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define(['exports', './when-229515d6', './RuntimeError-ffe03243'], function (e, t, n) {
'use strict';
function o(e) {
(e = t.defaultValue(e, t.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT)),
(this.position = t.defaultValue(e.position, !1)),
(this.normal = t.defaultValue(e.normal, !1)),
( = t.defaultValue(, !1)),
(this.bitangent = t.defaultValue(e.bitangent, !1)),
(this.tangent = t.defaultValue(e.tangent, !1)),
(this.color = t.defaultValue(e.color, !1));
(o.POSITION_ONLY = Object.freeze(new o({ position: !0 }))),
(o.POSITION_AND_NORMAL = Object.freeze(new o({ position: !0, normal: !0 }))),
(o.POSITION_NORMAL_AND_ST = Object.freeze(new o({ position: !0, normal: !0, st: !0 }))),
(o.POSITION_AND_ST = Object.freeze(new o({ position: !0, st: !0 }))),
(o.POSITION_AND_COLOR = Object.freeze(new o({ position: !0, color: !0 }))),
(o.ALL = Object.freeze(
new o({ position: !0, normal: !0, st: !0, tangent: !0, bitangent: !0 })
(o.packedLength = 6),
(o.pack = function (e, n, o) {
return (
(o = t.defaultValue(o, 0)),
(n[o++] = e.position ? 1 : 0),
(n[o++] = e.normal ? 1 : 0),
(n[o++] = ? 1 : 0),
(n[o++] = e.tangent ? 1 : 0),
(n[o++] = e.bitangent ? 1 : 0),
(n[o] = e.color ? 1 : 0),
(o.unpack = function (e, n, i) {
return (
(n = t.defaultValue(n, 0)),
t.defined(i) || (i = new o()),
(i.position = 1 === e[n++]),
(i.normal = 1 === e[n++]),
( = 1 === e[n++]),
(i.tangent = 1 === e[n++]),
(i.bitangent = 1 === e[n++]),
(i.color = 1 === e[n]),
(o.clone = function (e, n) {
if (t.defined(e))
return (
t.defined(n) || (n = new o()),
(n.position = e.position),
(n.normal = e.normal),
( =,
(n.tangent = e.tangent),
(n.bitangent = e.bitangent),
(n.color = e.color),
(e.VertexFormat = o);