defined(t)
? (e.geometry = t)
: ((e.westHemisphereGeometry = t), (e.eastHemisphereGeometry = r), (e.geometry = void 0));
function te(e, t) {
var r = new e(),
a = new e(),
i = new e();
return function (n, s, o, u, p, d, l, v) {
var y = e.fromArray(p, n * t, r),
f = e.fromArray(p, s * t, a),
m = e.fromArray(p, o * t, i);
e.multiplyByScalar(y, u.x, y), e.multiplyByScalar(f, u.y, f), e.multiplyByScalar(m, u.z, m);
var c = e.add(y, f, y);
e.add(c, m, c), v && e.normalize(c, c), e.pack(c, d, l * t);
var re = te(r.Cartesian4, 4),
ae = te(r.Cartesian3, 3),
ie = te(r.Cartesian2, 2),
ne = new r.Cartesian3(),
se = new r.Cartesian3(),
oe = new r.Cartesian3(),
ue = new r.Cartesian3();
function pe(e, t, a, s, o, u, p, d, l, m, c, C, h, b, g, A) {
if (i.defined(u) || i.defined(p) || i.defined(d) || i.defined(l) || i.defined(m) || 0 !== b) {
var T = (function (e, t, a, s, o) {
var u, p, d, l, m, c, C, h;
if ((i.defined(o) || (o = new r.Cartesian3()), i.defined(t.z))) {
if (r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(e, t, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, o);
if (r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(e, a, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, o);
if (r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(e, s, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, o);
(u = r.Cartesian3.subtract(a, t, v)),
(p = r.Cartesian3.subtract(s, t, y)),
(d = r.Cartesian3.subtract(e, t, f)),
(l =, u)),
(m =, p)),
(c =, d)),
(C =, p)),
(h =, d));
} else {
if (r.Cartesian2.equalsEpsilon(e, t, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, o);
if (r.Cartesian2.equalsEpsilon(e, a, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, o);
if (r.Cartesian2.equalsEpsilon(e, s, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON14))
return r.Cartesian3.clone(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, o);
(u = r.Cartesian2.subtract(a, t, v)),
(p = r.Cartesian2.subtract(s, t, y)),
(d = r.Cartesian2.subtract(e, t, f)),
(l =, u)),
(m =, p)),
(c =, d)),
(C =, p)),
(h =, d));
(o.y = C * c - m * h), (o.z = l * h - m * c);
var b = l * C - m * m;
return 0 !== o.y && (o.y /= b), 0 !== o.z && (o.z /= b), (o.x = 1 - o.y - o.z), o;
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(o, 3 * e, ne),
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(o, 3 * t, se),
r.Cartesian3.fromArray(o, 3 * a, oe),
if ((i.defined(u) && ae(e, t, a, T, u, C.normal.values, A, !0), i.defined(m))) {
var x,
P = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(m, 3 * e, ne),
w = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(m, 3 * t, se),
S = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(m, 3 * a, oe);
r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(P, T.x, P),
r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(w, T.y, w),
r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(S, T.z, S),
r.Cartesian3.equals(P, r.Cartesian3.ZERO) &&
r.Cartesian3.equals(w, r.Cartesian3.ZERO) &&
r.Cartesian3.equals(S, r.Cartesian3.ZERO)
? (((x = ne).x = 0), (x.y = 0), (x.z = 0))
: ((x = r.Cartesian3.add(P, w, P)),
r.Cartesian3.add(x, S, x),
r.Cartesian3.normalize(x, x)),
r.Cartesian3.pack(x, C.extrudeDirection.values, 3 * A);
if (
(i.defined(c) &&
(function (e, t, r, a, i, s, o) {
var u = i[e] * a.x,
p = i[t] * a.y,
d = i[r] * a.z;
s[o] = u + p + d > n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6 ? 1 : 0;
})(e, t, a, T, c, C.applyOffset.values, A),
i.defined(p) && ae(e, t, a, T, p, C.tangent.values, A, !0),
i.defined(d) && ae(e, t, a, T, d, C.bitangent.values, A, !0),
i.defined(l) && ie(e, t, a, T, l,, A),
b > 0)
