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], function (a, e, r, t, n, i, o) {
'use strict';
var s = 32767,
u = new e.Cartographic(),
c = new e.Cartesian3(),
p = new e.Rectangle(),
f = new e.Ellipsoid(),
l = { min: void 0, max: void 0 };
return t(function (t, n) {
var i = new Uint16Array(t.positions);
!(function (a) {
a = new Float64Array(a);
var r = 0;
(l.min = a[r++]),
(l.max = a[r++]),
e.Rectangle.unpack(a, r, p),
(r += e.Rectangle.packedLength),
e.Ellipsoid.unpack(a, r, f);
var o = p,
m = f,
h = l.min,
d = l.max,
C = i.length / 3,
g = i.subarray(0, C),
b = i.subarray(C, 2 * C),
w = i.subarray(2 * C, 3 * C);
a.AttributeCompression.zigZagDeltaDecode(g, b, w);
for (var v = new Float64Array(i.length), k = 0; k < C; ++k) {
var y = g[k],
A = b[k],
R = w[k],
x = r.CesiumMath.lerp(o.west, o.east, y / s),
M = r.CesiumMath.lerp(o.south, o.north, A / s),
D = r.CesiumMath.lerp(h, d, R / s),
E = e.Cartographic.fromRadians(x, M, D, u),
F = m.cartographicToCartesian(E, c);
e.Cartesian3.pack(F, v, 3 * k);
return n.push(v.buffer), { positions: v.buffer };