You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
6.8 KiB

2 years ago
<import src="../common/prompt.wxml"></import>
<u-navbar :is-back="true" title="菜单" :border-bottom="false"></u-navbar>
<view class="container">
<view class="canteen-select" @tap="isShow=true">
<u-input :border="border" type="select" :select-open="selectShow" v-model="canteen" placeholder="请选择食堂" @click="selectShow = true"></u-input>
<u-select mode="single-column" :list="selectList" v-model="selectShow" @confirm="selectConfirm"></u-select>
<view class="weui-flex topbar">
<view class="middle-left-rili">
<image class="middle-left-rili-image" src="/static/ico_date.png"></image>
<view @tap="onTapTag(index)" class="weui-flex__item" v-for="(item, index) in mealTypeList" :key="index">
<view :class="index==activeIndex?'topbar-item active':'topbar-item'">{{item.dictLabel}}</view>
<view class="main_middle align-center">
<view class="middle-left">
<view @tap="onTapWeekTag(index)" :class="index == weekActiveIndex?'middle-left-item active':'middle-left-item'" v-for="(val, index) in weekStrArr" :key="weeks[index]">
<swiper class="swiper-box" :current="swiperCurrent" @animationfinish="animationfinish">
<swiper-item v-for="(v, index) in mealTypeList" :key="index">
<prompt type="Object" :prompt="{hidden:checkMenu[v.dictValue].length}" v-if="checkMenu[v.dictValue]"></prompt>
<scroll-view scroll-y style="height:100%;width: 100%;" v-if="checkMenu[v.dictValue]">
<view class="u-card-wrap">
<u-card padding="20" :title="'经营时间:'+canteenTime[v.dictValue].startTime+'~'+canteenTime[v.dictValue].stopTime" :sub-title="">
<view class="" slot="body">
<view class="u-body-item u-flex u-row-between u-p-b-0" v-for="(item,index) in checkMenu[v.dictValue]">
<image :src="item.menuImg" @click="openImg(item.menuImg)" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="u-body-item-title u-line-2">
{{item.menuName}} <text class="">¥{{item.canteenPrice}}</text>
export default {
data() {
return {
activeIndex: 0,
weekActiveIndex: 0,
swiperCurrent: 0, // swiper组件的current值表示当前那个swiper-item是活动的
selectShow: false,
canteenTime: {},
canteenObj: {},
canteens: {},
canteen: '',
canteenId: '',
canteenWeekMenu: {},
selectList: [],
mealType: '',
mealTypeList: [],
weeks: [ "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "日" ],
weekStrArr: [ "mon", "tues", "wed", "thur", "fri", "sat", "sun" ],
currentDate: '',
checkMenu: {},
onLoad() {
this.currentDate = this.$u.timeFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd');
this.canteens = uni.getStorageSync("canteens");
this.canteenObj= uni.getStorageSync('canteenObj');
for(var key in this.canteenObj){
this.mealTypeList = uni.getStorageSync("mealTypeList");
this.canteenTime = this.canteens[this.canteenId].canteenTime;
let currentTime = this.$u.timeFormat(new Date(), 'hh');
//判断当前餐类,index) => {
if(currentTime > this.canteenTime[v.dictValue].stopTime.split(" ")[0]){
this.mealType = v.dictValue
this.activeIndex = index;
methods: {
animationfinish(e) {
let current = e.detail.current;
this.swiperCurrent = current;
this.activeIndex= current;
selectConfirm(e) {
this.canteen = '';, index) => {
this.canteenId= val.value;
this.canteen += this.canteen == '' ? val.label : '-' + val.label;
openImg(url) {
getMenuObj() {
this.$u.api.getMenuWeekData({"canteenId":this.canteenId}).then(({data}) => {
this.canteenWeekMenu= data;
//判断当前日期,index) => {
if(this.currentDate == data[v].date){
this.weekActiveIndex = index;
getCheckMenu() {
this.checkMenu= this.canteenWeekMenu[this.weekStrArr[this.weekActiveIndex]];
onTapTag(index) {
this.activeIndex= index;
this.swiperCurrent = index;
this.mealType = this.mealTypeList[index].dictValue;
onTapWeekTag(index) {
this.activeIndex= 0;
this.swiperCurrent = 0;
this.weekActiveIndex =index;
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