for (var I = 0; I < b; I++) {
var O = h[I];
de(e, t, a, T, A, g[O], C[O]);
function de(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
var o = n.componentsPerAttribute,
u = n.values,
p = s.values;
switch (o) {
case 4:
re(e, t, r, a, u, p, i, !1);
case 3:
ae(e, t, r, a, u, p, i, !1);
case 2:
ie(e, t, r, a, u, p, i, !1);
p[i] = u[e] * a.x + u[t] * a.y + u[r] * a.z;
function le(e, t, r, a, i, n) {
var s = e.position.values.length / 3;
if (-1 !== i) {
var o = a[i],
u = r[o];
return -1 === u
? ((r[o] = s), e.position.values.push(n.x, n.y, n.z), t.push(s), s)
: (t.push(u), u);
return e.position.values.push(n.x, n.y, n.z), t.push(s), s;
var ve = {
position: !0,
normal: !0,
bitangent: !0,
tangent: !0,
st: !0,
extrudeDirection: !0,
applyOffset: !0,
function ye(e) {
var t = e.geometry,
a = t.attributes,
n = a.position.values,
s = i.defined(a.normal) ? a.normal.values : void 0,
o = i.defined(a.bitangent) ? a.bitangent.values : void 0,
u = i.defined(a.tangent) ? a.tangent.values : void 0,
p = i.defined( ? : void 0,
d = i.defined(a.extrudeDirection) ? a.extrudeDirection.values : void 0,
l = i.defined(a.applyOffset) ? a.applyOffset.values : void 0,
v = t.indices,
y = [];
for (var f in a) a.hasOwnProperty(f) && !ve[f] && i.defined(a[f]) && y.push(f);
var m,
b = y.length,
g = $(t),
A = $(t),
T = [];
T.length = n.length / 3;
var x = [];
for (x.length = n.length / 3, h = 0; h < T.length; ++h) (T[h] = -1), (x[h] = -1);
var P = v.length;
for (h = 0; h < P; h += 3) {
var w = v[h],
S = v[h + 1],
I = v[h + 2],
O = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(n, 3 * w),
E = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(n, 3 * S),
N = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(n, 3 * I),
L = K(O, E, N);
if (i.defined(L) && L.positions.length > 3)
for (var z = L.positions, D = L.indices, M = D.length, G = 0; G < M; ++G) {
var R = D[G],
V = z[R];
V.y < 0
? ((m = A.attributes), (c = A.indices), (C = T))
: ((m = g.attributes), (c = g.indices), (C = x)),
pe(w, S, I, V, n, s, u, o, p, d, l, m, y, b, a, le(m, c, C, v, R < 3 ? h + R : -1, V));
i.defined(L) && ((O = L.positions[0]), (E = L.positions[1]), (N = L.positions[2])),
O.y < 0
? ((m = A.attributes), (c = A.indices), (C = T))
: ((m = g.attributes), (c = g.indices), (C = x)),
pe(w, S, I, O, n, s, u, o, p, d, l, m, y, b, a, le(m, c, C, v, h, O)),
pe(w, S, I, E, n, s, u, o, p, d, l, m, y, b, a, le(m, c, C, v, h + 1, E)),
pe(w, S, I, N, n, s, u, o, p, d, l, m, y, b, a, le(m, c, C, v, h + 2, N));
ee(e, A, g);
var fe = l.Plane.fromPointNormal(r.Cartesian3.ZERO, r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y),
me = new r.Cartesian3(),
ce = new r.Cartesian3();
function Ce(e, t, a, s, o, u, p) {
if (i.defined(p)) {
var d = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(s, 3 * e, ne);
r.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(d, a, n.CesiumMath.EPSILON10)
? (u.applyOffset.values[o] = p[e])
: (u.applyOffset.values[o] = p[t]);
function he(e) {
var t,
a = e.geometry,
s = a.attributes,
o = s.position.values,
u = i.defined(s.applyOffset) ? s.applyOffset.values : void 0,
p = a.indices,
l = $(a),
v = $(a),
y = p.length,
f = [];
f.length = o.length / 3;
var m = [];
for (m.length = o.length / 3, t = 0; t < f.length; ++t) (f[t] = -1), (m[t] = -1);
for (t = 0; t < y; t += 2) {
var c = p[t],
C = p[t + 1],
h = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(o, 3 * c, ne),
b = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(o, 3 * C, se);
Math.abs(h.y) < n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6 &&
(h.y < 0 ? (h.y = -n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) : (h.y = n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6)),
Math.abs(b.y) < n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6 &&
(b.y < 0 ? (b.y = -n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) : (b.y = n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6));
var g = l.attributes,
A = l.indices,
T = m,
x = v.attributes,
P = v.indices,
w = f,
S = d.IntersectionTests.lineSegmentPlane(h, b, fe, oe);
if (i.defined(S)) {
var I = r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, 5 * n.CesiumMath.EPSILON9, me);
h.y < 0 &&
(r.Cartesian3.negate(I, I),
(g = v.attributes),
(A = v.indices),
(T = f),
(x = l.attributes),
(P = l.indices),
(w = m));
var O = r.Cartesian3.add(S, I, ce);
Ce(c, C, h, o, le(g, A, T, p, t, h), g, u),
Ce(c, C, O, o, le(g, A, T, p, -1, O), g, u),
r.Cartesian3.negate(I, I),
r.Cartesian3.add(S, I, O),
Ce(c, C, O, o, le(x, P, w, p, -1, O), x, u),
Ce(c, C, b, o, le(x, P, w, p, t + 1, b), x, u);
} else {
var E, N, L;
h.y < 0
? ((E = v.attributes), (N = v.indices), (L = f))
: ((E = l.attributes), (N = l.indices), (L = m)),
Ce(c, C, h, o, le(E, N, L, p, t, h), E, u),
Ce(c, C, b, o, le(E, N, L, p, t + 1, b), E, u);
ee(e, v, l);
var be = new r.Cartesian2(),
ge = new r.Cartesian2(),
Ae = new r.Cartesian3(),
Te = new r.Cartesian3(),
xe = new r.Cartesian3(),
Pe = new r.Cartesian3(),
we = new r.Cartesian3(),
Se = new r.Cartesian3(),
Ie = new r.Cartesian4();
function Oe(e) {
for (
var t = e.attributes,
a = t.position.values,
i = t.prevPosition.values,
n = t.nextPosition.values,
s = a.length,
o = 0;
o < s;
o += 3
) {
var u = r.Cartesian3.unpack(a, o, Ae);
if (!(u.x > 0)) {
var p = r.Cartesian3.unpack(i, o, Te);
((u.y < 0 && p.y > 0) || (u.y > 0 && p.y < 0)) &&
(o - 3 > 0
? ((i[o] = a[o - 3]), (i[o + 1] = a[o - 2]), (i[o + 2] = a[o - 1]))
: r.Cartesian3.pack(u, i, o));
var d = r.Cartesian3.unpack(n, o, xe);
((u.y < 0 && d.y > 0) || (u.y > 0 && d.y < 0)) &&
(o + 3 < s
? ((n[o] = a[o + 3]), (n[o + 1] = a[o + 4]), (n[o + 2] = a[o + 5]))
: r.Cartesian3.pack(u, n, o));
var Ee = 5 * n.CesiumMath.EPSILON9,
Ne = n.CesiumMath.EPSILON6;
(c.splitLongitude = function (e) {
var t = e.geometry,
a = t.boundingSphere;
if (
i.defined(a) &&
( - a.radius > 0 ||
s.BoundingSphere.intersectPlane(a, l.Plane.ORIGIN_ZX_PLANE) !== s.Intersect.INTERSECTING)
return e;
if (t.geometryType !== u.GeometryType.NONE)
switch (t.geometryType) {
case u.GeometryType.POLYLINES:
!(function (e) {
var t,
o = e.geometry,
u = o.attributes,
p = u.position.values,
l = u.prevPosition.values,
v = u.nextPosition.values,
y = u.expandAndWidth.values,
f = i.defined( ? : void 0,
m = i.defined(u.color) ? u.color.values : void 0,
c = $(o),
C = $(o),
h = !1,
b = p.length / 3;
for (t = 0; t < b; t += 4) {
var g = t,
A = t + 2,
T = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(p, 3 * g, Ae),
x = r.Cartesian3.fromArray(p, 3 * A, Te);
if (Math.abs(T.y) < Ne)
for (
T.y = Ne * (x.y < 0 ? -1 : 1),
p[3 * t + 1] = T.y,
p[3 * (t + 1) + 1] = T.y,
a = 3 * g;
a < 3 * g + 12;
a += 3
(l[a] = p[3 * t]), (l[a + 1] = p[3 * t + 1]), (l[a + 2] = p[3 * t + 2]);
if (Math.abs(x.y) < Ne)
for (
x.y = Ne * (T.y < 0 ? -1 : 1),
p[3 * (t + 2) + 1] = x.y,
p[3 * (t + 3) + 1] = x.y,
a = 3 * g;
a < 3 * g + 12;
a += 3
(v[a] = p[3 * (t + 2)]),
(v[a + 1] = p[3 * (t + 2) + 1]),
(v[a + 2] = p[3 * (t + 2) + 2]);
var P = c.attributes,
w = c.indices,
S = C.attributes,
I = C.indices,
O = d.IntersectionTests.lineSegmentPlane(T, x, fe, Pe);
if (i.defined(O)) {
h = !0;
var E = r.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(r.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, Ee, we);
T.y < 0 &&
(r.Cartesian3.negate(E, E),
(P = C.attributes),
(w = C.indices),
(S = c.attributes),
(I = c.indices));
var N = r.Cartesian3.add(O, E, Se);
P.position.values.push(T.x, T.y, T.z, T.x, T.y, T.z),
P.position.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
P.position.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
P.prevPosition.values.push(l[3 * g], l[3 * g + 1], l[3 * g + 2]),
P.prevPosition.values.push(l[3 * g + 3], l[3 * g + 4], l[3 * g + 5]),
P.prevPosition.values.push(T.x, T.y, T.z, T.x, T.y, T.z),
P.nextPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
P.nextPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
P.nextPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
P.nextPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
r.Cartesian3.negate(E, E),
r.Cartesian3.add(O, E, N),
S.position.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.position.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.position.values.push(x.x, x.y, x.z, x.x, x.y, x.z),
S.prevPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.prevPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.prevPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.prevPosition.values.push(N.x, N.y, N.z),
S.nextPosition.values.push(x.x, x.y, x.z, x.x, x.y, x.z),
S.nextPosition.values.push(v[3 * A], v[3 * A + 1], v[3 * A + 2]),
S.nextPosition.values.push(v[3 * A + 3], v[3 * A + 4], v[3 * A + 5]);
var L = r.Cartesian2.fromArray(y, 2 * g, be),
z = Math.abs(L.y);
P.expandAndWidth.values.push(-1, z, 1, z),
P.expandAndWidth.values.push(-1, -z, 1, -z),
S.expandAndWidth.values.push(-1, z, 1, z),
S.expandAndWidth.values.push(-1, -z, 1, -z);
var D = r.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(r.Cartesian3.subtract(O, T, xe));
if (
((D /= r.Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(r.Cartesian3.subtract(x, T, xe))),
) {
var M = r.Cartesian4.fromArray(m, 4 * g, Ie),
G = r.Cartesian4.fromArray(m, 4 * A, Ie),
R = n.CesiumMath.lerp(M.x, G.x, D),
V = n.CesiumMath.lerp(M.y, G.y, D),
F = n.CesiumMath.lerp(M.z, G.z, D),
B = n.CesiumMath.lerp(M.w, G.w, D);
for (a = 4 * g; a < 4 * g + 8; ++a) P.color.values.push(m[a]);
for (
P.color.values.push(R, V, F, B),
P.color.values.push(R, V, F, B),
S.color.values.push(R, V, F, B),
S.color.values.push(R, V, F, B),
a = 4 * A;
a < 4 * A + 8;
if (i.defined(f)) {
var _ = r.Cartesian2.fromArray(f, 2 * g, be),
k = r.Cartesian2.fromArray(f, 2 * (t + 3), ge),
q = n.CesiumMath.lerp(_.x, k.x, D);
for (a = 2 * g; a < 2 * g + 4; ++a)[a]);
for (, _.y),, k.y),, _.y),, k.y),
a = 2 * A;
a < 2 * A + 4;
(s = P.position.values.length / 3 - 4),
w.push(s, s + 2, s + 1),
w.push(s + 1, s + 2, s + 3),
(s = S.position.values.length / 3 - 4),
I.push(s, s + 2, s + 1),
I.push(s + 1, s + 2, s + 3);
} else {
var U, Y;
for (
T.y < 0
? ((U = C.attributes), (Y = C.indices))
: ((U = c.attributes), (Y = c.indices)),
U.position.values.push(T.x, T.y, T.z),
U.position.values.push(T.x, T.y, T.z),
U.position.values.push(x.x, x.y, x.z),
U.position.values.push(x.x, x.y, x.z),
a = 3 * t;
a < 3 * t + 12;
U.prevPosition.values.push(l[a]), U.nextPosition.values.push(v[a]);
for (a = 2 * t; a < 2 * t + 8; ++a)
U.expandAndWidth.values.push(y[a]), i.defined(f) &&[a]);
if (i.defined(m)) for (a = 4 * t; a < 4 * t + 16; ++a) U.color.values.push(m[a]);
(s = U.position.values.length / 3 - 4),
Y.push(s, s + 2, s + 1),
Y.push(s + 1, s + 2, s + 3);
h && (Oe(C), Oe(c)), ee(e, C, c);
case u.GeometryType.TRIANGLES:
case u.GeometryType.LINES:
t.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES
? ye(e)
: t.primitiveType === u.PrimitiveType.LINES && he(e);
return e;
(e.GeometryPipeline = c);